How to setup open graph so share on Facebook shows up as photo? - facebook

Trying to share a URL on Facebook that displays as a photo in the news feed, like what Flickr is doing. For instance, if you try to share this url on Facebook:
It shows up like this:
Using the open graph explorer/debugger, I don't see anything too terribly special with that page's meta tags:
Any one have ideas on what's needed to achieve something like this?

Not sure what are you asking exactly. If it is simply how to share a URL on Facebook that displays as a photo in the newsfeed you just need to set the proper Open Graphs tags (i.e. og:image). If it is something else, can you clarify?
You can find more information about photo sharing here:


Facebook Sharing plugin doesn’t detect the specified post URL

I use Facebook share button to share my article (Title, description and image) on Facebook using Open Graph Meta and other default Meta
And my articles are echoed in post.php page like ( which contents differ through post_id.
Well, while sharing a post on fb, facing some problems.
1: fb share doesn't detect the image belonging to the article/current post that is shared. (Thought the image URL in my Open Graph Meta is correct) and after sharing it on Facebook the link doesn’t redirect to the exact URL (
2: the fb share button is in my post.php page which shares different posts but sharing is counted same for all posts.
The FB share button has got an attribute (data-href="url-to-share") which my one is (data-href="<?php echo'post.php?id=post_id';?>").
Anyone know what and where is wrong with my code/URL addressing?
If your meta tags shows correct data then must be fb issue. I faced similar problem before.
Try debug your url in the FB debugger( ). It helps.
Fb haven't grab your updated data because they have their own time/interval to grab new data from the website(if im not mistaken). Using the debugger u'll see how the share will look like and show missing details if any.

Facebook open graph image without meta og:image

I found sites which are using like button to specific images from galleries and when you like them on facebook they display proper image buth without even using og meta tags???
How they are doing this???
Here is example:
Try to like any picture and try to debug them on facebook debuger and you will see that there are no meta tags but crawled picture is proper!
They are using the old sharer.php endpoint.
That endpoint is officially unsupported. For the moment it still works, but it could be removed at any time. You can accomplish something similar using the Feed Dialog or the proper og:meta tags.

facebook like not get the required image

I am creating a facebook like to put on my site. This component will read all posts from a specific page`s wall and display them.
I want to get the required image post on my wall when any user like my page from my website.. I have multiple facebook likes on my page ..
My problem is that when a user like any of the like button it get any image from my page and post it my wall . But i want that it get the specific image and post to my wall..
i also tried to put og:image But no success :-(
Any suggestions please.
You haven't given enough code to diagnose your problems, but assuming that you've followed the open graph instructions on the Facebook Developers site - - It would be a good idea pass your target URL through the Facebook Debugger (formerly the URL Linter) it will help show you any errors you have regarding your open graph tagging implementation:

How do I get Facebook to use a thumbnail picture from my Posterous post?

When I share a link on Facebook from Posterous, I would like it to use a thumbnail image from that post or even the YouTube video.
Is it possible to do this?
At the minute if I share a link e.g. it will use the image_src meta that Posterous has set.
You should be able to put your own image in the post (and even hide it in CSS) just put it near the top.
Then, when you share the post in the box on Facebook it should show the in the list of pics to associate your post with ...
I'm assuming you aren't using the API?

Limiting the number of thumbnails on facebook share

So I want users to be able to share this link on facebook but I want only a specific picture to be the thumbnail for this sharing picture and no other images that appear on my web site
I read the documentation about facebook share and I got this
Basically what I understand is that
<link rel="image_src" href="thumbnail_image" / >
should do what I want. However, I cannot get this to work. My site is programmed using rails and, inside the layout, I have the above tag to take in an image url coming from a model instance.
Does anyone know how to use this properly? Am I misunderstanding something about this tag? I want to disable user from selecting through the images that I have on my page and just allow the user to share with only 1 image which I have to specify.
To specify a specific picture you will need to add open graph meta tags to your page. Take a look at
The open graph tag for your case is: og:image