How do I get Facebook to use a thumbnail picture from my Posterous post? - facebook

When I share a link on Facebook from Posterous, I would like it to use a thumbnail image from that post or even the YouTube video.
Is it possible to do this?
At the minute if I share a link e.g. it will use the image_src meta that Posterous has set.

You should be able to put your own image in the post (and even hide it in CSS) just put it near the top.
Then, when you share the post in the box on Facebook it should show the in the list of pics to associate your post with ...
I'm assuming you aren't using the API?


How can I prevent Facebook from loading preview images of my Blogger posts?

Whenever I post a link to my blog at on Facebook, a wrong or completely irrelevant thumbnail image is loaded. Is there a way to prevent Facebook from loading any image from my blog at all? Perhaps some HTML or CSS code I could use on Blogger?
maybe your blog structure invalid, such as og image... cause, normally... facebook or another social media get data image from post..
first image..
if you want to show relevant image.. just put it first on your post
check your page structure using google page structure tool from webmaster.

How to setup open graph so share on Facebook shows up as photo?

Trying to share a URL on Facebook that displays as a photo in the news feed, like what Flickr is doing. For instance, if you try to share this url on Facebook:
It shows up like this:
Using the open graph explorer/debugger, I don't see anything too terribly special with that page's meta tags:
Any one have ideas on what's needed to achieve something like this?
Not sure what are you asking exactly. If it is simply how to share a URL on Facebook that displays as a photo in the newsfeed you just need to set the proper Open Graphs tags (i.e. og:image). If it is something else, can you clarify?
You can find more information about photo sharing here:

Unity facebook SDK, can not post picture with FB.Feed

In my Unity IOS game, I am unsuccessfully trying to use FB.Feed to share a screenshot on the user's wall.
Facebook documentation uses FB.Api to publish the screenshot, but this method does not display a share dialog, it simply uploads the pic to Facebook.
Answers I have found so far:
Upload the picture using FB.Api, and then parse the FBResult for the picture URL, and feed that to FB.Feed Link to answer.
This method triggers an error, since it is not possible to use a Facebook URL as source for a picture.
Save the picture locally and prepend "File://" to the picture path. Link to question. This does not seem to work either, and the Facebook documentation does not seem to have any information on URL formatting.
My question:
Is this the correct (and only) way to display a share dialog when publishing a picture? Or am I looking in the wrong direction?
FB.Feed only allows you to post link to images. It doesn't upload the images to Facebook. Therefore, these images need to hosted somewhere on the net and not locally.
The best way to make it work is either upload the images to FB (with privacy property set to EVERYONE) using FB.API, and then share the link to that picture via FB.Feed. If you don't want to create duplicate stories, i.e. one from posting the picture and another from FB.Feed, make sure that you set no_story to true.

need to choose from an array of images to share or like to facebook using graph API

I want to share to facebook a link and allow the user to choose from an array of thumbnails. This ability of choosing the thumbnail was capable with the share button but facebook has deprecated that functionality and the share button in favor of like which to my knowledge does not allow for selection of thumbnail it only uses one.
Can someone tell me how to pass a particular array of images to the share button object
how to enable this functionality using the facebook graph API?
If you share the url link, that url link can have many og:image tags in it. See: for further information on how to setup the og meta tags in your url.

Facebook JS SDK - Post an image to someone's wall and make it open in the Gallery Lightbox

To be clear, I know how to post an image to a user's wall using FB.ui, but what I would like to know, is if it's possible to make that thumbnail in the post open up the image using the Facebook Gallery Lightbox, just like any pictures you see from your friends, etc. Currently I can only make the thumbnail link to either my app or directly to the image.
No, you can't do that: the gallery lightbox access is not exposed in any way that you can change in a wall post.