swift Perfect server deployment in Amazon AWS Buildpack - swift

Am trying to deploy my web service written in swift, I don't see the web-root folder and not sure where to create the folder. Anybody have tried, please help me to copy the source code and start the server.

so, can you tell me what you have done so far, in relation to getting the AWS instance up and running ? Did you use the AWS instructions from here?
Once you have the instance up and running, there are several ways to deploy your code, such as a git pull. By default, the webroot folder for the PerfectServer is created in the current working directory when you run the app. There are several command line options to define the location of libraries, server port and location of webroot.
With more information, I'd be happy to help get you running.


Deploy magento2 on a kubernet cluster

I run magento 2 on my local with docker.
It works like a charm.
But now I would like to pass the next step, and deploying a registry image of my magento2 (gitlab registry with gitlab-ci in my case) in a k3d cluster in my personal server.
I don't have any problems to generate the image in the registry of gitlab and to deploy the service, the node, the pod with kube in my server. To train myself and to be sure that what I did was correct, I have tried to deploy an other image in my cluster from the gitlab registry from a little simple HTML and a Dockerfile and it works like a charm.
But the magento 2 image no. The problem is that we must play the setup / compile / etc. When I try to play composer install in my entrypoint it says in the logs pod that there is no composer.json in the folder where composer is supposed to be. So I guess I must configure ingress.yaml, services and deployment with a specific way. I don't know where to start and how.
My question is just, if someone know a good tuto or some documentations links I would be pleased to see that.
I have heard about helm, the hooks etc...but I don't handle it at all. I even don't know what it is...
Thank you

How to set up a docker-compose and Dockerfile to deploy a Laravel app?

I recently finished developing a Laravel 9 app, using wsl2 and sail, just like I was told in the Laravel documentation. Since it’s my first time deploying to live ever, I ran into some differences with local and production files such as .env, docker-compose.yml and Dockerfile.
I tried using guides and tutorials but I can’t seem to make sense as to how to make it work. I have a droplet with a non-root user with sudo privileges, since I used these two kind guides:
after finishing with the installation, I tried to clone my app and run it like I do locally, and nothing happened. I realize I can’t use sail on the server, but what is the correct way to make it work?
All three local files (.env, docker-compose.yml and Dockerfile) were never edited.
use this repository docker-laravel
i have Php, Composer, and mariadb on it.

network deployed in IBM cloud, but having an issue instantiating the chaincode

I deployed a bna archive file to my ibm cloud instance. It has all the files you'd expect including the package.json. This was done following the tutorial here: https://console.bluemix.net/docs/services/blockchain/develop_starter.html#deploying-a-business-network
The last step in the process is a ping issued to ensure the network is up and running. I am getting an error telling me that the "chaincode is not instantiated".
I went to the web interface ( https://blockchain-starter.eu-gb.bluemix.net/network/myid ) and under My Code / Install Code section I can see my network. Under Actions there is an option to instantiate it on a peer. Clicking that gives me this error : Unknown error occurred when instantiating chaincode, check your peer logs.
Looking at the logs on the peer I can see this:
{"log":"npm ERR! enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/usr/local/src/package.json'\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2018-06-19T13:20:48.455812355Z"}
That particular file IS part of my bna archive.
I can deploy the bna file to both my local composer-playground and also IBM's one ( https://blockchaindevelop.mybluemix.net/ ) and it works fine in both environments.
The same issue happens if I deploy the bna using the web interface, I simply can't instantiate it.
Any suggestions what I can do to get this network running?
In the end it was a software version issue.
The original documentation specified using composer 0.18.1 as the only one compatible with the IBM cloud infrastructure.
This has recently been updated to 0.19.x.
In the IBM cloud, I removed the original peer with all the old chaincode, removed the old certificate as well.
On my local machine I started from scratch:
reinstalled latest composer,
recreated the bna file
I then re-did all the steps as in the original documentation and this time everything worked and I managed to start the network and ping it.
Everything is up and running now. There was one last timeout issue when I tried to start the network, but I simply ran the command again and the problem went away.

How could I get code of the application deployed on digital ocean?

I need to edit application developed by somebody else in Meteor.js deployed on Digitalocean. I have an access to digitalocean account, but have no idea how to access code and the whole folder where is application stored. Is this even possible ? Should I ask him for github repo with the app to get it instead ? Thanks.
Ask for the repo. The server may only contain the built version of the app (since that's all that's needed to run it) and that's no good for developing. You can't edit that directly.

How to deploy WorkerRole project, How to get the exact error during uploading

I have to Work with WorkerRole project to deploy some services to perform the data sync with the other databses. i tried to publish but stuck, Internalization, Starting, Preparing, Recovering and finally aborted.
After getting the above stituation i build a simple workerrole project and tried to upload the result is same.
And i am not able to find out the problem with the same.
Please provide some help.
A typical problem, when deploying, is having a connection string pointing to the local emulated storage. This is the first thing I'd check if the worker role code runs locally in the emulator but fails when being published to Windows Azure.