CodeMirror vertical offset at cursor - codemirror

I have a CodeMirror window whose element's height is set to auto. The max height is set such that it does not add a scroll bar to the page itself. My problem is that when this max height is reached, any subsequent line additions is hidden until I scroll down manually. I would like additional lines to be shown when added by default, thus I'm looking for a vertical offset for the editor, similar to Vim's scrolloff. That is, I always want the lines above and below the cursor to be displayed.
I've come across cursorScrollMargin and played around with a few values, but no noticeable changes occur.


How do I copy text inside of the tooltip that appears when hovering over elements?

I'm trying to set min and max dimensions for some elements on a webpage and for elements near the end of the screen, the tooltip is cut off. Usually I would just look at the computed height and width and guess what it could be rounded to, but the width and height are set to auto.
I can't change the size of the viewport, since the size of most of my elements is dependent on viewport width.
I could try to copy the text inside of the tooltip, but I don't know how to get it to stay frozen in place so that I can select the text.
I saw some answers saying to hold F8, but that only works if you have a tooltip applied to the element you're hovering over, it doesn't freeze the inspect tooltip.
An example of what I'm trying to describe.

What's the proper way to align a strechable Text and an image to two ends in Unity UI?

I have an UI element that has a Text and an Image as its children. It has a HorizontalLayoutGroup component that enables Control Child Size and Child Force Expand.
I want the Image has a fixed size, and Text has strechable size controlled by the HorizontalLayoutGroup. So when the Image is set to inactive, the Text fills the whole space and when the Image is active, the Text shrinks a little bit in order to give space to the Image. Right now this part works good.
My second goal is to align them to both ends: the Text in the left and the Image on the right with space in between. But changing Child Alignment can't achieve this.
I tried the following solution:
Add LayoutElement both to Image and Text. On Text, enable Flexible Width and set a a value, on Image, enable Min Width and set to a value. Manually adjust the two values until it seems right.
This solution seems to work, but I don't know why. Is anyone familiar with this?What's the recommended way to do it? Thanks!
I worked it out. On the LayoutElement, treat Preferred Width or Preferred Height as Max Width or Max Height. Enable them, set the value the same with min value. One the other objects that you want to stretch, enable Flexible values. Then all worked as we want.

How to adjust the width of the ag-grid container based on its contents?

In ag-grid, the value of domLayout can be set to autoHeight in order to disable vertical scrolling of the ag-grid panel. Instead, the entire page adapts its height to show all the rows.
How can I have the same behavior for the horizontal scrolling?
There is the suppressHorizontalScroll option when set to true hides the horizontal scroll bar, but this doesn't force the entire page to have a scroll. Instead, the overflowing content is just hidden.
you can do this to some extent by juggling the minWidth, maxWidth, and width attributes on your columns while setting the width of the columns automatically based on their content using the gridColumnApi.autoSizeColumns(colId) method.
I say to some extent because it is quite hard, with agGrid, to set different row sizes for rows with certain cells having a lot of text or big images in them. This would force some columns to expand to accommodate for the content, or just clip it completely. Thus forcing the horizontal scroll.
Note : for the method above to work, you need to call gridColumnApi.autoSizeColumns(colId) after you get your rows setUp.

Text component displaying lines in reverse order

Alright, I do not know how to fix this and only ran into this problem after trying to put in some longer text on a UI Text component. I have tried both pasting a value into its Text attribute through the Unity editor, and setting its value programmatically like this:
t.GetComponent<Text> ().text = "This is where meat, fish, and [...] (long text)"
Because Horizontal wrap is on, the text wraps when it reaches the edge of the available space.
However, the text displays backwards. Meaning, the start of the paragraph is at the bottom, and bottom at the top. Taking off wrap fixes this, but then the font size has to be really small (or it won't all be visible), and it can't form a normal paragraph because it has to... you know... wrap.
Is this a bug in Unity?
This is what happens - as you can see, it is displayed backwards:
The negative Line Spacing value is what is causing the issue here:
When the value of this field is less than 0, the lines will actually be arranged backwards, leading to the behaviour you're currently encountering. Just change the value to a positive number to have the text display correctly.

gtk treeview column resizing and horizontal scrollbar

I have a gtk treeview (inside a GtkScrolledWindow) with two columns.
If I set both columns to the default sizing policy, I have a horizontal scrollbar for the treeview but the columns can't be sized down by the user, which is impractical.
If I set both columns to setSizing Fixed, fixed width 120, I get a nice display and the columns can be resized, but there is no horizontal scrollbar in the treeview (since the columns size down to fit in the width of the treeview I guess).
If I set the first column to setSizing fixed, fixed width 120, the second one to automatic, only the second column is displayed (???).
I would like that by default the first column takes let's say at most 60% of the display, the second column can go all the way and I have a horizontal scrollbar. Certainly I want the user to be able to resize them up or down, not as with the default policy, that you can resize them down!
That's why I tried the first column fixed, the second automatic, it was promessing but I don't understand why the first column is not displayed at all in that configuration.
I add the cell renderers with packstart true, I tried false but it didn't change anything, also I tried setting the expand for the columns to true or false, which didn't have any effect.
Note I'm using the gtk2hs haskell bindings but I'm certain it would be the same in any other gtk binding. Just mentioning if people will ask for code samples.
I'm pretty sure this is a common problem... I'd say nautilus is fixing it the way I'd like to fix it, but I think digging in the nautilus source is going to be quite long...
EDIT well i've discovered the cell renderer's ellipsize setting also has an effect. Setting it to end for the first column and none for the second should be what i want but then the first column is very small and cannot be expanded through resize...
EDIT2 well for now i've moved to word wrapping for the cell renderer, that way i don't have to bother with a horizontal scrollbar... Still curious for the solution to that question though.