Importing maya models into unity - unity3d

I made a stone tomahawk in Maya 2015 and imported it into Unity 5 as a .mb. I imported the textures separately and linked them up with the materials in Unity. The problem is that the texture for the wood grip and the axe head are displaying as plain grey and brown. The texture for the rope that is tied around the stone looks great.
Could someone instruct me in what I'm doing wrong?
If you need more information just let me know.
Tomahawk in Maya
Tomahawk in Unity

You might be using Diffuse Shader with your Material. If So? Try Unlit/Texture Shader
and Assign your texture to the Material you are using. I hope it would solve your problem.


How to outline (silhouette) 3D model in URP?

Good weekend everyone, I'm looking for some tutorial/script how to make 3D object outline with original image texture (eg. stick with wood texture). I would like to when the raycast hits the object (I'm able to detect with object is raycast hitted), the object will be outlined/glowed.
I tryed many tutorials on youtube, finding shaders script, etc, but I'm using URP Unity 2020 and some shaders is not working - only pink material, or works different. Emitter material is not good too, because there is no original texture. I'm stuck on this for few days. I'm a newbie in the Unity community.
Thank you very much for your help. :)
Outline shaders are difficult to make. I use this free asset I found in the Unity Asset store for all my games if you are looking for an easy fix.

Why does material textures get applied on native Unity game objects, but not my imported Blender FBX?

I have created a basic standard Unity cube, but also imported a Blender FBX.
I drag and drop a material with a texture, on both the cube and the Blender model.
As you can see, the cube gets the texture, but the Blender model just becomes red, with no texture.
Why doesn't the Blender model adopt the texture? What have I missed?
Ive checked the "Material" settings on both objects, and it seems the same.
Seems like its a fundamental setting I have missed, so only colors and not textures are applied.
The wall is a Blender model, right? You need to unwrap the UV of that model in Blender so Unity knows how to map the texture to the model. There are plenty of tutorials on that topic on Youtube, like

Exporting toon shader maya

As a project for a little game jam we are doing we have made maya models for a unity project but the problem is that we can not export the toon shader from maya. We tried exporting fbx, acsii, obj and even trying to apply it separately as a material and nothing has worked so far. Any help would be greatly appreciated
You can't export shaders to Unity
You have to create/buy a toon shader for Unity and apply it to your imported model, as the systems used by Maya and Unity are not the same, compatible, or even 1:1 translatable.
because Maya doesn't include any of the shader code when you export (to any format)
even if it did, Unity wouldn't know what to do with it
no other 3D modeling software will do this either, for the same reasons, because shaders are not data.

Export blender lights to Unity

I need help to Export Blender Lights to Unity, I created a Material with a light and need use this in Unity, but when I export this lights in .fbx, Unity not recognises this, only recognises the material
thanks for the help.
If you mean the light objects in blender, you can't export them to Unity. Rather, use Unity's built-in light objects to illuminate your scene.
You could try to bake the lightning information into the texture though, using either Blender or Unity to do so.
So you can not import lights from Blender to Unity or even if there is light information in the object Unity will not process it. There is actually a good reason for that since Unity has its own lighting system which is made with game performance in mind whereas Blender lights are made for aesthetics.
In Short: Use Unity lights!

Texture from Blender doesn't appear in Unity 3D

I've searched endlessly for an answer to this question. However, I have created a model in Blender and export it as a .FBX directly into Unity. But the textures I have applied in Blender do not render in Unity (Even in the preview screen). I have UV Unwrapped the model, and created a custom texture pattern to suit. I've inserted the textures into Unity, however this just loads them how Unity feels, not how I'd like it to look.
I've attempted to add it as a .blend file, but Blender crashes, and it fails to convert to an .fbx file in Unity. The model is of a wall, with 3 doorways, and 3 doors. The wall has its own texture, and the doors all have the same texture. (I'd upload images but haven't earnt enough rep).
Is there a simple solution? Or am I over looking the whole process and missing something important out?
after you UV unwrapped your model you save the uv in a file in blender you should apply that file as a texture to your model in unity and you will be done,tell me if you have already done that. Here are useful tutorials.
I had better luck exporting it as a wavefront object. Under transform select Path Mode: Copy and you should get your materials.