Neo4j server won't create data/log dir and files - plugins

Working with Neo4j server as a WIN service with a plugin extension.
The server is not creating the log files (which should be found under data\log)
and I can't see why.
I went through all conf files and they look perfectly fine.
In my app I'm writing the logs via java.util.logging.logger as
instructed in the documentation and suggested here:
How can you log from a Neo4j Server Plugin?
Did anyone had similar experience or can direct me to the solution?
The plugin extension works fine.
Thank you.


Error generating artifacts for the following WSDL (my url) Possible causes can be invoking https when the application is not configured for security

I use payara server and postgres database. I can deploy my project successsfully. I also can open the wsdl page. But I can not open the test page. And when I saw the server log. It show that: log information
But I think I have the jdk.
Any help is appreciative.
I already solve this problem. It said I didnot have jdk. In my ec2 instance, it really has a openjdk. So I think maybe I can not use open jdk. I download oracal jdk 8 from the web. Finally, it is success. If someone get this problem, maybe it can help you.

swift Perfect server deployment in Amazon AWS Buildpack

Am trying to deploy my web service written in swift, I don't see the web-root folder and not sure where to create the folder. Anybody have tried, please help me to copy the source code and start the server.
so, can you tell me what you have done so far, in relation to getting the AWS instance up and running ? Did you use the AWS instructions from here?
Once you have the instance up and running, there are several ways to deploy your code, such as a git pull. By default, the webroot folder for the PerfectServer is created in the current working directory when you run the app. There are several command line options to define the location of libraries, server port and location of webroot.
With more information, I'd be happy to help get you running.

toy web service on Eclipse- trouble with glassfish4 server

I am new to Java EE, and am trying to learn how to create a web service. I followed the instructions given at this link- to create a simple Hello World web service. I got into trouble when trying to get Eclipse to start the glassfish4 server. I get the error shown below-
I am not sure what ${sunappserver.rootdirectory} means and how it is defined. Much appreciate anyone who can help me understand this and get it working.
Check your glassfish installation. This file contains lots of configuration details. Your Exception means it is missing! Maybe there is a backup called domain.xml.bak in the same directory.
Mine is in /usr/local/glassfish4_1/glassfish/domains/domain1/config/domain.xml

Cannot update repository Windows Azure

I'm trying Windows Azure now.
I have been following instruction from
I'm running on eclipse helios, but when i try to install new software and enter url repository :
Eclipse always timeout,
message on message box like bellow :
Unable to connect to repository
Unable to connect to repository
Connection timed out: connect
How to solve this, i very need it to deploy my first app on Windows Azure platform
Help me to solve this, please
Now i try to runnning azure project on Cloud Azure, but why when i try to upload cspkg file and cscfg file, the process always timeout, whereas connection is running normally when i look on ping -t
this is message when i try upload on azure hosting service :
Uploading the selected package has failed, please verify your network connection and try again.
How to solve this issue ?
it's very strange error. >-<
I think there is some problem with your network connection as I have just tested the same download location and it does work perfectly fine as below:
As you can see below I am using URL to download the Java specific Azure components:
After that once I select "Next", the following two components are listed to be installed in my machine:
Microsoft JDBC Drive 3.0 for SQL Server (This will work with SQL Azure)
Windows Azure Plugin for Eclipse with Java
I am sure that the problem is specific to your network connection so please have it corrected.
Yes, it's foolish of me, i forget to shutting down my proxy server on My compute.After i disable it,everything gonna be alright :D
surely I haven't meet this situation before , but just for your additional information..
Have you follow this step on installing azure #eclipse? like .net version must be >= 3.5
here are some source link for your help
I haven’t worked with Windows Azure Java SDK. But the error message is complaining the file C:\Users\workspace\AzureFirst\emulatorTools\ResetEmulator.cmd cannot be found. It would be better if you can check whether the file exists. In addition, the call stack points out you’re using Windows Azure SDK 1.4. Please try to upgrade it to 1.6 to see whether it works fine. You can find SDK 1.6 on Please install WindowsAzureEmulator and WindowsAzureSDK. The WindowsAzureLibsForNet is not needed if you don’t want to use .NET.
Best Regards,
Ming Xu.

404 error when trying to run PHP application on Glassfish 3.1.1 through Netbeans

While there are some similar posts about this issue, none seem to fit my problem exactly, so I would like to ask if anyone knows what I am doing wrong.
I am trying to run a PHP web application that I created in Netbeans. I am using Glassfish 3.1.1 as the web server. Whenever I run the application through Netbeans (by selecting the project, right clicking to get the context menu, then selecting "Run"), my browser opens to what I believe to be the correct url, but all I get is a 404 error page stating the following:
type: Status report
description:The requested resource () is not available.
Am I missing some crucial configuration step?
I have checked my hosts file and it contains the entry: localhost
Is there something else I need to do?
I have PHP 5.3.8 installed and all php commands run from the command line.
Would it be something in the php.ini file that needs to be configured?
I am stumped. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Please accept the comment below from Jonathan Spooner as the correct answer.
Just install Quercus within GlassFish 3.x and you can run PHP and Java.
As I stated in the comments, GlassFish and Apache Tomcat are Java application servers. In order to serve PHP pages you'll need to install a web server such as Apache HTTP web server. You'll also need to configure Apache to serve PHP files.
Something that you might look into is WAMP (Windows/Apache/MySql/PHP). This offers a simple way to get up and running quickly with little to no configuration.