Make an eclipse project from plugins - plugins

i am making a java application using eclipse RCP.
i have build the project modules as separate plugin projects, now i want to link them using a main plugin project where i have the menu.i don't know how to add plugin projects to the main one.
Can anyone help me please, how to add them and make connecting the views possible ?


How can I use fxml in Eclipse?

I was wondering about using fxml in eclipse.
I watched a Video about JavaFX where the Creator handles the UI with a fxml File(He uses Eclipse too).
But my Eclipse doesnt recognize that I use fxml(Maybe doesnt have fxml?).
Is there any way I can add fxml to eclipse?
You can also get the e(fx)clipse plugin (which allows you to create fxmls) by opening Eclipse, clicking Help, scrolling down to the Eclipse Marketplace, and searching e(fx)clipse. Install, and then just restart Eclipse. To create a new JavaFX project, go to File->New->Project...->JavaFX->JavaFX Project, and you should be good to go (these instructions are based on using Eclipse Neon).

How to add my bnd jars dependencies to my eclipse RCP application?

I have some core plugins created in my workspace that are built with BND tools in eclipse. Now I have to reference those core plugins in my eclipse RCP application which is developed with PDE tool in eclipse. But there is no visibility to the BND generated plugins inside the RCP application. May be I can manually copy those plugins to a folder and add the folder to the target. But I want to get rid of such manual task.
Is there any easy way to add the BND generated plugins as dependencies to my RCP application?
Thanks in advance.
I didn't try with recent version of eclipse and bndtools
But you can try my experiment done 4 year ago

How do I mavenize a JSF 2.0 project in eclipse?

I have a JSF 2.0 project on my eclipse. I would like to mavenize the same preferably from Eclipse itself. I tried doing it from outside the eclipse manually. There are quite a few steps and I don't like the manual nature of that approach. Could someone help?
Make sure that you have the standard folder structure as recommended by Maven for web projects. Follow this link.
Now, install maven plugin in eclipse (am not sure if it is available by default or we have to download it manually). Simply right click on the project, select Configure and Convert to Maven Project. This should automatically do all that steps to takes to mavenize your current project. This will create a pom.xml file and you can modify it going forward as per your requirements. By the way, I use Eclipse Juno.

how to convert an existing gwt application in eclipse to maven project

is there any reference website or tutorial? I see some website for migrate java project to maven project, some website for new gwt application using maven, but no website for migrate existing gwt application in eclipse project to maven project.
Try this.
Right click on the project.
Focus on Configure in menu.
Select option Convert to Maven Project.
And if that doesn't work for you. I suggest you to create new maven project and then move all your code there step by step.
Hope this helps you.

Building the project without launching eclipse product

I need help on building the project without launching eclipse product. I'm building a eclipse plugin for couple of mainframes. The project that i'm creating is not of Java project and it has has different project nature ( we have customized it for the mainframe ). now i need to build this project without launching the eclipse product. I went through the help and tutorials of Buckminster, but in vain. did not get anything in concrete to implement ( I admit that i did not understand anything there).
Appreciate anyone guiding me how to accomplish building the project.
Have a look a "headless" Eclipse builds. That is, you have access to Eclipse facilities without running the UI. See this article