How to increase Detail band height dynamically - jasper-reports

My requirement is to increase the Detail band height dynamically when the text field has more data. Are there any settings to increase to it? I am using one textField in the Detail band when it has more information (words), it is displaying only some information.
i.e the words are being cut off. Depending on the detail band height the words are displaying. I would like to increase the band height dynamically when the text field has more data.

First select your field and set following properties (third one is most important):
Position type: float
Stretch type: relative to tallest object
Stretch with overflow: true (checked)

Go to Report level properties. Advanced - Set the Column count and then Print order as Horizontal

Try setting the text field and surround object to Position Type Float in the object's properties.
This should let the report expand as the text field grows.


How to increase subreport's textField height as the height of master report's textField?

I would like to resize subreport's text field (before include into main report) like the highest main report's text field.
As you can see the subreport's text field does not have equal height.
You need to work with stretchType, you can't set the height dynamically in any other way (not considering via java code)
On reportElement tag you have the attribute stretchType, which you can set to RelativeToBandHeight or RelativeToTallestObject. I would go for:
However this function will stretch relative to largest object in band, which in your case is the band in the subreport, so probably you should think this the other way around, hence
Set desired field size in subreport then stretch the textElements in your main report, to match the height of your subreport.

Stretch elements by overflow in jasperreports

I have a structure like bellow which consist of one static text and two text fields. The text fields should expand relative to their content. I need to adjust them in a way that these three elements expand together. Should I keep them in one band? What should be the stretch type for each?
Put all three elements in a band.
Set the Stretch Type of Static Text to Relative To Band Height.
Set the same for text field 1.
Set the same for text field 2 and additionally set Position Type to Float.

Detail band resize dynamically vertically when textfield is NULL

I have a JasperReports report build with iReport. I have the normal Detail band but below i have a textField named observations there is sometimes the Observations textField is empty or NULL. I have put both inner components namely textfields, lines into frames something like.
I also set using Print When Expression the below frame the one who holds the Observations textField to appear only when there is data on it this is working very good but the space holds by the frame is still on the Detail and we are losing some space and it's kind annoyng to see this blank space.
Is it possible for the report to "delete" the idle space hold it by the hidden frame?
My report's design:
The generated result (PDF file):
I don't think it's possible to alter the height of a band depending on its content but you can actually have multiple detail bands. So add a new one, move your observation text field into it and set the print when expression of the second band.

How to fix the number of rows while designing pdf using iText in java

I am creating one pdf file showing a list of all employees and their salaries. At the end of the page it is showing the total of all salaries.
I am using a for loop to add multiple rows to table.
The problem is:
at the end the row, the total salary doesn't fit on the same page and it is shown on the next page.
So is there any way that I can calculate the height of the page and then fix the height of each cell? And then accordingly, limit the number of rows.
So that at the end of the page, I can show the total number of rows and further record from next page.
Calculate the height of the page: well... you decide on the size of the page when you create a Document object. You can choose any size you want.
Calculate the height of a PdfPTable: that's explained in chapter 4 of my book. When you create a PdfPTable, you add PdfPCell objects to an object that only exists in memory and that doesn't know anything about page size. By default, the width is expressed as a percentage of the available width of the page to which you'll add the PdfPTable. Only when you add the PdfPTable to a specific Document, the exact width and the height will be calculated (which is too late for you).
If you want to know the height in advance, you need to define an absolute width (not a percentage). Tables with the same content and a different width will have a different height. Defining an absolute width is done like this:
In this snippet (taken from the TableHeight example), width equals the width of the page minus the left and right margin. You're defining the width of the page and the margins upon creation of the Document object. By default, the page size is A4, so the default width is 595 user units and the default margins are 36 user units.
So, one way to solve your problem, would be to add rows in a loop and calculate the height of each row with the getRowHeight() method or the height of the complete table with the getTotalHeight() method (both methods will return 0 if you omit setting the total height). If you see there's not enough space to add the summary row, you can use the deleteLastRow() method to remove that last row and to create it anew in a new table on the next page.
That's one solution. Another solution could be to use table and cell events, but that's more difficult to explain.

JasperReports: set textfield height to height of other element in band

I have several textfields on a single row in the same band. The first of them is having a larger font than the rest. However, the size of this font might change for each record. How can I set the height of the other textfields to be dependant of the height of the first one?
Thanks for your help,
On each field in the row set Stretch Type to be Relative to Tallest Object.