Can’t install openmotif22 on CentOS 7 - centos

I wanna to install openmotif22 on centos 7 but I get the message from installer “Sorry, this did not work. The file is not supported.”

Can you share with us the command you are using to perform the install as well as the exact package you are attempting to install.
Are you using the steps documented here:


How to install AgenBrowser for Agensgraph?

From few days I am trying to install Agensgraph in Windows 10 with Agensbrowser. I got Agensgraph setup from and also AgensBrowser in zip file having some files. I installed agensgraph easily on my windows but I don't know how to Install the agensbrowser eventhough i follow the Documentation for installation such as install java 1.8 rename file... but still don't understand, so Problems/questions I have:
I installed agensgraph from setup directly, Is there any other setting i have to do for it?
While Installing AgensBrowser I got these things from documentation which I don't understand that how to do that:
– Install DB for AgensBrowser management (Are they talking about PostgreSQL. already installed.)
– Create an AgensBrowser Admin account
How to setup its environment and how can i start with it??
please help me in that, i am struggling with it from many days.
System have Windows 10, PostgreSQL installed, Agensgraph setup Installed, java 1.8.

Install GlusterFS on CentOS 8 not working

I am trying to install GlusterFS on CentOS 8 Vmware workstation, i am on a bridged network but everytime i attempy to download it i get this messsage. Is there another way to do this or to fix this issue?
at time of this post Gluster 8 ( is the current maintained version. So to install it you would do
dnf -y install centos-release-gluster8
Please note that you can find other versions in the extras repository which, as you see above, is enabled.

How do I get PHP 7.1 to talk to PostgreSQL on RHEL 7?

Running a Laravel installation on a RedHat Enterprise Linux 7 server using PHP 7.1. I can see php-pgsql.x86_64 listed in the available yum packages, but it doesn't appear to be compatible with PHP 7.1 (and indeed is listed as version 5.4.16-43.el7_4.1).
On a lark, I tried installing it anyway and physically moved the pgsql.ini and pdo_pgsql.ini files from /etc/php.d into the relevant PHP 7.1 folder /etc/opt/rh/rh-php71/php.d/ (and did the same with the .so files they reference), but that returns an error indicating that the package couldn't be read (undefined symbol: file_globals_id in Unknown on line 0).
Has anyone managed to get PHP 7.1 talking to PostgreSQL on RHEL 7?
The sysadmin who originally created the server for me set me straight. The problem was I was looking in the wrong repository for the packages I needed for my particular PHP installation. Running the following two commands did the trick:
sudo yum install --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=rhui-REGION-rhel-server-rhscl rh-php71-php-odbc
sudo yum install --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=rhui-REGION-rhel-server-rhscl rh-php71-php-pgsql
We then added those two packages to the Ansible playbook so future generations would not suffer needlessly.

Is VestaCP compatible with Centos 7

I want to install VestaCP on my digitalocean droplet. I can't see supported os list on vestacp's web site. Is VestaCP compatible with centos 7 ?
Yes, its CentOS 7 compatible, you only have to use their installer running this:
curl -O
It doesn't look like it. I just tried installing it on a minimal-install image of CentOS 7, and it failed. Tried to find /sbin/ifconfig (7 minimal-install uses nmcli and nmtui) and failed.
The rhel-specific install script that got downloaded only has provisions for CentOS 5 and 6 in it, no mention of 7, and so the install failed further on when adding some rpm repos.
tldr: doesn't look like it has support for it yet.

How to upgrade the centos 5.8 to centos 6X?

I am using centos 5.8 in xencenter , i need to upgrade to centos6.5.
i tried with yum update it will updated to centos 5.10 only,please any one help me.
I am guessing that you are trying to update a virtual machine. If this is the case then you can try the following.
Boot your CentOS 5.8 VM using the CentOS6 ISO
On the initial screen press tab
when the boot command appears, append upgradeany
vmlinuz initrd=initrd.img upgradeany
When you pass the language and devices selections and the system is done examining the storage, you will be prompted if you want to upgrade an existing installation and be shown a drop down list of versions that were found.