No TM Grammar registered for this language - visual-studio-code

What causes the error "No TM Grammar registered for this language" when creating / debugging your own custom syntax in VS Code?

For me it was that the property of package.json needs to match the name property in the tmLanguage.json file. Also, the contributes.grammars.scopeName of package.json needs to match the scopeName of the tmLanguage.json file.

Validate your tmlanguage.json file.
Invalid json files are not loaded and registered.


How to use custom language highlight syntax in Gtk SourceView?

I'm trying to create my own language definition, and use it for highlighting the syntax in my app.
The issue I have is that, when trying to access the language definition from my app's data folder (/usr/share/myapp/), even using the c.lang file copied from /usr/share/gtksourceview-3.0/language-specs/, just to test, I get this error at runtime:
GtkSourceView-WARNING **: Failed to load '/usr/share/myapp/c.lang': could not find the RelaxNG schema file
So it's asking for some schema file? So I went forward and copied every file from the language-specs folder that isn't a lang file, which includes: language.dtd, language.rng and language2.rng.
Now, when I run again, I get these errors:
GtkSourceView-WARNING **: in file /usr/share/com.github.aleksandar-stefanovic.urmsimulator/c.lang: style 'def:comment' not defined
GtkSourceView-WARNING **: Failed to load '/usr/share/com.github.aleksandar-stefanovic.urmsimulator/c.lang': unable to resolve language 'def'
What does that even mean? Is that something namespace-related? It is very peculiar, because the exact same file is working perfectly when in gtksourceview folder.
Any clues? Do these "RelaxNG" files work only in their original directories? If so, how can I change that? I've looked into the files, but failed to find any reference to their original folder...
This is the source-code (in Vala) related to the issue:
var manager = Gtk.SourceLanguageManager.get_default ();
string search_paths[] = {"/usr/share/myapp", null};
manager.set_search_path (search_paths);
var buffer = new Gtk.SourceBuffer.with_language (manager.get_language ("c"));
The application does in fact find the language "c", I've checked by debugging.
You have to preserve the Gtk.SourceLanguageManager's original search path when you add your own. Append to it instead of replacing it.

How do I set a JSDoc tutorial title?

I'm using JSDoc tutorials, as described in
I can't get the configuration options to work, and I haven't yet found any examples or discussion of the topic online.
In my trivial example, I pass a tutorials parameter to JSDoc, and it builds a tutorial file for I would like to give this tutorial a display name of "First Tutorial".
Following this from the online docs:
Each tutorial file can have additional .js/.json file (with same name, just different extension) which will hold additional tutorial configuration. Two fields are supported:
title overrides display name for tutorial with the one specified in it's value (default title for tutorial is it's filename).
children which holds list of sub-tutorials identifiers.
I tried several attempts at adding tutorial1.json, or tutorial1.js but either JSDoc pukes on the json file, or doesn't seem to recognize anything I throw at it in the js file.
Can anyone suggest a simple format for a tutorial configuration file that should work?
(Edited to include one .js file I tried, which did not change the tutorial display name.)
First Tutorial
#title First Tutorial
#title = "First Tutorial";
title = "First Tutorial";
It works with .json extension but not with a .js extension. jsdoc does not seem to try to even read the file if a .js extension is used. So the doc seems incorrect.
With a .json extension, and using jsdoc 3.2.2, the following works:
"title": "Custom Title"
Your .json file needs to be in the same directory as your .md file and have the same name (ignoring extensions).

Allow for non-existent files in FileFieldEditor [duplicate]

I'm setting up a series of preferences in my Eclipse (3.5.2) application and I'm having a problem with the FileFieldEditor. I want to allow the user to specify a log file to print output to. Often, this will be a new file. But when I use the file select dialog with FileFieldEditor, it complains that the file doesn't exists ("Value must be an existing file"). Is there a way, without extending the FileFieldEditor class, to suppress this error and have Java create that file if it doesn't exist? Thanks!
When I look the source code of org.eclipse.jface.preference.FileFieldEditor, the only solution would be to extend it and write your own version of a FileFieldEditor, with:
an overwritten changePressed() method in order to keep the file path even if the file does not exists
an overwritten checkState() method in order to avoid that error message.
So I do not see a way to avoid that FileFieldEditor extension here.

Autoloading classes in pimcore

I've created a fresh PHP-class, named it Application_Form_Login and saved it as Application_Form_Login.php inside the /website/lib directory. But everytime I'm running pimcore it refuses to load that file. What am I doing wrong here?
I've been looking at the Zend autoloader and trying to find out the issue.
I've noticed that in pimcore bootstrapping all the relevant directories are added to the include path. But they don't seem to get checked. Or maybe my file isn't named correctly to be picked up?
Your filename should be /website/lib/Application/Form/Login.php
From the page you just quoted:
Each "_" character in the CLASS NAME is converted to a DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR. The "_" character has no special meaning in the namespace.

Not filePath attribute in Enterprise Library 4.0 Configuration source block

I tried to follow this tutorial but couldn't find File entry in properties windows. When I tried to add filePath attribute manually (taken from same tutorial) i get following error "Parser Error Message: Unrecognized attribute 'filePath'. Note that attribute names are case-sensitive."
alt text
To find the File entry, you need to bring up the properties window (if it's not open) by hitting F4. Then click on the file configuration source element in the Enterprise Library configuration tool. This will display the Name and File properties that can be set.
Thanks for the screen shot. To get the File Configuration Source, right click on Configuration Sources and then select New->File Configuration Source. Then you will be able to set the File property in that new element.