How do I define an anonymous scalar ref in Perl? - perl

How do I properly define an anonymous scalar ref in Perl?
my $scalar_ref = ?;
my $array_ref = [];
my $hash_ref = {};

If you want a reference to some mutable storage, there's no particularly neat direct syntax for it. About the best you can manage is
my $var;
my $sref = \$var;
Or neater
my $sref = \my $var;
Or if you don't want the variable itself to be in scope any more, you can use a do block:
my $sref = do { \my $tmp };
At this point you can pass $sref around by value, and any mutations to the scalar it references will be seen by others.
This technique of course works just as well for array or hash references, just that there's neater syntax for doing that with [] and {}:
my $aref = do { \my #tmp }; ## same as my $aref = [];
my $href = do { \my %tmp }; ## same as my $href = {};

Usually you just declare and don't initialize it.
my $foo; # will be undef.
You have to consider that empty hash refs and empty array refs point to a data structure that has a representation. Both of them, when dereferenced, give you an empty list.
perldata says (emphasis mine):
There are actually two varieties of null strings (sometimes referred to as "empty" strings), a defined one and an undefined one. The defined version is just a string of length zero, such as "" . The undefined version is the value that indicates that there is no real value for something, such as when there was an error, or at end of file, or when you refer to an uninitialized variable or element of an array or hash. Although in early versions of Perl, an undefined scalar could become defined when first used in a place expecting a defined value, this no longer happens except for rare cases of autovivification as explained in perlref. You can use the defined() operator to determine whether a scalar value is defined (this has no meaning on arrays or hashes), and the undef() operator to produce an undefined value.
So an empty scalar (which it didn't actually say) would be undef. If you want it to be a reference, make it one.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Printer;
my $scalar_ref = \undef;
my $scalar = $$scalar_ref;
p $scalar_ref;
p $scalar;
This will output:
\ undef
However, as ikegami pointed out, it will be read-only because it's not a variable. LeoNerd provides a better approach for this in his answer.
Anyway, my point is, an empty hash ref and an empty array ref when dereferenced both contain an empty list (). And that is not undef but nothing. But there is no nothing as a scalar value, because everything that is not nothing is a scalar value.
my $a = [];
say ref $r; # ARRAY
say scalar #$r; # 0
say "'#$r'"; # ''
So there is no real way to initialize with nothing. You can only not initialize. But Moose will turn it to undef anyway.
What you could do is make it maybe a scalar ref.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Printer;
package Foo;
use Moose;
has bar => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Maybe[ScalarRef]',
predicate => 'has_bar'
my $foo = Foo->new;
p $foo->has_bar;
p $foo;
say $foo->bar;
Foo {
Parents Moose::Object
public methods (3) : bar, has_bar, meta
private methods (0)
internals: {}
Use of uninitialized value in say at line 268.
The predicate gives a value that is not true (the empty string ""). undef is also not true. The people who made Moose decided to go with that, but it really doesn't matter.
Probably what you want is not have a default value, but just make it a ScalarRef an required.
Note that perlref doesn't say anything about initializing an empty scalar ref either.

I'm not entirely sure why you need to but I'd suggest:
my $ref = \undef;
print ref $ref;
Or perhaps:
my $ref = \0;

#LeoNerd's answer is spot on.
Another option is to use a temporary anonymous hash value:
my $scalar_ref = \{_=>undef}->{_};
$$scalar_ref = "Hello!\n";
print $$scalar_ref;


perl: print a string from a hash that contains a reference to it

Sorry if this is a bad title.
I have the following hash:
my %map = (
'key1', 'hello',
'key2', \'there'
print Dumper(\%map);
$VAR1 = {
'key2' => \'there',
'key1' => 'hello'
I want to print out the value at 'key2'. Here's what I've tried:
print "$map{key2}" => SCALAR(0x2398b08)
print "$$map{key2}" =>
print "$map->{key2}" =>
my goal:
print [some magic thing] => there
I'm new to perl, so I'm not 100% clear yet on how references behave and how to dereference them. How do I get what I'm looking for?
$map{key2} returns the value of the desired element. The element is a reference to a string.[1] If you wish to print the string referenced by that reference, you need to dereference it.
say ${ $map{key2} };
Mini-Tutorial: Dereferencing Syntax
References quick reference
I doubt this is intentional! This surely indicates an error somewhere.
$map{key2} is a reference to a scalar value \'there', so you need to dereference it
Your $$map{key2} and $map->{key2} both treat $map as a reference to a hash, but it doesn't even exist so that is wrong
You must use braces to disambiguate the order of evaluation
${ $map{key2} }
is what you want. Or you can write it in two steps
my $val = $map{key2};
print $$val, "\n";
I like to add the following line to all my perl scripts:
use strict;
This will keep you out of trouble with the scope of your variables. It does require you to scope all your variables with at a minimum of "my".
The following will let you print the value (of the hash associated with "key2") directly,
without the intermediate step of copying it out to another variable first.
print ${$map{'key2'}}, "\n";

Dereferencing in case of $_[0], $_[1] ..... so on

please see the below code:
$scalar = 10;
sub subroutine {
my $subroutine_scalar = ${$_[0]}; #note you need the {} brackets, or this doesn't work!
print "$subroutine_scalar\n";
In the code above you can see the comment written "note you need the {} brackets, or this doesn't work!" . Please explain the reason that why we cant use the same statement as:
my $subroutine_scalar = $$_[0];
i.e. without using the curly brackets.
Many people have already given correct answers here. I wanted to add an example I found illuminating. You can read the documentation in perldoc perlref for more information.
Your problem is one of ambiguity, you have two operations $$ and [0] working on the same identifier _, and the result depends on which operation is performed first. We can make it less ambiguous by using the support curly braces ${ ... }. $$_[0] could (for a human anyway) possibly mean:
${$$_}[0] -- dereference the scalar $_, then take its first element.
${$_[0]} -- take element 0 of the array #_ and dereference it.
As you can see, these two cases refer to completely different variables, #_ and $_.
Of course, for Perl it is not ambiguous, we simply get the first option, since dereferencing is performed before key lookup. We need the support curly braces to override this dereferencing, and that is why your example does not "work" without support braces.
You might consider a slightly less confusing functionality for your subroutine. Instead of trying to do two things at once (get the argument and dereference it), you can do it in two stages:
sub foo {
my $n = shift;
print $$n;
Here, we take the first argument off #_ with shift, and then dereference it. Clean and simple.
Most often, you will not be using references to scalar variables, however. And in those cases, you can make use of the arrow operator ->
my #array = (1,2,3);
sub foo {
my $aref = shift;
print $aref->[0];
I find using the arrow operator to be preferable to the $$ syntax.
${ $x }[0] grabs the value of element 0 in the array referenced by $x.
${ $x[0] } grabs the value of scalar referenced by the element 0 of the array #x.
>perl -E"$x=['def']; #x=\'abc'; say ${ $x }[0];"
>perl -E"$x=['def']; #x=\'abc'; say ${ $x[0] };"
$$x[0] is short for ${ $x }[0].
>perl -E"$x=['def']; #x=\'abc'; say $$x[0];"
my $subroutine_scalar = $$_[0];
is same as
my $subroutine_scalar = $_->[0]; # $_ is array reference
On the other hand,
my $subroutine_scalar = ${$_[0]};
dereferences scalar ref for first element of #_ array, and can be written as
my ($sref) = #_;
my $subroutine_scalar = ${$sref}; # or $$sref for short
Because $$_[0] means ${$_}[0].
Consider these two pieces of code which both print 10:
sub subroutine1 {
my $scalar = 10;
my $ref_scalar = \$scalar;
my #array = ($ref_scalar);
my $subroutine_scalar = ${$array[0]};
print "$subroutine_scalar\n";
sub subroutine2 {
my #array = (10);
my $ref_array = \#array;
my $subroutine_scalar = $$ref_array[0];
print "$subroutine_scalar\n";
In subroutine1, #array is an array containing the reference of $scalar. So the first step is to get the first element by $array[0], and then deference it.
While in subroutine2, #array is an array containing an scalar 10, and $ref_array is its reference. So the first step is to get the array by $ref_array, and then index the array.

Anonymous Hash Slices - syntax?

I love hash slices and use them frequently:
my %h;
Works brilliantly! But 2 things have always vexed me.
First, is it possible to combine the 2 lines above into a single line of code? It would be nice to declare the hash and populate it all at once.
Second, is it possible to slice an existing anonymous hash... something like:
my $slice=$anonh->{#fields}
First question:
my %h = map { $keys[$_] => $vals[$_] } 0..$#keys;
use List::MoreUtils qw( mesh );
my %h = mesh #keys, #vals;
Second question:
If it's ...NAME... for a hash, it's ...{ $href }... for a hash ref, so
my #slice = #hash{#fields};
my #slice = #{ $anonh }{#fields};
The curlies are optional if the reference expression is a variable.
my #slice = #$anonh{#fields};
Mini-Tutorial: Dereferencing Syntax
References quick reference
For your first question, to do it in a single line of code:
#$_{#keys}=#vals for \my %h;
map #$_{#keys}=#vals, \my %h;
but I wouldn't do that; it's a confusing way to write it.
Either version declares the variable and immediately takes a reference to it and aliases $_ to the reference so that the hash reference can be used in a slice. This lets you declare the variable in the existing scope; #{ \my %h }{#keys} = #vals; also "works", but has the unfortunate drawback of scoping %h to that tiny block in the hash slice.
For your second question, as shown above, slices can be used on hash references; see for some easy to remember rules.
my #slice = #$anonh{#fields};
or maybe you meant:
my $slice = [ #$anonh{#fields} ];
but #slice/$slice there is a copy of the values. To get an array of aliases to the hash values, you can do:
my $slice = sub { \#_ }->( #$anonh{#fields} );
Hash slice syntax is
# <hash-name-or-hash-ref> { LIST }
When you are slicing a hash reference, enclose it in curly braces so it doesn't get dereferenced as an array. This gives you:
my #values = #{$anonh}{#fields}
for a hash reference $anonh.

How to clear a Perl hash

Let's say we define an anonymous hash like this:
my $hash = {};
And then use the hash afterwards. Then it's time to empty or clear the hash for
reuse. After some Google searching, I found:
%{$hash} = ()
undef %{$hash}
Both will serve my needs. What's the difference between the two? Are they both identical ways to empty a hash?
%$hash_ref = (); makes more sense than undef-ing the hash. Undef-ing the hash says that you're done with the hash. Assigning an empty list says you just want an empty hash.
Yes, they are absolutely identical. Both remove any existing keys and values from the table and sets the hash to the empty list.
See perldoc -f undef:
undef EXPR
undef Undefines the value of EXPR, which must be an lvalue. Use only
on a scalar value, an array (using "#"), a hash (using "%"), a
subroutine (using "&"), or a typeglob (using "*")...
undef $foo;
undef $bar{'blurfl'}; # Compare to: delete $bar{'blurfl'};
undef #ary;
undef %hash;
However, you should not use undef to remove the value of anything except a scalar. For other variable types, set it to the "empty" version of that type -- e.g. for arrays or hashes, #foo = (); %bar = ();

What does '#_' do in Perl?

I was glancing through some code I had written in my Perl class and I noticed this.
my ($string) = #_;
my #stringarray = split(//, $string);
I am wondering two things:
The first line where the variable is in parenthesis, this is something you do when declaring more than one variable and if I removed them it would still work right?
The second question would be what does the #_ do?
The #_ variable is an array that contains all the parameters passed into a subroutine.
The parentheses around the $string variable are absolutely necessary. They designate that you are assigning variables from an array. Without them, the #_ array is assigned to $string in a scalar context, which means that $string would be equal to the number of parameters passed into the subroutine. For example:
sub foo {
my $bar = #_;
print $bar;
The output here is 1--definitely not what you are expecting in this case.
Alternatively, you could assign the $string variable without using the #_ array and using the shift function instead:
sub foo {
my $bar = shift;
print $bar;
Using one method over the other is quite a matter of taste. I asked this very question which you can check out if you are interested.
When you encounter a special (or punctuation) variable in Perl, check out the perlvar documentation. It lists them all, gives you an English equivalent, and tells you what it does.
Perl has two different contexts, scalar context, and list context. An array '#_', if used in scalar context returns the size of the array.
So given these two examples, the first one gives you the size of the #_ array, and the other gives you the first element.
my $string = #_ ;
my ($string) = #_ ;
Perl has three 'Default' variables $_, #_, and depending on who you ask %_. Many operations will use these variables, if you don't give them a variable to work on. The only exception is there is no operation that currently will by default use %_.
For example we have push, pop, shift, and unshift, that all will accept an array as the first parameter.
If you don't give them a parameter, they will use the 'default' variable instead. So 'shift;' is the same as 'shift #_;'
The way that subroutines were designed, you couldn't formally tell the compiler which values you wanted in which variables. Well it made sense to just use the 'default' array variable '#_' to hold the arguments.
So these three subroutines are (nearly) identical.
sub myjoin{
my ( $stringl, $stringr ) = #_;
return "$stringl$stringr";
sub myjoin{
my $stringl = shift;
my $stringr = shift;
return "$stringl$stringr";
sub myjoin{
my $stringl = shift #_;
my $stringr = shift #_;
return "$stringl$stringr";
I think the first one is slightly faster than the other two, because you aren't modifying the #_ variable.
The variable #_ is an array (hence the # prefix) that holds all of the parameters to the current function.