Facebook open graph image without meta og:image - facebook

I found sites which are using like button to specific images from galleries and when you like them on facebook they display proper image buth without even using og meta tags???
How they are doing this???
Here is example:
Try to like any picture and try to debug them on facebook debuger and you will see that there are no meta tags but crawled picture is proper!

They are using the old sharer.php endpoint.
That endpoint is officially unsupported. For the moment it still works, but it could be removed at any time. You can accomplish something similar using the Feed Dialog or the proper og:meta tags.


Facebook share wrong image

We use the Facebook Share option on a website with newsarticles. The website is build with PHP and uses Smarty. We generate a unique URL (stripped like /news/headline-of-the-article) and have the meta properties defined.
When the owner shares a links with an image that was previously uploaded, everything is fine. When he uploads a news image, inserts it into the article and shares, Facebook takes another pictures, the pictures that it finds first on the source-code. Altho, in the preview-box just before you publish, it shows the correct image. Once placed, it's the wrong one.
The Facebook Debug Tool shows as og:image tag > og:image domain/UserFiles/images/news/standard_14.jpg
But when I look at the RAW tags og:image shows > domain/UserFiles/images/news/bosuil_1.jpg
So the og:image tag does it job and generates the correct URL, but facebook still posts the wrong image. When I force Facebook (manually) to scrape again, it shows everything good and also shares it correct.
I don't get it...
I had the same problem and found these best practices on facebook's developer wiki: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/sharing/best-practices#precaching
Use og:image:width and og:image:height Open Graph tags
Using these tags will specify the image dimensions to the crawler so that it can
render the image immediately without having to asynchronously download
and process it.
After specifying the width and height we have not had a problem with facebook crawling the right picture immediately.

Facebook sharer is not working as expcted

I have inserted the OG meta tags in my pages and also have provided a simple link to help users share the contents on the Facebook using the
link. But I have two problems:
When attempting to share the content for the first time, the
Facebook sharer page only displays a preview box which only contains
the name of the site, and makes me use the Facebook's Object
Debugger to
fetch the meta tags. How can I automate this process?
And secondly, while the Object Debugger report says that it has
found the og:url, og:type, og:title, og:locale,
og:image:width, og:image:height, og:image and the
og:description raw tags on the page, but the image doesn't get
displayed in neither the preview box of the page nor on the shared
status. What I have missed? What's wrong?
To make things clear, sharing on google+ works perfectly (the image gets displayed, the title and the descriptions are in place.)
Thanks in advance :)

Facebook Sharer Can't See OG:IMAGE Tag At First Check

I am trying to share this url via facebook(change RANDOM_STRING with any random string because of facebook cache):
at first try facebook will decide picture which is there is a men. Refresh facebook page and try again share with same url at this time picture will be changed and you will see keyboard image which is correct image.
og:image tag is always correct why this is happening ?
How can I prevent ?
Run your URL through the Facebook Object Debugger to make sure that your OG image tag is correctly being picked up by Facebook. This will also force a re-cache of the image.
I ran it through quickly and there were a couple errors that came up. Primarily missing URL and title OG tags. You'll want to have these to avoid circular redirects. See here: Debugged
I would personally remove that cache bust all together. It's confusing Facebook because it looks like a directory. If anything, use a query string.

Can you force Facebook to recognize correct image without og: tags?

I have a website where news articles get posted through CMS and there is no option to add Facebook META OG tags to <head>. I could only add them manually to <body> but that won't work I assume?
Is there another solution where you can tell Facebook which image should be picked when using like/share buttons?
This depends how you make the share. You can use the FB.Ui to request a "Post to a wall" where you can specify the specifics of what appears on the share.
If you are sharing the URL only it will read your meta tags as you state. I have not tried making that image the first within the HTML as this may also make that the default.
you can use this link to debug your meta tags and test your sharing if you are sharing a URL.

FACEBOOK like button and meta tag 'og:site_name' not showing correctly

I´ve inserted a FACEBOOK like button succesfully, except that the meta tag 'og:site_name' is not working...:
On my facebook page, it shows the name of the main domain (http://www.domain.com) and not the content of the meta tag 'og:site_name' (FAN CLUB)
I've research everything there is to research without success... Something so simple(?) Am i missing something?
Feeding your URL through the Facebook Debugger should clear Facebook's caching of your URL and refresh any changes you have made. Try passing your URL to the debugger and it should be refreshed to the correct value.
The debugger will also direct you to any other problems you may have with regard to integrating your URL into the Open Graph Protocol...