How to scroll through a UIACollectionView and click on a button? - ui-automation

I'm trying to perform a scrollTo method within UIACollectionView control , but with no much success so far , I've tried to use TouchAction.
Any idea how I can perform a scrollTo ?
java_client 2.2.0
appium 1.3.6
IOS 8.1

First just look for the String on the bottom of the screen where you want to scroll. And then use scrollTo(String)


How to simulate click on button Flutter WebView

I am using the package webview_flutter. How can I simulate a button click? I tried using the controller to run some javascript:
Unfortunately It seems we cannot use JQuery here as I received a '$ not found error'. Is there a possible workaround?
Or getElementsByClassName

Ionic 4 Page animation

I don’t know what’s happening, but when I use the ionic router navigateForward or navigateBack methods
their is no animation , just the page appears without animate
I used Native Page Transition plugin to fix this problem

Anyone implemented/used Mobile Device Screen Orientation plugin?

Has anyone successfully implemented screen orientation plugin in Sitecatalyst to capture mobile device orientation?. When we use the below code in the s_code, in the web page i am seeing some unusual behavior(ie: when we scroll the page to the bottom and then if i click anywhere on the content section, page goes to the top by default). I understand, that's happening because of this line "window.scroll(0,0)". Any help or thoughts?
Plugin Code below:
function screenOrientation(){switch(window.orientation){case 0:case 180:return("Portrait");break;case 90:case -90:return("Landscape");}window.scroll(0,0)}
Reference: []
Thanks in Advance.
This is clearly a code bug (or more a typo I think) and the line window.scroll(0,0) can be safely removed from the 'plugin' (its not really a plugin, just a js function that returns the orientation).
The reason this fires every time a user clicks on anywhere on the page is because you have ClickMap functionality enabled in your s_code.js configuration. This will fire an everytime a click event occurs. the will call the screenOrientation() function to populate your required prop/eVar.
So if you were to turn off clickMap (s.trackInlineStats=false;) this random scrolling to the top would stop even if you didn't remove the offending line. That said, remove the scrolling code, its not right or required!

SC.say location issue

I am currently facing an issue with fixing the location of SC.say pop up on the screen. The default behaviour of this pop up is okay, as in , it comes at the center of the screen. But then, once you drag this pop up to a corner of the screen, then , the next time when this pop up comes , it comes at that same corner where you had dragged it to. The default behaviour of this pop up (as far as the location is concerned) changes when the user starts dragging it. Is there a way to switch back to the default behaviour irrespective of where the user drags this pop up to?? I checked the javadoc of this SC class, but couldn't get any function that would let us specify the location where this pop up should come.
SmartGWT version : 3.0
GWT version : 2.4
Browser : Firefox,IE,Chrome,Safari
If you didn't find an easy solution to this, I think the easiest way is doing a "SC.say" by yourself.
it's very easy to replicate the built-in dialogs and then add your own functionality.
Something could help you
Canvas popUp = Canvas.getById("isc_globalWarn_body");
popUp.setTop(where it was);
I find the id with the console and the Canvas static method on a post somewhere on the net I don't remember where.

disable back button on in ltk wizardinputpage

I'm doing a plugin in Eclipse IDE in order to do a refactoring. I'm using LTK, the point is: I don't know how I can disabled the back button after the preview. I've tried to create the RefactoringWizard using some flags like 'NO_BACK_BUTTON_ON_STATUS_DIALOG', but I think it is not the rigth way to do it.
The poblem I have in the background is that when I push preview and then push back, and preview again, the preview box shows the change related with the refactoring twice!.
I think the best solution is disabling the back button after the preview because this is the solution I have seen in others plugins.
Sorry because of my English and thanks beforehand.
The method org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardDialog#updateButtons disables the back button when currentPage.getPreviousPage() returns null. So, I suggest you to override the method org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.RefactoringWizard#getPreviousPage to return null.