SC.say location issue - gwt

I am currently facing an issue with fixing the location of SC.say pop up on the screen. The default behaviour of this pop up is okay, as in , it comes at the center of the screen. But then, once you drag this pop up to a corner of the screen, then , the next time when this pop up comes , it comes at that same corner where you had dragged it to. The default behaviour of this pop up (as far as the location is concerned) changes when the user starts dragging it. Is there a way to switch back to the default behaviour irrespective of where the user drags this pop up to?? I checked the javadoc of this SC class, but couldn't get any function that would let us specify the location where this pop up should come.
SmartGWT version : 3.0
GWT version : 2.4
Browser : Firefox,IE,Chrome,Safari

If you didn't find an easy solution to this, I think the easiest way is doing a "SC.say" by yourself.
it's very easy to replicate the built-in dialogs and then add your own functionality.

Something could help you
Canvas popUp = Canvas.getById("isc_globalWarn_body");
popUp.setTop(where it was);
I find the id with the console and the Canvas static method on a post somewhere on the net I don't remember where.


Add to Accessibility

Alright, my app uses features which require Accessibility, and so I have to bring up the System preferences menu so the user can add our app.
First, I check if Accessibility is enabled. I can do that easily, but I'm having trouble bringing up the systems pane with the Application added to the side panel.
First, I tried using a dictionary along with AXIsProcessTrusted, but to no avail; no dialog showed.
Second, I tried using a trick:
let event = CGEvent(keyboardEventSource: nil, virtualKey: 0, keyDown: true)
If our app is not added to Accessibility, then a dialog will pop up, and everything that goes along with it.
Now the important part is that when you press Deny on the dialog, it will still add our app to the Accessibility, but it will NOT be checked.
The issue is that when you do the trick again, and the app is added to Accessibility but is NOT checked, then nothing will happen. No indicators, nothing. That means you don't know if it showed up or not.
Now the third thing i tried is using "")!)
, which brings up the Accessibility menu.
However, it does not add our app to the side panel.
I've also tried using, however, all that does is just bring up the menu, like #3.
The first method does not work.
The second method brings up the dialog only when our app is not present in Accessibility, but gives no indicator of whether it brought the dialog up or not, which is required because if it did not bring up the dialog, then I would just use method #3, else, I would just continue.
The third method works but does not add our app to the side panel, so the user has to do it himself.
Is there anyway to make the third method add our app to Accessibility, but with it not checked, just like method #2?
The biggest issue I'm facing right now is how to add our app to the Accessbility side panel programmatically, just like the Trick #2
Thanks, I really appreciate it if anybody can lend a hand.

Anyone implemented/used Mobile Device Screen Orientation plugin?

Has anyone successfully implemented screen orientation plugin in Sitecatalyst to capture mobile device orientation?. When we use the below code in the s_code, in the web page i am seeing some unusual behavior(ie: when we scroll the page to the bottom and then if i click anywhere on the content section, page goes to the top by default). I understand, that's happening because of this line "window.scroll(0,0)". Any help or thoughts?
Plugin Code below:
function screenOrientation(){switch(window.orientation){case 0:case 180:return("Portrait");break;case 90:case -90:return("Landscape");}window.scroll(0,0)}
Reference: []
Thanks in Advance.
This is clearly a code bug (or more a typo I think) and the line window.scroll(0,0) can be safely removed from the 'plugin' (its not really a plugin, just a js function that returns the orientation).
The reason this fires every time a user clicks on anywhere on the page is because you have ClickMap functionality enabled in your s_code.js configuration. This will fire an everytime a click event occurs. the will call the screenOrientation() function to populate your required prop/eVar.
So if you were to turn off clickMap (s.trackInlineStats=false;) this random scrolling to the top would stop even if you didn't remove the offending line. That said, remove the scrolling code, its not right or required!

Addon SDK way to make a dialog

What is the proper way to use the SDK to make a dialog (which is not anchored to the add-on bar, etc. but shows centered on screen)? It doesn't seem like there is any API for this important capability. I do see windows/utils has open but I have two problems with that:
The dialog opening seems to require "chrome" privs to get it to be centered on the screen (and I'd be expectant of add-on reviewers complaining of chrome privs, and even if not, I'd like to try to stick to the SDK way).
While I can get the DOM window reference of the new window/utils' open() dialog, I'm not sure how to attach a content script so I can respond to user interaction in a way that prompts (and can respond to) privileged behavior ala postMessage or port.emit (without again, directly working with chrome privs).
Ok, this answer should have been pretty obvious for anyone with a little experience with the SDK. I realized I can just use a panel. In my defense, the name "panel" is not as clear as "dialog" in conjuring up this idea, and I am so used to using panels with widgets, that it hadn't occurred to me that I could use it independently!
Unfortunately, as per Bug 595040, these dialogs are not persistent, meaning if the panel loses focus, the "dialog" is gone... So panel looks like it is not a suitable candidate after all... :(
Edit 2
I've since moved on and have gotten things working mostly to my satisfaction with sdk/window/utils and openDialog on whose returned window I add a load listener and then call tabs.activeTab.on('ready', and then set tabs.activeTab.url to my add-on local HTML file so the ready event will get a tab to which I can attach a worker. There is still the problem with chrome privs I suppose, but at least the main communications are using SDK processes.
Update to Edit 2:
Code sample provided by request:
var data = require('sdk/self').data,
tabs = require('sdk/tabs');
var win = require('sdk/window/utils').openDialog({
// No "url" supplied here in this case as we add it below (in order to have a ready listener in place before load which can give us access to the tab worker)
// For more, see
features: Object.keys({
chrome: true, // Needed for centerscreen per docs
centerscreen: true, // Doesn't seem to be working for some reason (even though it does work when calling via XPCOM)
resizable: true,
scrollbars: true
}).join() + ',width=850,height=650',
name: "My window name"
// parent:
// args:
win.addEventListener('load', function () {
tabs.activeTab.on('ready', function (tab) {
var worker = tab.attach({
contentScriptFile: ....
// ...
// Use worker.port.on, worker.port.emit, etc...
tabs.activeTab.url = data.url('myHTMLFile.html');
if the panel loses focus, the "dialog" is gone...
It doesn't get destroyed, just hides, right? If so, depending on why it's getting hidden, you can just call show() on it again.
You'd want to make sure it's not being hidden for a good reason before calling show again. If there's a specific situation in which it's losing focus where you don't want it to, create a listener for that situation, then call if (!panel.isShown);
For example, if it's losing focus because a user clicks outside the box, then that's probably the expected behaviour and nothing should be done. If it's losing focus when the browser/tab loses focus, just register a tab.on('activate', aboveFunction)
Simply adding ",screenX=0,screenY=0" (or any values, the zeroes seem to be meaningless) to the features screen seems to fix centerscreen.

disable back button on in ltk wizardinputpage

I'm doing a plugin in Eclipse IDE in order to do a refactoring. I'm using LTK, the point is: I don't know how I can disabled the back button after the preview. I've tried to create the RefactoringWizard using some flags like 'NO_BACK_BUTTON_ON_STATUS_DIALOG', but I think it is not the rigth way to do it.
The poblem I have in the background is that when I push preview and then push back, and preview again, the preview box shows the change related with the refactoring twice!.
I think the best solution is disabling the back button after the preview because this is the solution I have seen in others plugins.
Sorry because of my English and thanks beforehand.
The method org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardDialog#updateButtons disables the back button when currentPage.getPreviousPage() returns null. So, I suggest you to override the method org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.RefactoringWizard#getPreviousPage to return null.

iPhone multi view/window switch

I've now put all night and tried to get my iPhone program to perform as intended, it has also succeed me sometimes but now I have pages with a problem I simplehen can not get resolved.
've tried this video guide that makes it I want it to but I stare my project up with NSObject (Windows Based) for my program.
Has anyone any. can help me a little further here? or link to come there can get me on track again
U can change that NSObject to UIView while selecting the view itself,
Just Right click classes-->Add Files-->in that dialog box, the bottom section contains a dropdown list box from there u can select ur required Type....