Anonymous Hash Slices - syntax? - perl

I love hash slices and use them frequently:
my %h;
Works brilliantly! But 2 things have always vexed me.
First, is it possible to combine the 2 lines above into a single line of code? It would be nice to declare the hash and populate it all at once.
Second, is it possible to slice an existing anonymous hash... something like:
my $slice=$anonh->{#fields}

First question:
my %h = map { $keys[$_] => $vals[$_] } 0..$#keys;
use List::MoreUtils qw( mesh );
my %h = mesh #keys, #vals;
Second question:
If it's ...NAME... for a hash, it's ...{ $href }... for a hash ref, so
my #slice = #hash{#fields};
my #slice = #{ $anonh }{#fields};
The curlies are optional if the reference expression is a variable.
my #slice = #$anonh{#fields};
Mini-Tutorial: Dereferencing Syntax
References quick reference

For your first question, to do it in a single line of code:
#$_{#keys}=#vals for \my %h;
map #$_{#keys}=#vals, \my %h;
but I wouldn't do that; it's a confusing way to write it.
Either version declares the variable and immediately takes a reference to it and aliases $_ to the reference so that the hash reference can be used in a slice. This lets you declare the variable in the existing scope; #{ \my %h }{#keys} = #vals; also "works", but has the unfortunate drawback of scoping %h to that tiny block in the hash slice.
For your second question, as shown above, slices can be used on hash references; see for some easy to remember rules.
my #slice = #$anonh{#fields};
or maybe you meant:
my $slice = [ #$anonh{#fields} ];
but #slice/$slice there is a copy of the values. To get an array of aliases to the hash values, you can do:
my $slice = sub { \#_ }->( #$anonh{#fields} );

Hash slice syntax is
# <hash-name-or-hash-ref> { LIST }
When you are slicing a hash reference, enclose it in curly braces so it doesn't get dereferenced as an array. This gives you:
my #values = #{$anonh}{#fields}
for a hash reference $anonh.


How do I define an anonymous scalar ref in Perl?

How do I properly define an anonymous scalar ref in Perl?
my $scalar_ref = ?;
my $array_ref = [];
my $hash_ref = {};
If you want a reference to some mutable storage, there's no particularly neat direct syntax for it. About the best you can manage is
my $var;
my $sref = \$var;
Or neater
my $sref = \my $var;
Or if you don't want the variable itself to be in scope any more, you can use a do block:
my $sref = do { \my $tmp };
At this point you can pass $sref around by value, and any mutations to the scalar it references will be seen by others.
This technique of course works just as well for array or hash references, just that there's neater syntax for doing that with [] and {}:
my $aref = do { \my #tmp }; ## same as my $aref = [];
my $href = do { \my %tmp }; ## same as my $href = {};
Usually you just declare and don't initialize it.
my $foo; # will be undef.
You have to consider that empty hash refs and empty array refs point to a data structure that has a representation. Both of them, when dereferenced, give you an empty list.
perldata says (emphasis mine):
There are actually two varieties of null strings (sometimes referred to as "empty" strings), a defined one and an undefined one. The defined version is just a string of length zero, such as "" . The undefined version is the value that indicates that there is no real value for something, such as when there was an error, or at end of file, or when you refer to an uninitialized variable or element of an array or hash. Although in early versions of Perl, an undefined scalar could become defined when first used in a place expecting a defined value, this no longer happens except for rare cases of autovivification as explained in perlref. You can use the defined() operator to determine whether a scalar value is defined (this has no meaning on arrays or hashes), and the undef() operator to produce an undefined value.
So an empty scalar (which it didn't actually say) would be undef. If you want it to be a reference, make it one.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Printer;
my $scalar_ref = \undef;
my $scalar = $$scalar_ref;
p $scalar_ref;
p $scalar;
This will output:
\ undef
However, as ikegami pointed out, it will be read-only because it's not a variable. LeoNerd provides a better approach for this in his answer.
Anyway, my point is, an empty hash ref and an empty array ref when dereferenced both contain an empty list (). And that is not undef but nothing. But there is no nothing as a scalar value, because everything that is not nothing is a scalar value.
my $a = [];
say ref $r; # ARRAY
say scalar #$r; # 0
say "'#$r'"; # ''
So there is no real way to initialize with nothing. You can only not initialize. But Moose will turn it to undef anyway.
What you could do is make it maybe a scalar ref.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Printer;
package Foo;
use Moose;
has bar => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Maybe[ScalarRef]',
predicate => 'has_bar'
my $foo = Foo->new;
p $foo->has_bar;
p $foo;
say $foo->bar;
Foo {
Parents Moose::Object
public methods (3) : bar, has_bar, meta
private methods (0)
internals: {}
Use of uninitialized value in say at line 268.
The predicate gives a value that is not true (the empty string ""). undef is also not true. The people who made Moose decided to go with that, but it really doesn't matter.
Probably what you want is not have a default value, but just make it a ScalarRef an required.
Note that perlref doesn't say anything about initializing an empty scalar ref either.
I'm not entirely sure why you need to but I'd suggest:
my $ref = \undef;
print ref $ref;
Or perhaps:
my $ref = \0;
#LeoNerd's answer is spot on.
Another option is to use a temporary anonymous hash value:
my $scalar_ref = \{_=>undef}->{_};
$$scalar_ref = "Hello!\n";
print $$scalar_ref;

consecutive operators and brackets

I'm just trying to learn a bit of Perl and have come across this:
foreach $element (#{$records})
do something;
To my newbie eyes, this reads:
"for each element in an array named #{$records}, do something"
but, since that seems an unlikely name for an array (with "#{$" altogether), I imagine it isn't that simple?
I've also come across "%$" used together.
I know % signifies a hash and $ signifies a scalar but don't know what they mean together.
Can anyone shed any light on these?
In Perl you can have a reference (a pointer) to a data structure:
# an array
my #array;
# a reference to an array
my $ref = \#array;
When you have a reference to be able to use the array you need to dereference it
#{ $ref }
If you need to access an element as in
you can do the same with a reference
The curly brackets {} are optional and you can also use
but I personally find them less readable.
The same applies to every other type (as %$ for a hash reference).
See man perlref for the details and man perlreftut for a tutorial.
The arrow operator -> can also be used to dereference an array or an hash
See man perlop for details
If you have a reference to an array or a hash, you would use a scalar to hold the reference:
my $href = \%hash;
my $aref = \#array;
When you want to de-reference these references, you would use the symbol appropriate for the reference type:
for my $element (#$aref) {
for my $key (keys %$href) {

What does this mean in perl $variable_one{$variable_two} and what is it called?

I saw this in a piece of code:
if (some_condition) {
$index{$some_variable} = $index{$some_variable} + 1;
What does $index{$some_variable} mean? And why is it used?
Thank you.
index is defined as $index=0;
If this code is written correctly, you will have these lines above it:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $index;
my %index;
if (some_condition) {
$index{$some_variable} = $index{$some_variable} + 1;
$index{$some_variable} is referring to a hash, and $index to a scalar. In perl, this is perfectly valid, and %index and $index will be considered two different variables.
This is also a reason why it is so important to use strict. Why use strict and warnings?
It's retrieving an entry in the %index hash using a key whose value is the value of $some_variable
(Note: There may also exist a scalar named $index but it will occupy a separate namespace. That is, you can have both a hash and a scalar named index and they will not conflict.)
Perl has several namespaces
$var is a scalar variable
#var is an array variable, and $var[$i] is an element of that array.
%var is a hash variable, and $var{$i} is an element of that hash.
The $index in the $index++; statement is a scalar. It has nothing to do with the $index{$some_variable} statement that follows it.
The $index{$some_variable} is part of a hash, %index. Hashes (or associative arrays) consist one or more pairs, each pair consisting of a key and a value. The key is used to access the value.:
my %hash = ( key_A => value_A, # Here $hash{key_A} accesses 'value_A'
key_B => value_B, # ... $hash{key_B} gives 'value_B'
key_Z => value_Z ); # 'value_Z' returned by $hash{key_Z}
Analyzing $index{$some_variable} = $index{$some_variable} + 1;, the value of $index{$some_variable} is accessed, incremented by one and reassigned to the same key.
See perldoc perlintro for a gentle introduction to variable types in Perl, and perldoc perldsc for more complex data structures.
You might find perldata helpful.

Confusion about proper usage of dereference in Perl

I noticed the other day that - while altering values in a hash - that when you dereference a hash in Perl, you actually are making a copy of that hash. To confirm I wrote this quick little script:
#! perl
use warnings;
use strict;
my %h = ();
my $hRef = \%h;
my %h2 = %{$hRef};
my $h2Ref = \%h2;
if($hRef eq $h2Ref) {
print "\n\tThey're the same $hRef $h2Ref";
else {
print "\n\tThey're NOT the same $hRef $h2Ref";
print "\n\n";
The output:
They're NOT the same HASH(0x10ff6848) HASH(0x10fede18)
This leads me to realize that there could be spots in some of my scripts where they aren't behaving as expected. Why is it even like this in the first place? If you're passing or returning a hash, it would be more natural to assume that dereferencing the hash would allow me to alter the values of the hash being dereferenced. Instead I'm just making copies all over the place without any real need/reason to beyond making syntax a little more obvious.
I realize the fact that I hadn't even noticed this until now shows its probably not that big of a deal (in terms of the need to go fix in all of my scripts - but important going forward). I think its going to be pretty rare to see noticeable performance differences out of this, but that doesn't alter the fact that I'm still confused.
Is this by design in perl? Is there some explicit reason I don't know about for this; or is this just known and you - as the programmer - expected to know and write scripts accordingly?
The problem is that you are making a copy of the hash to work with in this line:
my %h2 = %{$hRef};
And that is understandable, since many posts here on SO use that idiom to make a local name for a hash, without explaining that it is actually making a copy.
In Perl, a hash is a plural value, just like an array. This means that in list context (such as you get when assigning to a hash) the aggregate is taken apart into a list of its contents. This list of pairs is then assembled into a new hash as shown.
What you want to do is work with the reference directly.
for (keys %$hRef) {...}
for (values %$href) {...}
my $x = $href->{some_key};
# or
my $x = $$href{some_key};
$$href{new_key} = 'new_value';
When working with a normal hash, you have the sigil which is either a % when talking about the entire hash, a $ when talking about a single element, and # when talking about a slice. Each of these sigils is then followed by an identifier.
%hash # whole hash
$hash{key} # element
#hash{qw(a b)} # slice
To work with a reference named $href simply replace the string hash in the above code with $href. In other words, $href is the complete name of the identifier:
%$href # whole hash
$$href{key} # element
#$href{qw(a b)} # slice
Each of these could be written in a more verbose form as:
#{$href}{qw(a b)}
Which is again a substitution of the string '$href' for 'hash' as the name of the identifier.
#{hash}{qw(a b)}
You can also use a dereferencing arrow when working with an element:
$hash->{key} # exactly the same as $$hash{key}
But I prefer the doubled sigil syntax since it is similar to the whole aggregate and slice syntax, as well as the normal non-reference syntax.
So to sum up, any time you write something like this:
my #array = #$array_ref;
my %hash = %$hash_ref;
You will be making a copy of the first level of each aggregate. When using the dereferencing syntax directly, you will be working on the actual values, and not a copy.
If you want a REAL local name for a hash, but want to work on the same hash, you can use the local keyword to create an alias.
sub some_sub {
my $hash_ref = shift;
our %hash; # declare a lexical name for the global %{__PACKAGE__::hash}
local *hash = \%$hash_ref;
# install the hash ref into the glob
# the `\%` bit ensures we have a hash ref
# use %hash here, all changes will be made to $hash_ref
} # local unwinds here, restoring the global to its previous value if any
That is the pure Perl way of aliasing. If you want to use a my variable to hold the alias, you can use the module Data::Alias
You are confusing the actions of dereferencing, which does not inherently create a copy, and using a hash in list context and assigning that list, which does. $hashref->{'a'} is a dereference, but most certainly does affect the original hash. This is true for $#$arrayref or values(%$hashref) also.
Without the assignment, just the list context %$hashref is a mixed beast; the resulting list contains copies of the hash keys but aliases to the actual hash values. You can see this in action:
$ perl -wle'$x={"a".."f"}; for (%$x) { $_=chr(ord($_)+10) }; print %$x'
$ perl -wle'$x={"a".."f"}; %y=%$x; for (%y) { $_=chr(ord($_)+10) }; print %$x; print %y'
but %$hashref isn't acting any differently than %hash here.
No, dereferencing does not create a copy of the referent. It's my that creates a new variable.
$ perl -E'
my %h1; my $h1 = \%h1;
my %h2; my $h2 = \%h2;
say $h1;
say $h2;
say $h1 == $h2 ?1:0;
$ perl -E'
my %h;
my $h1 = \%h;
my $h2 = \%h;
say $h1;
say $h2;
say $h1 == $h2 ?1:0;
No, $#{$someArrayHashRef} does not create a new array.
If perl did what you suggest, then variables would get aliased very easily, which would be far more confusing. As it is, you can alias variables with globbing, but you need to do so explicitly.

How to clear a Perl hash

Let's say we define an anonymous hash like this:
my $hash = {};
And then use the hash afterwards. Then it's time to empty or clear the hash for
reuse. After some Google searching, I found:
%{$hash} = ()
undef %{$hash}
Both will serve my needs. What's the difference between the two? Are they both identical ways to empty a hash?
%$hash_ref = (); makes more sense than undef-ing the hash. Undef-ing the hash says that you're done with the hash. Assigning an empty list says you just want an empty hash.
Yes, they are absolutely identical. Both remove any existing keys and values from the table and sets the hash to the empty list.
See perldoc -f undef:
undef EXPR
undef Undefines the value of EXPR, which must be an lvalue. Use only
on a scalar value, an array (using "#"), a hash (using "%"), a
subroutine (using "&"), or a typeglob (using "*")...
undef $foo;
undef $bar{'blurfl'}; # Compare to: delete $bar{'blurfl'};
undef #ary;
undef %hash;
However, you should not use undef to remove the value of anything except a scalar. For other variable types, set it to the "empty" version of that type -- e.g. for arrays or hashes, #foo = (); %bar = ();