How to correctly use Akka's Event Stream? - scala

I've been using Akka's event stream in a Play app as an event bus where I can publish events and subscribe listeners and I wanted to know what are the gotchas I should take into account. Specifically there are two things:
Each Listener is implemented via an actor which receives the published events and processes them. What if the actor's message queue starts to get big? How can I implement back-pressure safely, guaranteeing that each event is eventually processed?
Related to the previous one: how can I persist the unprocessed events so, in the case of a failure the application can start again and process them? I'm aware of the existence of akka-persistence but I'm not sure if that would be the right thing to do in this case: the Listener actors aren't stateful, they don't need to replay past events, I only want to store unprocessed events and delete them once they have been processed.

Considering constraints I would not use Akka's event bus for this purpose.
Main reasons are:
Delivery - You have no guarantees that event listeners are in fact listening (no ACK). It's possible to lose some events on the way.
Persistance - There is no built in way of preserving event bus state.
Scaling - Akka's event bus is a local facility, meaning it's not suitable if in future you would like to create a cluster.
Easiest way to deal with that would be to use message queue such as RabbitMQ.
While back I was using sstone/amqp-client. MQ can provide you with persistent queues (queue for each listener/listener type).


Pub/Sub and consumer aware publishing. Stop producing when nobody is subscribed

I'm trying to find a messaging system that supports the following use case.
Producer registers topic namespace
client subscribes to topic
first client triggers notification on producer to start producing
new client with subscription to the same topic receives data (potentially conflated, similar to hot/cold observables in RX world)
When the last client goes away, unsubscribe or crash, notify the producer to stop producing to said topic
I am aware that according to the pub/sub pattern A producer is defined to be blissfully unaware of the existence of consumers, meaning that my use-case simply does not fit the pub/sub paradigm.
So far I have looked into Kafka, Redis, and Amazon SQS, but without much success. I've been thinking about a few possible ways to solve this, Haven't however found anything that would satisfy my needs yet.
One option that springs to mind, for bullet 2) is to model a request/reply pattern as amongs others detailed on the NATS page to have the producer listen to clients. A client would then publish a 'subscribe' message into the system that the producer would pick up on a wildcard subscription. This however leaves one big problem, which is unsubscribing. Assuming the consumer stops as it should, publishing an unsubscribe message just like the subscribe would work. But in the case of a crash or similar this won't work.
I'd be grateful for any ideas, references or architectural patterns/best practices that satisfy the above.
I've been doing quite a bit of research over the past week but haven't come across any satisfying Q&A or articles. Either I'm approaching it entirely wrong, or there just doesn't seem to be much out there which would surprise me as to me, this appears to be a fairly common scenario that applies to many domains.
thanks in advance
An actual simple use-case that I have at hand is stock quote distribution.
Quotes come from external source
subscribe to stock A quotes from external system when the first end-user looks at stock A
Stop receiving quotes for stock A from external system when no more end-users look at said stock
RabbitMQ has internal events you can use with the Event Exchange Plugin. Event such as consumer.created or consumer.deleted could be use to trigger some actions at your server level: for example, checking the remaining number of consumers using RabbitMQ Management API and takes action such as closing a topic, based on your use cases.
I don't have any messaging consumer present based publishing in mind. Got ever worst because you'll need kind of heartbeat mechanism to handle consumer crashes.
So here are my two cents, not sue if you're looking for an out of the box solution, but if not, you could wrap your application around a zookeeper cluster to handle all your use cases.
Simply use watchers on ephemeral nodes to check when you have no more consumers ( including crashes) and put some watcher around a 'consumers' path to be advertised when you get consumers.
Consumers side, you would have to register your zk node ID whenever you start it.
It's not so complicated to do, and zk is not the only solution for this, you might use other consensus techs as well.
A start for zookeeper :
( strongly advise to use curator api, which handle lot of recipes in a smooth way)
Unfortunately you haven't specified your use business use case that you try to solve with such requirements. From the sound of it you want not the pub/sub system, but an orchestration one.
I would recommend checking out the Cadence Workflow that is capable of supporting your listed requirements and many more orchestration use cases.
Here is a strawman design that satisfies your requirements:
Any new subscriber sends an event to a workflow with a TopicName as a workflowID to subscribe. If workflow with given ID doesn't exist it is automatically started.
Any subscribe sends another signal to unsubscribe.
When no subscribers are left workflow exits.
Publisher sends an event to the workflow to deliver to subscribers.
Workflow delivers the event to the subscribers using an activity.
If workflow with given TopicName doesn't run the publish event to it is going to fail.
Cadence offers a lot of other advantages over using queues for task processing.
Built it exponential retries with unlimited expiration interval
Failure handling. For example it allows to execute a task that notifies another service if both updates couldn't succeed during a configured interval.
Support for long running heartbeating operations
Ability to implement complex task dependencies. For example to implement chaining of calls or compensation logic in case of unrecoverble failures (SAGA)
Gives complete visibility into current state of the update. For example when using queues all you know if there are some messages in a queue and you need additional DB to track the overall progress. With Cadence every event is recorded.
Ability to cancel an update in flight.
Distributed CRON support
See the presentation that goes over Cadence programming model.

Are messages in the mailbox from Reliable Actors stateful?

The state of Reliable Actors including reminders are restored whenever a primary node fails. I could however not find any information regarding messages in the mailbox. What happens with these messages, are they lost or does the actor restore these messages?
The only information I could find is the following:
Because the actor service itself is a reliable service, all the
application model, lifecycle, packaging, deployment, upgrade, and
scaling concepts of Reliable Services apply the same way to actor
I'm not sure if the above quote includes messages from a mailbox from an actor.
SF Reliable Actors does not use the same mailbox messaging approach like Akka.
Akka uses the TELL approach where the messages are sent to the actor and stored in a mailbox for processing, once the processing is complete the actor send a message to the caller with an answer.
SF uses the ASK approach, where the caller keep waiting for the answer, so there is no mailbox, the processing will happens according to the locking order taken from the actor, if the actor service fails, the calls and locks will be dropped.
Because the calls and retries to the actors are managed by the caller, using the ActorProxy, it will resend the call, and it will get to a new service instance\replica, consequently getting a new priority order than before.

Event Replay using TrackingEventProcessor - Axon 3

I'm following the axon-springboot example shared by Allard (
My understanding so far is: (please correct me if I have misunderstood some of the concepts)
Events are raised and stored in the event store/event bus (Mysql) (using EmbeddedEventStore). Now, event processors (TrackingProcessors - in my case) will pull events from the source (MySql - right?) and event handlers will execute the business logic and update the query storage and message published to RabbitMQ.
First question is where, when and who publishes this message to the RabbitMQ (used by statistics application which has the message listener configured.)
I have configured the TrackingProcessor to try the replay functionality. To execute the replay I stop my processor, delete the token entry for the processor, start the processor and events are replayed and my Query Storage is up-to-date as expected.
Second question is, when the replay is triggered and Query Storage is updated, I don't see any messages being published to the my statistics application is out of sync. Am I doing something wrong?
Can you please advise?
First of all, a correction: it is not the Tracking Processor or the updater of the view model that sends the messages to RabbitMQ. The Events are forwarded to Rabbit as they are published to the Event Bus.
The answer to your first question: messages are published by the SpringAmqpPublisher, which connects directly to the Event Bus, and forwards any published message to RabbitMQ as they are published.
To answer your second question, let's clarify how replays work, first. While it's called a "replay", essentially it's more a "reset". The Tracking Processor uses a TrackingToken to remember its progress of processing the Event Store. When the token is deleted (or just not yet available), the Tracking Processor starts processing from the beginning of the Event Store.
You never reply an entire application, just a single (Tracking) Processor. Just imagine: you re-publish all messages to RabbitMQ again, other components are triggered again, unaware of the fact that these are "old" messages, and user-confirmation emails are sent again, orders placed again, etc. etc.
If your Statistics are out of date, it's because they aren't part of the same processor and aren't rebuilt together with the other element. RabbitMQ doesn't support "replaying", since it doesn't remember the messages after delivering them.
Any model that you want to be able to rebuild, should be managed by a Tracking Processor.
Check out the Axon Reference guide for more information:

How should Event Sourcing event handlers be hosted to construct a read model?

There are various example applications and frameworks that implement a CQRS + Event Sourcing architecture and most describe use of an event handler to create a denormalized view from domain events stored in an event store.
One example of hosting this architecture is as a web api that accepts commands to the write side and supports querying the denormalized views. This web api is likely scaled out to many machines in a load balanced farm.
My question is where are the read model event handlers hosted?
Possible scenarios:
Hosted in a single windows service on a separate host.
If so, wouldn't that create a single point of failure? This probably complicates deployment too but it does guarantee a single thread of execution. Downside is that the read model could exhibit increased latency.
Hosted as part of the web api itself.
If I'm using EventStore, for example, for the event storage and event subscription handling, will multiple handlers (one in each web farm process) be fired for each single event and thereby cause contention in the handlers as they try to read/write to their read store? Or are we guaranteed for a given aggregate instance all its events will be processed one at a time in event version order?
I'm leaning towards scenario 2 as it simplifies deployment and also supports process managers that need to also listen to events. Same situation though as only one event handler should be handling a single event.
Can EventStore handle this scenario? How are others handling processing of events in eventually consistent architectures?
To clarify, I'm talking about the process of extracting event data into the denormalized tables rather than the reading of those tables for the "Q" in CQRS.
I guess what I'm looking for are options for how we "should" implement and deploy the event processing for read models/sagas/etc that can support redundancy and scale, assuming of course the processing of events is handled in an idempotent way.
I've read of two possible solutions for processing data saved as events in an event store but I don't understand which one should be used over another.
Event bus
An event bus/queue is used to publish messages after an event is saved, usually by the repository implementation. Interested parties (subscribers), such as read models, or sagas/process managers, use the bus/queue "in some way" to process it in an idempotent way.
If the queue is pub/sub this implies that each downstream dependency (read model, sagas, etc) can only support one process each to subscribe to the queue. More than one process would mean each processing the same event and then competing to make the changes downstream. Idempotent handling should take care of consistency/concurrency issues.
If the queue is competing consumer we at least have the possibility of hosting subscribers in each web farm node for redundancy. Though this requires a queue for each downstream dependency; one for sagas/process managers, one for each read model, etc, and so the repository would have to publish to each for eventual consistency.
A subscription/feed where interested parties (subscriber) read an event stream on demand and get events from a known checkpoint for processing into a read model.
This looks great for recreating read models if necessary. However, as per the usual pub/sub pattern, it would seem only one subscriber process per downstream dependency should be used. If we register multiple subscribers for the same event stream, one in each web farm node for example, they will all attempt to process and update the same respective read model.
In our project we use subscription-based projections. The reasons for this are:
Committing to the write-side must be transactional and if you use two pieces of infrastructure (event store and message bus), you have to start using DTC or otherwise you risk your events to be saved to the store but not published to the bus, or the other way around, depending on your implementation. DTC and two-phase commits are nasty things and you do not want to go this way
Events are usually published in the message bus anyway (we do it via subscriptions too) for event-driven communication between different bounded contexts. If you use message subscribers to update your read model, when you decide to rebuilt the read model, your other subscribers will get these messages too and this will bring the system to invalid state. I think you have thought about this already when saying you must only have one subscriber for each published message type.
Message bus consumers have no guarantee on message order and this can bring your read model to mess.
Message consumers usually handle retries by sending the message back to the queue, and usually by the end of the queue, for retrying. This means that your events can become heavily out of order. In addition, usually after some number of retries, message consumer gives up on the poison message and puts it to some DLQ. If this would be your projection, this will mean that one update will be ignored whilst others will be processed. This means that your read model will be in inconsistent (invalid) state.
Considering these reasons, we have single-threaded subscription-based projections that can do whatever. You can do different type of projections with own checkpoints, subscribing to the event store using catch-up subscriptions. We host them in the same process as many other things for the sake of simplicity but this process only runs on one machine. Should we want to scale-out this process, we will have to take the subscriptions/projections out. It can easily be done since this part has virtually no dependencies to other modules, except the read model DTOs itself, which can be shared as an assembly anyway.
By using subscriptions you always project events that have been already committed. If something goes wrong with the projections, the write side is definitely the source of truth and remains so, you just need to fix the projection and run it again.
We have two separate ones - one for projecting to the read model and another one for publishing events to the message bus. This construct has proven to work very well.
Specifically for EventStore, they now have competing consumers, which are server based subscriptions where many clients can subscribe to the subscription group but only one client gets the message.
It sounds like that is what you are after, each node in the farm can subscribe to the subscription group and the node that receives the message does the projection

How to recover messages in Akka Actors now that Durable Mailboxes are removed?

I was working with the latest version of Akka when I noticed that durable mailboxes are now removed from Akka.
I need to make sure that my messages are recovered upon a restart after crash. Is there an alternate way to work without durable mailboxes or a custom implementation by someone else.
I also tried Akka Persistence but it replays the messages and I don't want to send the same messages twice in the event of a crash given that all messages are expensive to perform.
While this is not exactly a solution to work with Akka Actors, it does solve the original problem in question here.
Instead of using Akka here, I believe it's a better idea to use something like Kafka along with reactive streams with something like akka/reactive-kafka.
A system like that is very good for persistence, and offers very good semantics for preserving the message queue on a crash. This is way better than storing the message somewhere that is to be processed, and in general performs better.
It does not have to be Kafka, but any backend that can plug with a reactive stream (Akka's implementation or otherwise).
Akka Persistence replays events that were created based on received commands. Events are generated from command messages after validation and shouldn't be able to create invalid actor states.
This means that not the initial received messages (commands) are necesarilly replayed but you can persist events that are cheaper to apply to reconstruct the state of an actor after the crash. In addition you can use snapshots to recover state directly.
As mentioned i the comments it is true that only the state of the actor is persisted and survives the crash. This state only reflects the consumed messages and not those that still reside in the actors mailbox.
However instead of pushing messages to an actor which would then be stored in a durable mailbox an alternative might be for the 'recipient' to pull messages from a persistent actor which stores the list of messages as part of his state.
UntypedPersistentActorWithAtLeastOnceDelivery as part of akka persistence offers another possibility where the sender takes care of persisting messages.
I realize that those are no drop-in replacements for durable mailboxes as they require rethinking the system. Pulling work from the consumers has worked for me so far. Initially we also considered message Queue products (RabbitMQ with durable queues) but since our initial work items come from a db we can deal with an akka crash without durable messages.