error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: void __cdecl: Declared in that particular headers in class - visual-c++-2008

In my code i did unicode charecter set in visual studio 2008,When ever compiled the code link error in above mentioned.But if i have change charecter set is multibyte charecter set code is getting compiled .


No TM Grammar registered for this language

What causes the error "No TM Grammar registered for this language" when creating / debugging your own custom syntax in VS Code?
For me it was that the property of package.json needs to match the name property in the tmLanguage.json file. Also, the contributes.grammars.scopeName of package.json needs to match the scopeName of the tmLanguage.json file.
Validate your tmlanguage.json file.
Invalid json files are not loaded and registered.

Unity using “−” (U+2212) as negative sign in generated C++

When I try to build my project (I have tried building for Android and Universal Windows Platform), building fails due to a MINUS SIGN (U+2212) character being used in the generated C++ as a negative sign. I am in Unity 2020.2/Android 11 SDK/GPGS 10; I built successfully with Unity 2019/Android 10 SDK/GPGS 9.
I have searched for “−” (and “2212” for good measure) in all asset, cs, meta, prefab, txt, unity, and xml files in the project and found nothing (other than a coincidental file ID 616832212, sprite ID 9561e3c67a82d7f448852212eb8fac6b, and binary files that technically match). I also tried having Unity reinstall packages and rebuild Library; no luck.
For a UWP build, I opened [build output directory]\Il2CppOutputProject\Source\il2cppOutput\Generic8.cpp and confirmed the “−” character appears in that way repeatedly in the file—e.g.,
19991: {
19992: return (int32_t)(−1);
19993: }
The error for an Android build is:
Exception: Unity.IL2CPP.Building.BuilderFailedException: C:\[path to project folder]\Library\Il2cppBuildCache\Android\armeabi-v7a\il2cppOutput\Assembly-CSharp.cpp:20814:155: warning: treating Unicode character <U+2212> as identifier character rather than as '-' symbol [-Wunicode-homoglyph]
AndroidClient_InvokeCallbackOnGameThread_TisUIStatus_t34F64DC1927A392210216047169D4E196183BD14_m78B26B077A1A979B11C5596B45DC6E9A1A2929B6(L_1, ((int32_t)<U+2212>3), /*hidden argument*/AndroidClient_InvokeCallbackOnGameThread_TisUIStatus_t34F64DC1927A392210216047169D4E196183BD14_m78B26B077A1A979B11C5596B45DC6E9A1A2929B6_RuntimeMethod_var);
C:\[path to project folder]\Library\Il2cppBuildCache\Android\armeabi-v7a\il2cppOutput\Assembly-CSharp.cpp:20814:155: error: non-ASCII characters are not allowed outside of literals and identifiers
AndroidClient_InvokeCallbackOnGameThread_TisUIStatus_t34F64DC1927A392210216047169D4E196183BD14_m78B26B077A1A979B11C5596B45DC6E9A1A2929B6(L_1, ((int32_t)<U+2212>3), /*hidden argument*/AndroidClient_InvokeCallbackOnGameThread_TisUIStatus_t34F64DC1927A392210216047169D4E196183BD14_m78B26B077A1A979B11C5596B45DC6E9A1A2929B6_RuntimeMethod_var);
(And then the same thing continues to repeat for dozens more instances.)
I got the same issue, switching to UK (from Sweden) solved it
(not physically, changed in System settings: Language/Region)

Jasper Reports: how to add own Functions to Expression Editor

I am using Jaspersoft Studio 6.6 and try to add own functions to the Expression Editor.
Therefore i follow the tutorial Jaspersoft Studio Expression Editor: how to extend it and contribute your own functions (part 2) - updated for version 5.5 (i was not able to find a more current version so i guess this one should be still correct)
All works fine but i had to replace the language of the generated report (SampleFunctionsReport.jrxml) from groovy to java to get rid of class not found exceptions
Finally the following Errors are remaining:
Description Resource Path Location Type
The method HELLO_WORLD_MSG() is undefined for the type SampleFunctions_1541665022158_603382 SampleFunctionsReport.jrxml /MyFunctions line 37 JRXML Problem
The method HELLO_WORLD_MSG() is undefined for the type SampleFunctions_1541665022158_603382 value = HELLO_WORLD_MSG( ); SampleFunctionsReport.jrxml /MyFunctions line 0 JRXML Problem
The method REPEAT_MSG(String, int, boolean) is undefined for the type SampleFunctions_1541665022158_603382 SampleFunctionsReport.jrxml /MyFunctions line 52 JRXML Problem
The method REPEAT_MSG(String, int, boolean) is undefined for the type SampleFunctions_1541665022158_603382 value = REPEAT_MSG("A message that will be probably repeated",5,true); SampleFunctionsReport.jrxml /MyFunctions line 0 JRXML Problem
I checked the points of the tutorial a couple of times...
can someone reproduce my problem?
What am i missing?
<import value="test.customfunctions.*"/>
this is the code from my jrxml, which is fine.
when i tried to enter the full class name - i got an error, that the package cannot be added.
today i tried the same again - and its working. even the resulting XML is identical!

How to use custom language highlight syntax in Gtk SourceView?

I'm trying to create my own language definition, and use it for highlighting the syntax in my app.
The issue I have is that, when trying to access the language definition from my app's data folder (/usr/share/myapp/), even using the c.lang file copied from /usr/share/gtksourceview-3.0/language-specs/, just to test, I get this error at runtime:
GtkSourceView-WARNING **: Failed to load '/usr/share/myapp/c.lang': could not find the RelaxNG schema file
So it's asking for some schema file? So I went forward and copied every file from the language-specs folder that isn't a lang file, which includes: language.dtd, language.rng and language2.rng.
Now, when I run again, I get these errors:
GtkSourceView-WARNING **: in file /usr/share/com.github.aleksandar-stefanovic.urmsimulator/c.lang: style 'def:comment' not defined
GtkSourceView-WARNING **: Failed to load '/usr/share/com.github.aleksandar-stefanovic.urmsimulator/c.lang': unable to resolve language 'def'
What does that even mean? Is that something namespace-related? It is very peculiar, because the exact same file is working perfectly when in gtksourceview folder.
Any clues? Do these "RelaxNG" files work only in their original directories? If so, how can I change that? I've looked into the files, but failed to find any reference to their original folder...
This is the source-code (in Vala) related to the issue:
var manager = Gtk.SourceLanguageManager.get_default ();
string search_paths[] = {"/usr/share/myapp", null};
manager.set_search_path (search_paths);
var buffer = new Gtk.SourceBuffer.with_language (manager.get_language ("c"));
The application does in fact find the language "c", I've checked by debugging.
You have to preserve the Gtk.SourceLanguageManager's original search path when you add your own. Append to it instead of replacing it.

Compile obfuscated error

when I 'm compiling my project in B4A using the obfuscated option, I get the below error:
Compiling generated Java code. Error
B4A line: 6
Dim ActivityResponse As String: ActivityResponse=\
javac 1.6.0_26
src\adamioan\cinemattica\com\ array dimension missing
_vvvvv3 = BA.__b (new byte[] }, 680010);
1 error
This error occures only with the obfuscated option; debug and simple compilation work great.
Why is this happening?
Seems like a bug in the obfuscation feature related to empty strings. It will be fixed for the next update. Note that there is no need to assign empty strings as this is the default value. So for now just remove the assignment.
Thank you both, it was my mistake. In the Process Globals I declared the variable ActivityResponse and in the same line I set this to "".
Dim ActivityResponse as String: ActivityResponse = ""
That was the problem. Thanks again.