Change/remove next/prev buttons for featherlight gallery - featherlight.js

Is there a way to change the next/prev buttons? I want to use characters from my site's custom icon webfont instead of an external image like the default.
Thanks in advance!

You can specify a different previousIcon and nextIcon.
If that doesn't do it, you can modify the layout in your own afterOpen.


How to add button in email template

I want to add a button in email template and want to call a method based on that button click.
can anyone suggest me how can i do this?
Thanx in advance.
In html email, you are limited to html and css, so the only button you can create is a hyperlink. You could however pass some url parameters to a web page that does all your dirty work for you.
The design options are:
An image wrapped in a href <img src="">
Full CSS button - by building it in CSS so that it shows with images turned off.
"Bulletproof Buttons" - using a combination of CSS and background images. They fallback to the css if the images are turned off. See for a great example

How to make select button like Apple Pages app

I can select multiple font styles in Apple Pages app, orange colored box on the screen.
How to make it?
I can't find any ui component in the iOS SDK like this, multiple select. UISegmentControl is only for one select like radio button.
use a UISegmentControl in momentary mode to have the bar :)
set custom background images for the cells
there is no stock control but this is quite basic using this approach
No default thing is available you have to do it by yourself. You set tags for each button and only one selector. By checking the selected button tags execute you specific code.
For that, yon need to take UISegment Control and make it's background images custom. Also you can set the width of the each segment.
Then you will achieve your goal.

GWT push button with text and image combination

Does anybody know of a way to make a push button with text on top of an image?
Well as far as I understand after some investigation, the only way is to implement own CustomButton.
Regular HTML <button>s don't support adding images to them. You'll have to use a regular <div> with a background image and text, styled to look like a button.

Remove hyperlinks in uiwebview

I am trying to load a html page through UIWebview.I need to disable all the hyperlinks in webview and make its color to normal text color i.e i need to disable webpage detection.Is that possible
Thanks in advance
Use this UIWebView method
– stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:
To use Javascript.
Then use "document.getElementsByTagName('a')" to get an Array of elements and do want you want (change the href, change the color etc.)

Facebook - change background image of facebook app

Is it possible to change the background image of my facebook app? I tried adding a body tag in the css and set a background image. But the change is not reflected.
Any help? Thanks.
Its only possible by using extensions for your browser; for eg; use
You can put your whole application in one div and define a background-image for the div.
This is IMHO the best workaround.