Ionic 4 Page animation - ionic-framework

I don’t know what’s happening, but when I use the ionic router navigateForward or navigateBack methods
their is no animation , just the page appears without animate

I used Native Page Transition plugin to fix this problem


Does Ionic 5 has swipe events?

I have an Ionic page on which I'd like to be redirected to a custom page when swiping left. Just redirecting me back isn't good enough, since I can have that page open from a deep link, meaning I have no back on my window's history.
I saw that there's a gesture API, but it's a bit too much for such a common cause. Also, I saw that on previous versions there where swipe left/right events, but no reference for it on Ionic 4/5.
Doesn't Ionic 5 has an on-swipe-left event?
Another solution, if you didn't want to add a hammerjs dependency and just use Ionic would be to use the official ion-slides component to manage your pages as slides.
I've implemented this on a couple of apps and it works really well.
In your example, you would want to setup an <ion-slides> container and then your 'pages' would exist inside as <ion-slide> components.
You can then easily tap into the (ionSlideDidChange) event as follows:
*ngIf="!isLoading && pages"
Then in your .js or .ts file just create a method like:
async onSlideChange() {
this.pageIndex = await this.slides.getActiveIndex();
Then you could track the page with pageIndex. So in your case, you'd open the page from the deepLink (maybe have it route to 'page 2') and then when you swipe left on the slide component you could go to page 1.
You are looking for this:
Adding HammerJS is not a great idea since you might encounter buggy scenarios.

Is there any way to change android:windowSoftInputMode value from ionic typescript

In my Ionic application,
I am using android:windowSoftInputMode ="adjustPan" in the config file.
But I want to change android:windowSoftInputMode to "adjustResize" only for one of the screens in the app.
In short I want to set SoftInputMode programmatically on page load to "adjustResize" and change it back to "adjustPan" while leaving from the page.
Can someone help me out!

TabView after Login not updating view in IONIC 2

I am using IONIC 2 + Angular 2.
I am using Tabview for my dashboard. The issue is when I try to redirect page with this.nav.push(TabPage), A constructor of TabPage is getting called but View is not updating.
When I Minimise and Maximise app again, then I can see TabPage with all the Tabs but not without.
A problem is Tabs layout I guess as Its working if I redirect it to normal page instead of Tabs page.
You probably ran into one of the many navigation/tabs issues which a present in the current version of ionic. You can try downgrading to ionic-angular version 3.5.3 which was the version before most of these issues were introduced by refactoring the way the NavController generates URLs.

roundslider UI is malfunction due to ionic.bundles.js file in ionic android app

I searched alot about this topic but couldnt find any answer. I am ionic to build a android app. I used roundslider component from Though whole roundslider fully works but the text input right in middle of roundslider does not work in ionic. I figured out that ionic.bundles.js script in ionic app is causing problem. If I remove this script, roundslider works fine.
Any advice why this script causing problem?
I had the same issue. You have to disable the tap functionality.
"In some cases, third-party libraries may also be working with touch events which can interfere with the tap system. For example, mapping libraries like Google or Leaflet Maps often implement a touch detection system which conflicts with Ionic’s tap system."
<div data-tap-disabled="true">
//Your Round Slider here...
I hope it helps.
there is a conflict between files of roundsliderui and ionic
read this article thats will help you
The problem is that the modal is not fully loaded at the time the circular-slider is rendered. This article states correctly that the offsetPosition is null if the document (in this case, the modal) is not finished loading

How to disable Ionic gesture for go back to previous page

It seems ionic has the gesture for go back to previous page auto turned on, how to disable this feature.
As I already answered here just use the following line of code in .config of your AngularJS module: