Sum every n rows of matrix - matlab

Is there any way that I can sum up columns values for each group of three rows in a matrix?
I can sum three rows up in a manual way.
For example
% matrix is the one I wanna store the new data.
% data is the original dataset.
matrix(1,1:end) = sum(data(1:3, 1:end))
matrix(2,1:end) = sum(data(4:6, 1:end))
But if the dataset is huge, this wouldn't work.
Is there any way to do this automatically without loops?

Here are four other ways:
The obligatory for-loop:
% for-loop over each three rows
matrix = zeros(size(data,1)/3, size(data,2));
counter = 1;
for i=1:3:size(data,1)
matrix(counter,:) = sum(data(i:i+3-1,:));
counter = counter + 1;
Using mat2cell for tiling:
% divide each three rows into a cell
matrix = mat2cell(data, ones(1,size(data,1)/3)*3);
% compute the sum of rows in each cell
matrix = cell2mat(cellfun(#sum, matrix, 'UniformOutput',false));
Using third dimension (based on this):
% put each three row into a separate 3rd dimension slice
matrix = permute(reshape(data', [], 3, size(data,1)/3), [2 1 3]);
% sum rows, and put back together
matrix = permute(sum(matrix), [3 2 1]);
Using accumarray:
% build array of group indices [1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,...]
idx = floor(((1:size(data,1))' - 1)/3) + 1;
% use it to accumulate rows (appliead to each column separately)
matrix = cell2mat(arrayfun(#(i)accumarray(idx,data(:,i)), 1:size(data,2), ...
Of course all the solution so far assume that the number of rows is evenly divisble by 3.

This one-liner reshapes so that all the values needed for a particular cell are in a column, does the sum, and then reshapes the back to the expected shape.
reshape(sum(reshape(data, 3, [])), [], size(data, 2))
The naked 3 could be changed if you want to sum a different number of rows together. It's on you to make sure the number of rows in each group divides evenly.

Slice the matrix into three pieces and add them together:
matrix = data(1:3:end, :) + data(2:3:end, :) + data(3:3:end, :);
This will give an error if size(data,1) is not a multiple of three, since the three pieces wouldn't be the same size. If appropriate to your data, you might work around that by truncating data, or appending some zeros to the end.
You could also do something fancy with reshape and 3D arrays. But I would prefer the above (unless you need to replace 3 with a variable...)

Prashant answered nicely before but I would have a simple amendment:
fl = filterLength;
A = yourVector (where mod(A,fl)==0)
There is the ",1" that makes the line run even when fl==1 (original values).
I discovered this while running it in a for loop like so:
... read A ...
% Plot data
hold on;
averageFactors = [1 3 10 30 100 300 1000];
colors = hsv(length(averageFactors));
clear legendTxt;
for i=1:length(averageFactors)
% ------ FILTERING ----------
clear Atrunc;
clear ttrunc;
clear B;
fl = averageFactors(i); % filter length
Atrunc = A(1:L-mod(L,fl),:);
ttrunc = t(1:L-mod(L,fl),:);
B = sum(reshape(Atrunc,fl,[]),1).'/fl;
tB = sum(reshape(ttrunc,fl,[]),1).'/fl;
plot(tB,B,'color',colors(i,:) )
%kbhit ()


Create a submatrix using random columns and loop

I have a 102-by-102 matrix. I want to select square sub-matrices of orders from 2 up to 8 using random column numbers. Here is what I have done so far.
matt is the the original matrix of size 102-by-102.
ittr = 30
cols = 3;
for i = 1:ittr
rr = randi([2,102], cols,1);
mattsub = matt([rr(1) rr(2) rr(3)], [rr(1) rr(2) rr(3)]);
I have to extract matrices of different orders from 2 to 8. Using the above code I would have to change the mattsub line every time I change cols. I believe it is possible to do with another loop inside but cannot figure out how. How can I do this?
There is no need to extract elements of a vector and concatenate them, just use the vector to index a matrix.
Instead of :
mattsub = matt([rr(1) rr(2) rr(3)], [rr(1) rr(2) rr(3)]);
Use this:
mattsub = matt(rr, rr);
Defining a set of random sizes is pretty easy using the randi function. Once this is done, they can be projected along your iterations number N using arrayfun. Within the iterations, the randperm and sort functions can be used in order to build the random indexers to the original matrix M.
Here is the full code:
% Define the starting parameters...
M = rand(102);
N = 30;
% Retrieve the matrix rows and columns...
M_rows = size(M,1);
M_cols = size(M,2);
% Create a vector of random sizes between 2 and 8...
sizes = randi(7,N,1) + 1;
% Generate the random submatrices and insert them into a vector of cells...
subs = arrayfun(#(x)M(sort(randperm(M_rows,x)),sort(randperm(M_cols,x))),sizes,'UniformOutput',false);
This can work on any type of matrix, even non-squared ones.
You don't need another loop, one is enough. If you use randi to get a random integer as size of your submatrix, and then use those to get random column and row indices you can easily get a random submatrix. Do note that the ouput is a cell, as the submatrices won't all be of the same size.
N=102; % Or substitute with some size function
matt = rand(N); % Initial matrix, use your own
itr = 30; % Number of iterations
mattsub = cell(itr,1); % Cell for non-uniform output
for ii = 1:itr
X = randi(7)+1; % Get random integer between 2 and 7
colr = randi(N-X); % Random column
rowr = randi(N-X); % random row
mattsub{ii} = matt(rowr:(rowr+X-1),colr:(colr+X-1));

MATLAB: For loop structure [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Element-wise array replication in Matlab
(7 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
This is a basic program but since I'm new to MATLAB, I'm not able to figure out the solution.
I have a column vector "Time" in which I want to print value "1" in first 147 cells, followed by "2" in 148 to 2*147 cells and so on. For that, I have written the following script:
Trial>> c=1;
Trial>> k=0;
Trial>> for i = c:146+c
I know I need to iterate the loop over "Time(i,1)=1+k;" before it executes the next statement. I tried using break but that's not supposed to work. Can anyone suggest me the solution to get the desired results?(It was quite simple in C with just the use of curly braces.)
I am sure you don't want to run c=i; in every iteration.
My code should work for you:
x = 10; % Replace 10 by the max number you need in your array.
k = 1;
for i = 1 : x * 147
Time(i, 1) = k;
if rem(i, 147) == 0
k = k + 1;
This is the prime example of a piece of code that should be vectorized can help you understand vectorization. Your code can be written like this:
n = 147;
reps = 10; %% Replace this by the maximum number you want your matrix to have
Time = reshape(bsxfun(#plus, zeros(n,1), 0:reps), 1, []);
Let A be a column vector (1 column, n rows), and B be a row vector (1 row, m columns.
What bsxfun(#plus, A, B) will do here is to add all elements in A with all elements in B, like this:
A(1)+B(1) A(1)+B(2) A(1)+B(3) ... A(1)+B(m)
A(2)+B(1) A(2)+B(2) ............. A(2)+B(m)
A(n)+B(1) A(n)+B(2) .............. A(n)+B(m)
Now, for the two vectors we have: zeros(n,1), and 0:reps, this will give us;
0+0 0+1 0+2 0+reps
0+0 0+1 0+2 0+reps
% n rows of this
So, what we need to do now is place each column underneath each other, so that you will have the column with zeros first, then the row with ones, ... and finally the one with reps (147 in your case).
This can be achieved by reshaping the matrix:
reshape(bsxfun(#plus, zeros(n,1), 0:reps), [], 1);
^ ^ ^ ^
| | | Number of rows in the new matrix. When [] is used, the appropriate value will be chosen by Matlab
| | Number of rows in the new matrix
| matrix to reshape
reshape command
Another approach is using kron:
kron(ones(reps+1, 1) * 0:(n-1)
For the record, a review of your code:
You should always preallocate memory for matrices that are created inside loops. In this case you know it will become a matrix of dimensions ((reps+1)*n-by-1). This means you should do Time = zeros((reps+1)*n, 1);. This will speed up your code a lot.
You shouldn't use i and j as variable names in Matlab, as they denote the imaginary unit (sqrt(-1)). You can for instance do: for ii = 1:(n*147) instead.
You don't want c=i inside the loop, when the loop is supposed to go from c to c + 146. That doesn't make much sense.
You can use repmat,
x = 10; % Sequence length (or what ever it can be called)
M = repmat(1:x,147,1); % Replicate array 1:x for 147 columns
M = M(:); % Reshape the matrix so that is becomes a column vector.
I can assume that this is a task to practice for loops, but this will work.
An alternative solution may be to do
n = 147;
reps = 10;
a = ceil( (1:(n*reps)) / n);
You first construct an array with the length you want. Then you divide, and round of upwards. 1 to 147 will then become 1.

Indices of constant consecutive values in a matrix, and number of constant values

I have a matrix with constant consecutive values randomly distributed throughout the matrix. I want the indices of the consecutive values, and further, I want a matrix of the same size as the original matrix, where the number of consecutive values are stored in the indices of the consecutive values. For Example
original_matrix = [1 1 1;2 2 3; 1 2 3];
output_matrix = [3 3 3;2 2 0;0 0 0];
I have struggled mightily to find a solution to this problem. It has relevance for meteorological data quality control. For example, if I have a matrix of temperature data from a number of sensors, and I want to know what days had constant consecutive values, and how many days were constant, so I can then flag the data as possibly faulty.
temperature matrix is number of days x number of stations and I want an output matrix that is also number of days x number of stations, where the consecutive values are flagged as described above.
If you have a solution to that, please provide! Thank you.
For this kind of problems, I made my own utility function runlength:
function RL = runlength(M)
% calculates length of runs of consecutive equal items along columns of M
% work along columns, so that you can use linear indexing
% find locations where items change along column
jumps = diff(M) ~= 0;
% add implicit jumps at start and end
ncol = size(jumps, 2);
jumps = [true(1, ncol); jumps; true(1, ncol)];
% find linear indices of starts and stops of runs
ijump = find(jumps);
nrow = size(jumps, 1);
istart = ijump(rem(ijump, nrow) ~= 0); % remove fake starts in last row
istop = ijump(rem(ijump, nrow) ~= 1); % remove fake stops in first row
rl = istop - istart;
assert(sum(rl) == numel(M))
% make matrix of 'derivative' of runlength
% don't need last row, but needs same size as jumps for indices to be valid
dRL = zeros(size(jumps));
dRL(istart) = rl;
dRL(istop) = dRL(istop) - rl;
% remove last row and 'integrate' to get runlength
RL = cumsum(dRL(1:end-1,:));
It only works along columns since it uses linear indexing. Since you want do something similar along rows, you need to transpose back and forth, so you could use it for your case like so:
>> original = [1 1 1;2 2 3; 1 2 3];
>> original = original.'; % transpose, since runlength works along columns
>> output = runlength(original);
>> output = output.'; % transpose back
>> output(output == 1) = 0; % see hitzg's comment
>> output
output =
3 3 3
2 2 0
0 0 0

delete certain columns of matrix when number of zero elements exceeds threshold avoiding loop

I have a quite big (107 x n) matrix X. Within these n columns, each three columns belong to each other. So, the first three columns of matrix X build a block, then columns 4,5,6 and so on.
Within each block, the first 100 row elements of the first column are important X(1:100,1:3:end). Whenever in this first column the number of zeros or NaNs is greater or equal 20, it should delete the whole block.
Is there a way to do this without a loop?
Thanks for any advice!
Assuming the number of columns of the input to be a multiple of 3, there could be two approaches here.
Approach #1
%// parameters
rl = 100; %// row limit
cl = 20; %// count limit
X1 = X(1:rl,1:3:end) %// Important elements from input
match_mat = isnan(X1) | X1==0 %// binary array of matches
match_blk_id = find(sum(match_mat)>=cl) %// blocks that satisfy requirements
match_colstart = (match_blk_id-1).*3+1 %// start column indices that satisfy
all_col_ind = bsxfun(#plus,match_colstart,[0:2]') %//'columns indices to be removed
X(:,all_col_ind)=[] %// final output after removing to be removed columns
Or if you prefer "compact" codes -
X1 = X(1:rl,1:3:end);
X(:,bsxfun(#plus,(find(sum(isnan(X1) | X1==0)>=cl)-1).*3+1,[0:2]'))=[];
Approach #2
X1 = X(1:rl,1:3:end)
match_mat = isnan(X1) | X1==0 %// binary array of matches
X(:,repmat(sum(match_mat)>=cl,[3 1]))=[] %// Find matching blocks, replicate to
%// next two columns and remove them from X
Note: If X is not a multiple of 3, use this before using the codes - X = [X zeros(size(X,1) ,3 - mod(size(X,2),3))].

Efficient aggregation of high dimensional arrays

I have a 3 dimensional (or higher) array that I want to aggregate by another vector. The specific application is to take daily observations of spatial data and average them to get monthly values. So, I have an array with dimensions <Lat, Lon, Day> and I want to create an array with dimensions <Lat, Lon, Month>.
Here is a mock example of what I want. Currently, I can get the correct output using a loop, but in practice, my data is very large, so I was hoping for a more efficient solution than the second loop:
% Make the mock data
A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6];
X = zeros(2, 3, 9);
for j = 1:9
X(:, :, j) = A;
A = A + 1;
% Aggregate the X values in groups of 3 -- This is the part I would like help on
T = [1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3];
X_agg = zeros(2, 3, 3);
for i = 1:3
X_agg(:,:,i) = mean(X(:,:,T==i),3);
In 2 dimensions, I would use accumarray, but that does not accept higher dimension inputs.
Before getting to your answer let's first rewrite your code in a more general way:
ag = 3; % or agg_size
X_agg = zeros(size(X)./[1 1 ag]);
for i = 1:ag
X_agg(:,:,i) = mean(X(:,:,(i-1)*ag+1:i*ag), 3);
To avoid using the for loop one idea is to reshape your X matrix to something that you can use the mean function directly on.
splited_X = reshape(X(:), [size(X_agg), ag]);
So now splited_X(:,:,:,i) is the i-th part
that contains all the matrices that should be aggregated which is X(:,:,(i-1)*ag+1:i*ag)) (like above)
Now you just need to find the mean in the 3rd dimension of splited_X:
temp = mean(splited_X, 3);
However this results in a 4D matrix (where its 3rd dimension size is 1). You can again turn it into 3D matrix using reshape function:
X_agg = reshape(temp, size(X_agg))
I have not tried it to see how much more efficient it is, but it should do better for large matrices since it doesn't use for loops.