Jasper - Conditional frame and resize of band - jasper-reports

I've a columnHeader band which contains two frames.
The first frame must be visible if a parameter is TRUE, the second frame must be visible if the same parameter is FALSE.
So I want to show only one frame.
I've put two frames sequentially. The visibility is OK but when I show the first frame remains a blank space between it and detail band (because the second frame has been hidden but occupy the space).
How can I remove this space?

At property of frame on bookmark "Appearence" set checkbox "Remove line when blank".


CodeMirror vertical offset at cursor

I have a CodeMirror window whose element's height is set to auto. The max height is set such that it does not add a scroll bar to the page itself. My problem is that when this max height is reached, any subsequent line additions is hidden until I scroll down manually. I would like additional lines to be shown when added by default, thus I'm looking for a vertical offset for the editor, similar to Vim's scrolloff. That is, I always want the lines above and below the cursor to be displayed.
I've come across cursorScrollMargin and played around with a few values, but no noticeable changes occur.

Hide Detail Band in jasper report

Data that we get from data source is not shown in detail band. But make some processing for each of records and processing result is shown in Group footer.
So I cannot remove detail band, as it is the only place for processing individual record. But I want to hide it, making invisible.
If I use printWhenExpression, it causes not only hiding the detail band but also no processing is done for records.
What I want is just hide(making invisible and do not make any blank) but processing is done for each iteration. If possible, may I know how to do it.
Remove all elements (static text, text field and so on) from detail band and set height = 0 px at detail band property
You can either set its height to 0 px in the properties section on the right side
You can Right click > delete band. (The band can later be added back if needed).

Detail band resize dynamically vertically when textfield is NULL

I have a JasperReports report build with iReport. I have the normal Detail band but below i have a textField named observations there is sometimes the Observations textField is empty or NULL. I have put both inner components namely textfields, lines into frames something like.
I also set using Print When Expression the below frame the one who holds the Observations textField to appear only when there is data on it this is working very good but the space holds by the frame is still on the Detail and we are losing some space and it's kind annoyng to see this blank space.
Is it possible for the report to "delete" the idle space hold it by the hidden frame?
My report's design:
The generated result (PDF file):
I don't think it's possible to alter the height of a band depending on its content but you can actually have multiple detail bands. So add a new one, move your observation text field into it and set the print when expression of the second band.

Relative to tallest object option not working when frame shrinks

In the report, there are two frames that are in the same group and have selected Relative To Tallest Object option.
In the case, where one of the frames is extended because of the content overflow, the second frame extends relative to first frame.
In the case, when the first of the frames will shrink because of deleted text boxes from inside, that have Remove Line When Null option set, the height of the frame is reduced, despite the fact, that the Relative To Tallest Object option should ensure, that the size of the first frame is the same as the highest frame in group.
Problem occurs in JasperReports 4.7.1.
What can I do to get around this?
Image representing the problem:
Content was erased due to privacy concerns.

How to increase Detail band height dynamically

My requirement is to increase the Detail band height dynamically when the text field has more data. Are there any settings to increase to it? I am using one textField in the Detail band when it has more information (words), it is displaying only some information.
i.e the words are being cut off. Depending on the detail band height the words are displaying. I would like to increase the band height dynamically when the text field has more data.
First select your field and set following properties (third one is most important):
Position type: float
Stretch type: relative to tallest object
Stretch with overflow: true (checked)
Go to Report level properties. Advanced - Set the Column count and then Print order as Horizontal
Try setting the text field and surround object to Position Type Float in the object's properties.
This should let the report expand as the text field grows.