How to make select button like Apple Pages app - iphone

I can select multiple font styles in Apple Pages app, orange colored box on the screen.
How to make it?
I can't find any ui component in the iOS SDK like this, multiple select. UISegmentControl is only for one select like radio button.

use a UISegmentControl in momentary mode to have the bar :)
set custom background images for the cells
there is no stock control but this is quite basic using this approach

No default thing is available you have to do it by yourself. You set tags for each button and only one selector. By checking the selected button tags execute you specific code.

For that, yon need to take UISegment Control and make it's background images custom. Also you can set the width of the each segment.
Then you will achieve your goal.


Any way to make a checkbox able to be 'tabbed' to on an iPhone?

On a computer you can easily tab through HTML checkboxes on a website, but is there any way to make it so that on an iPhone when you hit the 'next' button it goes to a checkbox? I've noticed it'll go between text boxes and drop down menus, but it won't do it for checkboxes or clickable buttons. Is this an issue with the iPhone, or is it something I can change on my website?
Can you please be a bit more precise with your question. And if its the size of the checkbox that is a concern which makes it non tappable, then as suggested by the user interface guide of apple ios, please make the size as 44x44 to make it tappable. Well thats just a suggestible size and I believe a 25x25 size may solve your issue.

Multiselect segmentedControl

How can I build a multi-selectable segmented control like Apple's pages uses to choose the font style (eg Bold, Italic or Underlined)?
Is the segmented control the correct way or is there a better one?
What I would do is just use a toggle button for each property. You should use UISwitch for this.
If you don't want to use a UISwitch and prefer a more traditional approach to a toggle button, have a look at these answers. I don't think a segmented control is the way to go at all. The segmented control only has one selected state and it would go against apple's UI guidelines to use it for multiple selected states.
Apple does this very thing in the Xcode GUI; note the multi-select segmented control in the upper right for View. Here's a link for OSX, that might get you closer to an iOS solution
See the value NSSegmentSwitchTrackingSelectAny

Iphone Toolbar Icon with Dynamic Count

I've done a lot of googling and am at the end of my rope so here goes ... I just need to know if this is possible so I can design a series of screens for an Iphone app.
In my app you are able to leave comments on a certain topic, I would like an icon in the toolbar that displays a word bubble with a plus sign in the center when there are no existing comments and if there are existing comments I would like to display the same word bubble but instead of the plus I want to show the number of existing notes programatically.
Is this possible?
thank you
Yes, it's possible. You populate a toolbar with UIBarButtonItem instances. You can create one of these using
-(id) initWithCustomView:(UIView *)myCustomView;
In your custom view, you can put any graphics you want, including a plus sign, or a subview with a UILabel that shows the number of comments.
When the status changes (comments are added or removed), you just need to create a new UIView and set the toolbar.customView to that view.

iPhone panel control

In my iPad application there are many buttons (around 50), and I want to make a group box which contain buttons arranged by category.
I am looking for something like a C# or .NET GroupBox/Panel.
There is no Group Box / Panel Box in iPhone.
You need to manage by your self.
Use the UITableView to put all the button in on category.
It may be worthwhile to look into UIPopoverController views. These are the little popup views that appear when you click stuff. YOu could easily break your menu system into smaller parts with these.
You may draw a group panel by making two views. make a view of frame say 20,20,280,199 and then another one with frame 21,21,278,197. now put the 2nd view on the last one and change the color of last to some dark than later one. enjoy :)
remember that the should be in same hierarchy. that no one should be parent or child of any of these.

Reordering Cell Icon Customized

I have a table view in which i am reordering my cells
Now the issue is that the client doesn't like the icon of the reorder (i.e. 3 horizontal lines)
Is there any way you can help out.
First of all I want to know Is it possible at all?
You cannot change the standard icon. But you should be able to use a custom button and start/end editing mode programmatically (haven't tested this).
If it isn't a very custom UI at all, tell him that messing with standard icons/behavior is the best way to make users frustrated.