Generating all combinations without repetition using MATLAB - matlab

i have 4 sets each contain 6 elements from which I want to generate all possible vectors of size 8 were the first two elements are from set1 second 2 from set2 third 2 from set3 forth 2 from set4 without repetition in the points taken from each set such that the elements 1,2 / 3,4 / 5,6/ 7,8 are always different. My target number combinations is (6choose2)^4 . Any help please.

So I found a way to get your combinations. You should really have given an more minimal example to explain your problem (that's how I solved it by the way).
The procedure is:
Get all the {2 element} unique combination for each set.
Then build an index of the result you obtain. Normally there should be an index for each subset but since they are all the same length, the number of unique combinations will be the same so you can just reuse 4x the same index.
Get all the combinations of these 4 sets of indices
Finally, rebuild the final matrix based on the indices combinations
The code look like:
%// prepare a few helper numbers
nSets = 4 ;
nElemPerSet = 2 ;
nCombs = nchoosek( numel(D1) ,nElemPerSet).^nSets ; %// <= nCombs=50625
%// for each set, get the unique combinations of 2 elements
s1 = nchoosek( D1 , nElemPerSet ) ;
s2 = nchoosek( D2 , nElemPerSet ) ;
s3 = nchoosek( D3 , nElemPerSet ) ;
s4 = nchoosek( D4 , nElemPerSet ) ;
%// now get the index of all the combinations of the above subsets
s = 1:size(s1,1) ;
combindex = all_combinations( repmat({s},1,4) ) ; %// <= size(combindex)=[50625 4]
%// now rebuild the full combinations based on above indices
combinations = zeros( nCombs , nSets*nElemPerSet ) ;
for ic = 1:nCombs
combinations(ic,:) = [s1(combindex(ic,1),:) s2(combindex(ic,2),:) s3(combindex(ic,3),:) s4(combindex(ic,4),:)] ;
There is probably a way to get rid of the last loop with an intelligent use of arrayfun but I leave that as an exercise to the reader.
This code works for your initial values of D1, D2, D3 and D4 as described in your question, but if you or anybody want to run it step by step to understand what's happening, I strongly recommend to try it with much simpler starting values. Something like:
%// define 4 non-complex sets of 4 values each (all different)
nVal=4 ;
D1 = 1:nVal ;
D2 = D1(end)+1:D1(end)+nVal ;
D3 = D2(end)+1:D2(end)+nVal ;
D4 = D3(end)+1:D3(end)+nVal ;
Note the use of the function all_combinations. This is just the answer I was mentioning in the comment (Generate a matrix containing all combinations of elements taken from n vectors) repackaged in a function. I suggest you have a look and bookmark it if you deal with combination problem often (also you can upvote it if it helps you, which it does here).
The repackaged function is:
function combs = all_combinations( vectors )
%// function combs = all_combinations( vectors )
%// example input :
%// vectors = { [1 2], [3 6 9], [10 20] }; %//cell array of vectors
%// Credit: Luis Mendo :
n = numel(vectors); %// number of vectors
combs = cell(1,n); %// pre-define to generate comma-separated list
[combs{end:-1:1}] = ndgrid(vectors{end:-1:1}); %// the reverse order in these two
%// comma-separated lists is needed to produce the rows of the result matrix in
%// lexicographical order
combs = cat(n+1, combs{:}); %// concat the n n-dim arrays along dimension n+1
combs = reshape(combs,[],n); %// reshape to obtain desired matrix


In matlab how to sum rows of a matrix according to specified bins/subscripts in a non-iteration manner?

This question generalizes the previous one Any way for matlab to sum an array according to specified bins NOT by for iteration? Best if there is buildin function for this. I am not sure, but I tried and the answers in previous post seem not to work with matrices.
For example, if
A = [7,8,1,1,2,2,2]; % the bins or subscripts
B = [2,1; ...
1,1; ...
1,1; ...
2,0; ...
3,1; ...
0,2; ...
2,4]; % the matrix
then the desired function "binsum" has two outputs, one is the bins, and the other is the accumulated row vectors. It is adding rows in B according to subscripts in A. For example, for 2, the sum is [3,1] + [0,2] + [2,4] = [5,6], for 1 it is [1,1] + [2,0] = [3,1].
[bins, sums] = binsum(A,B);
bins = [1,2,7,8]
sums = [2,1;
The first method accumarray says its "val" argument can only be a scalar or vector. The second method spare seems not to accept a vector as the value "v" for each tuple (i,j) neither. So I have to post for help again, and it is still not desired to use iterations to go over the columns of B to do this.
I am using 2017a. Many thanks again!
A way to do that is using matrix multiplication:
bins = unique(A);
sums = (A==bins.')*B;
The above is memory-expensive, as it builds an intermediate logical matrix of size M×N, where M is the the number of bins and N is the length of A. Alternatively, you can build that matrix as sparse logical to save memory:
[bins, ~, labels] = unique(A);
sums = sparse(labels, 1:numel(A), true)*B;
A method base on sort and cumsum:
k= [s(1:end-1)~=s(2:end) true];
sums = diff([zeros(1,size(B,2)); c(k,:)])

Join rows in Matrix

I have a very big matrix that looks like this:
There can be at most 2 rows with the same id.
I want to reshape the matrix into the following, preferably removing the id's which only appear once:
Here is an alternative using accumarray to identify values sharing the same index. The code is commented and you can have a look at every intermediary output to see what exactly is going on.
%// Create matrix with your data
id = [1;2;1;3;3];
value = [434 ;454353;4353;3432;4323];
M = [id value]
%// Find unique indices to build final output.
UniqueIdx = unique(M(:,1),'rows')
%// Find values corresponding to every index. Use cell array to account for different sized outputs.
NewM = accumarray(id,value,[],#(x) {x})
%// Get number of elements
NumElements = cellfun(#(x) size(x,1),NewM)
%// Discard rows having orphan index.
NewM(NumElements==1) = [];
UniqueIdx(NumElements==1) = [];
%// Build Output.
Results = [UniqueIdx NewM{1} NewM{2}]
And the output. I can't use the function table to build a nice output but if you do the result looks much nicer :)
Results =
1 434 3432
3 4353 4323
This code does the interesting job of sorting the matrix according to the id and removing the orphans.
x = sortrows(x,1); % sort x according to index
idx = x(:,1);
idxs = 1:max(idx);
rm = idxs(hist(idx, idxs) == 1); %find orphans
x( ismember(x(:,1),rm), : ) = [] %remove orphans
This last part then just shapes the array the way you want it
y = reshape(x', 4, []);
y( 3, : ) = [];

Multiple constant to a matrix and convert them into block diagonal matrix in matlab

I have a1 a2 a3. They are constants. I have a matrix A. What I want to do is to get a1*A, a2*A, a3*A three matrices. Then I want transfer them into a diagonal block matrix. For three constants case, this is easy. I can let b1 = a1*A, b2=a2*A, b3=a3*A, then use blkdiag(b1, b2, b3) in matlab.
What if I have n constants, a1 ... an. How could I do this without any looping?I know this can be done by kronecker product but this is very time-consuming and you need do a lot of unnecessary 0 * constant.
Thank you.
Discussion and code
This could be one approach with bsxfun(#plus that facilitates in linear indexing as coded in a function format -
function out = bsxfun_linidx(A,a)
%// Get sizes
[A_nrows,A_ncols] = size(A);
N_a = numel(a);
%// Linear indexing offsets between 2 columns in a block & between 2 blocks
off1 = A_nrows*N_a;
off2 = off1*A_ncols+A_nrows;
%// Get the matrix multiplication results
vals = bsxfun(#times,A,permute(a,[1 3 2])); %// OR vals = A(:)*a_arr;
%// Get linear indices for the first block
block1_idx = bsxfun(#plus,[1:A_nrows]',[0:A_ncols-1]*off1); %//'
%// Initialize output array base on fast pre-allocation inspired by -
out(A_nrows*N_a,A_ncols*N_a) = 0;
%// Get linear indices for all blocks and place vals in out indexed by them
out(bsxfun(#plus,block1_idx(:),(0:N_a-1)*off2)) = vals;
How to use: To use the above listed function code, let's suppose you have the a1, a2, a3, ...., an stored in a vector a, then do something like this out = bsxfun_linidx(A,a) to have the desired output in out.
This section compares or benchmarks the approach listed in this answer against the other two approaches listed in the other answers for runtime performances.
Other answers were converted to function forms, like so -
function B = bsxfun_blkdiag(A,a)
B = bsxfun(#times, A, reshape(a,1,1,[])); %// step 1: compute products as a 3D array
B = mat2cell(B,size(A,1),size(A,2),ones(1,numel(a))); %// step 2: convert to cell array
B = blkdiag(B{:}); %// step 3: call blkdiag with comma-separated list from cell array
function out = kron_diag(A,a_arr)
out = kron(diag(a_arr),A);
For the comparison, four combinations of sizes of A and a were tested, which are -
A as 500 x 500 and a as 1 x 10
A as 200 x 200 and a as 1 x 50
A as 100 x 100 and a as 1 x 100
A as 50 x 50 and a as 1 x 200
The benchmarking code used is listed next -
%// Datasizes
N_a = [10 50 100 200];
N_A = [500 200 100 50];
timeall = zeros(3,numel(N_a)); %// Array to store runtimes
for iter = 1:numel(N_a)
%// Create random inputs
a = randi(9,1,N_a(iter));
A = rand(N_A(iter),N_A(iter));
%// Time the approaches
func1 = #() kron_diag(A,a);
timeall(1,iter) = timeit(func1); clear func1
func2 = #() bsxfun_blkdiag(A,a);
timeall(2,iter) = timeit(func2); clear func2
func3 = #() bsxfun_linidx(A,a);
timeall(3,iter) = timeit(func3); clear func3
%// Plot runtimes against size of A
figure,hold on,grid on
xlabel('Datasize (Size of A) ->'),ylabel('Runtimes (sec)'),title('Runtime Plot')
%// Plot runtimes against size of a
figure,hold on,grid on
xlabel('Datasize (Size of a) ->'),ylabel('Runtimes (sec)'),title('Runtime Plot')
Runtime plots thus obtained at my end were -
Conclusions: As you can see, either one of the bsxfun based methods could be looked into, depending on what kind of datasizes you are dealing with!
Here's another approach:
Compute the products as a 3D array using bsxfun;
Convert into a cell array with one product (matrix) in each cell;
Call blkdiag with a comma-separated list generated from the cell array.
Let A denote your matrix, and a denote a vector with your constants. Then the desired result B is obtained as
B = bsxfun(#times, A, reshape(a,1,1,[])); %// step 1: compute products as a 3D array
B = mat2cell(B,size(A,1),size(A,2),ones(1,numel(a))); %// step 2: convert to cell array
B = blkdiag(B{:}); %// step 3: call blkdiag with comma-separated list from cell array
Here's a method using kron which seems to be faster and more memory efficient than Divakar's bsxfun based solution. I'm not sure if this is different to your method, but the timing seems pretty good. It might be worth doing some testing between the different methods to work out which is more efficient for you problem.
kron(diag([a1 a2 a3]),A)

Sum every n rows of matrix

Is there any way that I can sum up columns values for each group of three rows in a matrix?
I can sum three rows up in a manual way.
For example
% matrix is the one I wanna store the new data.
% data is the original dataset.
matrix(1,1:end) = sum(data(1:3, 1:end))
matrix(2,1:end) = sum(data(4:6, 1:end))
But if the dataset is huge, this wouldn't work.
Is there any way to do this automatically without loops?
Here are four other ways:
The obligatory for-loop:
% for-loop over each three rows
matrix = zeros(size(data,1)/3, size(data,2));
counter = 1;
for i=1:3:size(data,1)
matrix(counter,:) = sum(data(i:i+3-1,:));
counter = counter + 1;
Using mat2cell for tiling:
% divide each three rows into a cell
matrix = mat2cell(data, ones(1,size(data,1)/3)*3);
% compute the sum of rows in each cell
matrix = cell2mat(cellfun(#sum, matrix, 'UniformOutput',false));
Using third dimension (based on this):
% put each three row into a separate 3rd dimension slice
matrix = permute(reshape(data', [], 3, size(data,1)/3), [2 1 3]);
% sum rows, and put back together
matrix = permute(sum(matrix), [3 2 1]);
Using accumarray:
% build array of group indices [1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,...]
idx = floor(((1:size(data,1))' - 1)/3) + 1;
% use it to accumulate rows (appliead to each column separately)
matrix = cell2mat(arrayfun(#(i)accumarray(idx,data(:,i)), 1:size(data,2), ...
Of course all the solution so far assume that the number of rows is evenly divisble by 3.
This one-liner reshapes so that all the values needed for a particular cell are in a column, does the sum, and then reshapes the back to the expected shape.
reshape(sum(reshape(data, 3, [])), [], size(data, 2))
The naked 3 could be changed if you want to sum a different number of rows together. It's on you to make sure the number of rows in each group divides evenly.
Slice the matrix into three pieces and add them together:
matrix = data(1:3:end, :) + data(2:3:end, :) + data(3:3:end, :);
This will give an error if size(data,1) is not a multiple of three, since the three pieces wouldn't be the same size. If appropriate to your data, you might work around that by truncating data, or appending some zeros to the end.
You could also do something fancy with reshape and 3D arrays. But I would prefer the above (unless you need to replace 3 with a variable...)
Prashant answered nicely before but I would have a simple amendment:
fl = filterLength;
A = yourVector (where mod(A,fl)==0)
There is the ",1" that makes the line run even when fl==1 (original values).
I discovered this while running it in a for loop like so:
... read A ...
% Plot data
hold on;
averageFactors = [1 3 10 30 100 300 1000];
colors = hsv(length(averageFactors));
clear legendTxt;
for i=1:length(averageFactors)
% ------ FILTERING ----------
clear Atrunc;
clear ttrunc;
clear B;
fl = averageFactors(i); % filter length
Atrunc = A(1:L-mod(L,fl),:);
ttrunc = t(1:L-mod(L,fl),:);
B = sum(reshape(Atrunc,fl,[]),1).'/fl;
tB = sum(reshape(ttrunc,fl,[]),1).'/fl;
plot(tB,B,'color',colors(i,:) )
%kbhit ()

Indexing of unknown dimensional matrix

I have a non-fixed dimensional matrix M, from which I want to access a single element.
The element's indices are contained in a vector J.
So for example:
M = rand(6,4,8,2);
J = [5 2 7 1];
output = M(5,2,7,1)
This time M has 4 dimensions, but this is not known in advance. This is dependent on the setup of the algorithm I'm writing. It could likewise be that
M = rand(6,4);
J = [3 1];
output = M(3,1)
so I can't simply use
I was thinking of using sub2ind, but this also needs its variables comma separated..
this works, but I intend to use this kind of element extraction from the matrix M quite a lot. So if I have to create a temporary variable cellJ every time I access M, wouldn't this tremendously slow down the computation??
I could also write a separate function
function x= getM(M,J)
% M doesn't change in this function, so no mem copy needed = passed by reference
and adapt this for different configurations of the algorithm. This is of course a speed vs flexibility consideration which I hadn't included in my question..
BUT: this is only available for getting the element, for setting there is no other way than actually using the indices (and preferably the linear index). I still think sub2ind is an option. The final result I had intended was something like:
function idx = getLinearIdx(J, size_M)
idx = ...
function lin_idx = Lidx_ml( J, M )%#eml
%LIDX_ML converts an array of indices J for a multidimensional array M to
%linear indices, directly useable on M
% J NxP matrix containing P sets of N indices
% M A example matrix, with same size as on which the indices in J
% will be applicable.
% lin_idx Px1 array of linear indices
% method 1
%lin_idx = zeros(size(J,2),1);
%for ii = 1:size(J,2)
% cellJ = num2cell(J(:,ii));
% lin_idx(ii) = sub2ind(size(M),cellJ{:});
% method 2
sizeM = size(M);
J(2:end,:) = J(2:end,:)-1;
lin_idx = cumprod([1 sizeM(1:end-1)])*J;
method 2 is 20 (small number of index sets (=P) to convert) to 80 (large number of index sets (=P)) times faster than method 1. easy choice
For the general case where J can be any length (which I assume always matches the number of dimensions in M), there are a couple options you have:
You can place each entry of J in a cell of a cell array using the num2cell function, then create a comma-separated list from this cell array using the colon operator:
cellJ = num2cell(J);
output = M(cellJ{:});
You can sidestep the sub2ind function and compute the linear index yourself with a little bit of math:
sizeM = size(M);
index = cumprod([1 sizeM(1:end-1)]) * (J(:) - [0; ones(numel(J)-1, 1)]);
output = M(index);
Here is a version of gnovices option 2) which allows to process a whole matrix of subscripts, where each row contains one subscript. E.g for 3 subscripts:
J = [5 2 7 1
1 5 2 7
4 3 9 2];
sizeM = size(M);
idx = cumprod([1 sizeX(1:end-1)])*(J - [zeros(size(J,1),1) ones(size(J,1),size(J,2)-1)]).';