How to install and run Theia, browser based IDE? - theia

I want to develop remotely and read about Theia. I could install the program with pip
pip install theia
But then there is no description available on how to start the program. Is it plug-in for Eclipse, or do I have to run it in docker or what?

Theia is not an extension of the classic Eclipse project. This is not really an installable app.
If you want to run Theia locally, you can follow the tutorial of the official documentation : Official help to setup environement.
Be sure to have Node.js 10 installed. It is not currently compatible with Node.js 12. If you want to have more than one version of Node installed on you machine, I advise you nvm (nvm github) or nvm-windows (nvm windows github).
If it can be useful, I personnally have a small bat script to launch Theia at the manner of a desktop app
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --app=http://localhost:3000
yarn start


How to run a Visual Studio Code compiled/minified Web build in the browser

I am able to run VS Code development mode in my browser by installing the required packages and running a few commands, but I failed to build a compiled and minified version and run the same in browser.
I am able to run VS Code web development mode in the browser on Ubuntu 20.04 with the following commands:
sudo apt-get install build-essential g++ libx11-dev libxkbfile-dev libsecret-1-dev
yarn watch
I'm able to build with the following command, but am missing instructions on how to run a compiled version of VS Code Web in browser.
yarn gulp vscode-web-min
Can anyone tell me how to or point me to the right documentation?
Recently I came across the same question. I found this repo which perfectly answers your question. This is not a fork of vscode, but rather a set of helper scripts in order to build vscode web edition.
You should clone this repository and run the following commands in order to build vscode-web.
$ yarn build
$ yarn prepare-demo
$ yarn demo
Open http://localhost:8080 and you'll see the web version running in your browser. It is limited in features compared to the native or server version. Terminal is disabled and files are served from in-browser file system.

How to run VSCode on Centos6

My company is using an old CentOS6 and they wont update it before months (years?). This is totally out of my control and it obviously makes using up to date software a nightmare.
I would like to use Visual Studio Code as a C++ IDE but its intellisense plugin is running with glibc >=2.14 and Centos6 comes with glibc 2.12.
It also needed some more dependencies I managed to recompile and load with LD_LIBRARY_PATH. I tried compiling a new glibc and load it as well but it segfault, as expected.
I used the compiled version of VSCode from the official website.
I tried compiling it myself but it requires to download many files and my virtual machine does not have Internet, I can only transfer files through ftp. I created a local yarn repository, compiled all appropriate version of Yarn, NodeJS but a compiled binary is trying to download electron and I have no idea where to put the file to trick him into thinking it's downloaded already (assuming I could).
There are standalone solutions to run software on old distribution, like AppImage but VSCode is not part of their apps.
Would you have any idea on how to run VSCode on Centos6? Did you ever try to compile VSCode without and Internet Connection?
Currently the only viable solution I see would be to create an AppImage at home.
To run VS Code Server on CentOS 6, I followed the "glibc and libstdc ++ on RHEL / CentOS 6 update" article from here.
Perhaps this option will help you.

Unable to use angular cli in eclipse

It says I have used the pro version so I need the licence or free trial.How can I get the free version of angular cli on eclipse.I have tried to reinstall it but did not work.
As far as I know, Eclipse does not support Angular CLI. Try taking a look at IntelliJ's trial version. (
You don't need an IDE to use Angular CLI. All you need is a Terminal.
Run the following steps:
You need Nodejs. If you don't have it yet, just go this official
nodejs page & download the recommended version then install it.
$ npm install -g #angular/cli
Angular Eclipse is open source and integrates angular-cli with Terminal, Wizards and Launches.

Powershell - Install an application

How would I run a program installer (in C:\Downloads) using a Powershell V1 script?
I do not have control over the Powershell version so please do not ask me to update to newer version.
If I do it manually, there will be a few options for me to choose before installing. I also have to specify the location for the application.
If I have to do it via scripts, how do I set which options to choose and specify the location?
I have searched the application support page and they do not have anything I need for the installation of the software via scripts.
I am not a very skilled person when it comes to scripting as I just started out months ago.
Do you know about Chocolatey? It's a Windows package manager that allows you to install Windows applications using CLI.
To install Chrome for example:
choco install googlechrome
You can find all the available packages here.

Reverting to old Google Cloud SDK shell version

I am trying to deploy a Java project into Google App Engine from Eclipse and am blocked by JSPs.
Everything JSP makes my app not capable of deploying due to "'utf8' codec can't decode byte" error.
Not trying to insert any strange (not UTF-8) character, everything Eclipse is set to UTF-8.
Tried to send archives which were OK with the Google App Engine Tools for Eclipse (soon to be deprecated), won't deploy.
I've seen threads regarding reverting the Google Cloud Tools for Eclipse plugin to previous version (1.58 seemed to avoid a few problems) being a possible solution to these recent errors but I have a problem installing, the batch just tells me "Install will exit" ?!
Tried to uninstall previous (latest) versions before, made sure I was launching the bundled-python batch, still not capable of installing an old version of the Google Cloud SDK shell.
Would be glad if anybody had any suggestion at what makes my install fail.
Thanks in advance.
There are a few ways you can get older version of Google Cloud SDK.
Download versioned archive
(If you are on windows) Grab file.
Unzip it to some\dir
Add some\dir\google-cloud-sdk\bin directory to your system path
Restart your command prompt (or other apps which depend on gcloud) and run for example gcloud info, it should be fully functional installation, no need to run install.bat.
Alternatively, use existing SDK installation and gcloud component manager to go back to previous versions. For example
gcloud components update --version 158.0.0
target by version number using apt-get :
sudo apt-get install google-cloud-sdk=294.0.0-0