How to change TypeLite Output Directory - typelite

Currently all of my TypeScript typings are located under Scripts/typings/Library. By default, TypeLite is just under Scripts. Is there a way to specify the output directory so it is under a custom Library name? ie Scripts/typings/MyCSharpProj?

TypeLite uses T4 templates for generating output files and I am afraid it isn't possible to change the output directory for the template. The output file is always generated alongside the template.
If you move Manager.ttinclude and to another directory and the output files will be generated there.


Using the Parcel build tool, how can I control the locations of my output files?

I'm following the official guide for Parcel 2.
By default parcel takes your input files and dumps them all in the same output directory.
The vast majority of developers have specific directory layouts for our projects. So parcel must offer a way for its users to put files and directories where we want them to go.
But I can't documentation for configuring output file layout.
How do I control where output files are created? And how to rename them?
For example, if I'm working with projectroot/src/js/index.js, how can I output to projectroot/dist/js/bundle.js

Is it possible to rename a file during copy with Nuspec files node

I am currently working on changing our codebase to use Nuget. As part of the process the copying of ressources to the output directory should be moved from postbuild events in the projects to the files tag in the .nuspec file.
For the particular project the ressource was called Resources.resx and is renamed to something more specific during the copy (yes I know great programming - not mine and not my place to change it).
Is it possible to change the filename using the file node in nuspec or do I need to keep a postbuild in this case?
My attemp of renaming it with the target property fails:
< file src="foo/bar.resx" target="foo/foobar.resx"/>
creates the following output:
I found a familiar problem on github but it was rejected due to being posted on a dead branch and not trying to rename a file but change its type.
Thanks for the help
This functionality is not built into NuGet. The only conceivable way to do this would be to implement a powershell script (install.ps1) that would handle the rename of both the file and the csproj.
Late to the party, but this looks like it could work:
Renaming a content file in the package
Source file:
.nuspec entry:
<file src="ie\css\style.css" target="Content\css\ie.css" />
Packaged result:
I found this post ( where it says:
Note: The File extension in src and target must match or the specified target will be treated like a directory.
So keep that in mind or it might trip you up.

wrx file handling with Developer Studio

Is there a way to make Progress Developer Studio 3.7 (Eclipse) generate all the wrx files (from the ocx) and place them in for example the rcode folder?
I dont know even how to make one wrx file. Have heard this "They get automatically created as soon as you drop an OCX control onto an ABL frame". But if you have removed that file, can you create it anew without having to redrop the control? And how do you automatically place it in a certain folder?
wrx files contain the properties of an ActiveX you set in the appbuilder.
If you loose the wrx, those properties revert back to default values. You should check-in the wrx files into your version control system together with the source .
To copy the wrx to the rcode directory I use robocopy.
suppose your sources are in a directory named src then you can copy them using
robocopy src rcode *.wrx /s
The wrx-file is generated when compiling in the AppBuilder.
See this entry in the Progress Knowledge base

Add Zend folder to bash_profile

I want to not have to copy the Zend folder into all of my sites, so how can I add it to the bash_profile? And where would I put the Zend folder on my system?
I am running OS X Lion
To do what you want to do, you don't actually do anything with the bash files, instead you need to add to PHP's include_path, so scripts will find the Zend files automatically when it needs them.
As an example, I put ZF files in a directory /usr/share/Zend/Framework and then add the appropriate directory to PHP's include_path.
So I have a directory structure like this:
- /usr/share/Zend/Framework/
| - bin/
| --
| -- zf.php
| - library/
| -- Zend/
| All the Zend Framework files are here...
Then in php.ini set the include path so it contains the library folder.
include_path = ".:/usr/share/Zend/Framework/library"
Depending on how many of your sites use Zend, you want the Zend files to be as high up in the include path as possible so they are found quickly.
By doing this, all of your sites will simply be able to include and use files from Zend Framework without having to do anything to the include path before hand. By simply saying require_once Zend/Mail.php PHP will know to look in /usr/share/Zend/Framework/library for Zend/Mail.php if it isn't first found in the current directory.
If you want each user to be able to use from their shells without having to specify the full path, then you can add something like the following to each user's .bashrc file at the end:
export PATH
In all cases, replace /usr/share/Zend/Framework with the actual path that you place the Zend Framework library and bin folder.
Also note, the bin folder is optional, you can place just the library folder in the path and add library to your include_path.

Where are Doxygen output files put?

I have just run Doxygen from the command line and am unsure where it put it...
It doesn't show up in the directory I ran it from
Is there an easy way to find it?
From the Doxygen manual:
The default output directory is the directory in which doxygen is started. The root directory to which the output is written can be changed using the OUTPUT_DIRECTORY. The format specific directory within the output directory can be selected using the HTML_OUTPUT, RTF_OUTPUT, LATEX_OUTPUT, XML_OUTPUT, and MAN_OUTPUT tags of the configuration file. If the output directory does not exist, doxygen will try to create it for you (but it will not try to create a whole path recursively, like mkdir -p does).
If you are having some problems getting it to do what you want use doxywizard it makes writing the configuration file much easier.