How to connect Iphone with xamarin studio? - iphone

I need to connect Iphone with xamarin studio,I connect my phone but it will not display in debugging devices.

Before you can deploy your application to a device, you need to have an active subscription with the Apple Developer Program. Visit the Apple Developer Portal to get registered.
Apple has outlined a set of special guidelines that developers must follow in order to do everything from deploying to a device to shipping to the App Store. These steps ensure that everything you create or use during the development process, including your applications and devices, can be traced back to your Apple Developer account.
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Just because you're a Xamarin developer, doesn't mean you're not going to need to occasionally do things in Xcode.
This post should point you in the right direction:
Sounds like the option has been moved to somewhere other than the XCode Organizer in versions newer than XCode 6. It's apparently now under Window -> Devices in XCode.


Can't Connect IPhone to Xcode 5.1?

I have registered from Previously I have uploaded app also to I just upgrade my mac os & Xcode and trying to connect iPhone. iPhone is connected to system but in Xcode not showing device name
i am new to Xcode, I have small IPhone Mobile App, I am trying to connect my IPhone to Xcode 5.1 but unable to detect.
In my mac system showing/connecting IPhone. In Xcode not showing?
can any one tell me how to connect iPhone to Xcode 5.1?
thanks in advance..
I would bet that you haven't registered as a paid Apple developer on the Apple Developer Portal.
When developing apps for iOS you are required to register with Apple as an Apple developer. There are 3 options a Free Apple developer Account which doesn't really allow you to do much at all, you can't test on devices, you can't submit to the App Store. There is also the 2 paid options.
Option 1: Is the first paid option for $99 a year which will allow you to create a provisioning profile and submit to the app store Option 1 can be found here
Option 2: Is for more bigger organizations but it cost $299 and can be found here
All the options can be found here
Once you are a fully paid up Apple developer you will need to create a provisioning profile which has your device on it. Once this is all complete you should be able to developer apps for your device.
If you are a paid up developer and have the correct provisioning profile please can you update your question and I will amend my answer.
It could be because
The deployment target is higher than your iPhone version
The supported device is set to iPad

How to run an iOS Application on a real device

I had developed an iOS Application using PhoneGap Framework. It's working good and well in simulator. Now I would like to test it in real device i.e iPhone 5 with iOS 6.0. I Googled thoroughly. I have two ways: jailbreak the device (not acceptable to me) or bidding the account in Apple portal.
Is there any other way to test my device my application in real device? Is there anybody here to solve my issue?
The official way is to enter the iOS Developer Program (99$), so that you will get the possibility to create certificates and provisioning profiles required. You will also get the chance to distribute your apps through the App Store.
If you are not willing to do it, the other way is jailbreaking your device, which is basically a way to circumvent the need to use certificates for your apps. Your app would then be distributed through an alternative app store like Cydia (i.e, no Apple App Store).
A third option could be getting in touch with an iOS developer friend of yours, and ask him/her to build the app for your device, so you can install it through iTunes.
There are no other options.
You have to register for a developer certificate in Apple.Developer.Then create provisioning profiles and install it. Otherwise you cant install your app in a real device.
You can refer this link for more info

How can I test my iPad app on my actual iPad?

I am developing my first iPad app using the iOS SDK 4 and Xcode 3.2. I have written a simple Hello World and have been able to run it in the iPhone simulator. I would like to figure out:
How can I get an iPad simulator?
Is it possible to test my app on my actual iPad without signing up for a developers license for $99?
There are unoffical ways to get your app onto your device, you have to jailbreak it and install software called AppSync from cydia. This voids your warranty if Apple find out (restoring the device to it's original settings using the restore button in itunes means they can't tell, so jus trestore before you go to an Apple shop) and if they do find out it might prejudice them against you as a developer (but chances are very slim)
(I have no problem giving specific details as the US Government has said that jailbreaking is legal)
The SDK includes an iPad simulator. I don't have my Mac in front of me, but you should be able to choose which device to target when you launch the simulator. You can also switch between iPhone and iPad mode from within the simulator - check the Hardware menu.
Yes, you have to have a paid developer membership to deploy code to your device. That's the only official way.
If you have jailbroken, then install app sync from the repo. Just sync your app in iTunes without signing it. It will work easy as Pi!
This is yet another way to keep flash from getting to iPads, if you could put your own on the device without going through apple then you could also put someone else's. I think it should be allowed, but if something doesn't work on software that isn't officially released it shouldn't be supported by Apple.

How can I get a debug version of my iPhone app onto my iPhone?

I'm trying to get just ONE copy of my application on my real iPhone to test it. How can I do this without going through the appstore?
First, go to the program portal. From here, you should read through the program portal user guide and you can also launch the assistant to help you through the steps of configuring your project and workstation.
Assuming you have all your certs in order all you have to do is add the said phone to your list of development iPhones on the developer portal. Once you do that you will need to generate the provision file and assign it to the iPhone in the xcode organizer. For more information just reference the iPhone development documentation Apple provides on deploying your games onto development iPhones.

Is it possible to load a separate application into the iphone?

I am having a iphone and i have created an application using Xcode. Now i want to move this application into my iphone for my use. How can it be done?
I tried to copy my application to the iphone Applications folder using the phone view software, but i'm not able to open my application in the iphone. It shows the error
"Your cannot be open"
Is there any other way to install my application into the iphone? Please guide me regarding this.
You'll need to register as an iPhone developer to get the correct keys for signing and loading an application onto an iPhone. If you are writing an application that you plan to sell via the AppStore then this is $99 to register, if it's for internal use only then $199.
First did you use the real SDK or the simulator?
The simulator SDK only hides some OS X calls that don't exist on iPhone, but is otherwise the normal OS X SDK. So first make sure you link against the (ARM) iPhone SDK.
Then comes the licensing bit. Afaik in a non jailbroken iPhone you can only load signed apps (via the AppStore, or using a license obtained from Apple to sign your own)
Xcode will automatically install and run an application on your iphone if you use the correct project setting.
Project -> Set Active SDK -> iPhone Device 3.0
Note that you will need a provisioning key before this becomes possible.
visit to view some easy-to-understand tutorials on how to get one of these.
I assume you have signed up as an iPhone developer on that website (costs $99).