GWT push button with text and image combination - gwt

Does anybody know of a way to make a push button with text on top of an image?

Well as far as I understand after some investigation, the only way is to implement own CustomButton.

Regular HTML <button>s don't support adding images to them. You'll have to use a regular <div> with a background image and text, styled to look like a button.


Change/remove next/prev buttons for featherlight gallery

Is there a way to change the next/prev buttons? I want to use characters from my site's custom icon webfont instead of an external image like the default.
Thanks in advance!
You can specify a different previousIcon and nextIcon.
If that doesn't do it, you can modify the layout in your own afterOpen.

What language was this form created in?

I saw a form on There is effect where if you click on a checkbox, the checkmark slides up and then if you uncheck it, the checkmark slides down.
Here is a link to the form:
I would like to know what language this was created in and if possible, how might I best approach recreating this.
Thanks for you help in advance.
It's done with JavaScript (powered by jQuery, but this is unnecessary).
However, a similar effect can be achieved with plain CSS, as shown in this Fiddle, by using the :checked selector.
HTML, looks like it uses CSS and jQuery (plugin). Looks like a few different types of code.
I don't know about the language, but this effect is accomplished with a CSS sprite. One image consists of a blank area with a checkmark below. When the user clicks on the checkbox the image slides upward so the checkmark appears to have been animated in. (Note also that the checkbox is a <div>, not an actual <input type="checkbox">; if you recreate something like this, be sure to consider the accessibility implications of using something other than an <input> as a checkbox.)

Make pdf reader like functionality in my app (highlight the content)

I need a functionality like in the iphone pdf reader.
i want that user select some text content and that content should be highlighted with yellow color.
Currently i am using text view and want to know that can i achieve same functionality in it.
or i have to shift to pdf ?
Please tell that how to achieve that in either of the two.
You can try NSAttributedString-Additions-for-HTML
Take a look at EGOTextView
A drop-in replacement for UITextView that amongst other things supports attributed strings. This would allow you to achieve your aim of selecting text, and then applying a style to that selection such as a yellow highlight.

how to display drop-down in iphone, like in this image

I want to display drop down menu like the one you see in this image
(below From and To)
How can i create that? Any good tutorial.
Best regards
You will have to use UIPicker for this purpose.This is used as a dropdown whereever needed in iPhone.
Please refer the link below
How to create drop down list box for an iphone app
It looks like that app is using a combination of a UIWebView and an html select tag. To do something similar would involve a solid bit of html and javascript hackery, but in essence would be:
Create a UIWebView and inject the appropriate HTML into it to make the dropdown.
User uses dropdown as if it was in mobile safari and picks something.
When you need it, you use a javascript call with stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString: to grab the value of the dropdown by id and pass it back to your code.
There are a few gotchas here, mainly with constructing the dropdown and the webview such that it's big enough to show the expanded dropdown but transparent to see under it when the dropdown is not expanded, it's not scrollable, and that sort of thing.
I wonder if a UIActionsheet might be better ... you could easy make a button to call the sheet. Adding multiple buttons to the sheet transforms it into a table that you can scroll.

Why would a link in a UIWebView leave a gray box behind?

I have a UIWebview that I am loading with custom HTML using loadHtmlString. My HTML has a link that I intercept when tapped so that I can take control and reload the UIWebview with a different HTML string. The code works, but the area where the link text was located is replaced with a gray rectangle that is visible when the new string is loaded.
What could be going on here? How can I get rid of this behavior?
Here it is...need to add this style statement to the link reference:
<a href= style = "-webkit-tap-highlight-color:rgba(0,0,0,0);">
Setting the alpha value (the last parameter to rgba) to 0 disables the tap highlight color.
Although this works, it feels like a hack. I really think the tap highlight should clear itself when my second loadHtmlString reloads new HTML code.
You could add onclick="this.blur(); location.href=this.href;" to the link to remove the focus from the link.
I'm sure there's a better less hackish way, but this should work