"C++ compiler works....no" when compiling mongo-cxx-driver legacy using scons - mongodb

I'm getting a C++ compiler works....no error when compiling the CPP legacy driver.
I'm compiling with:
scons --64 --cxx=/usr/local/bin/gcc -cc=/usr/local/bin/gcc --prefix=/opt/mongo install
The config.log states:
libmpc.so.2 cannot open shared object file
libmpc.so.2 does exists in /usr/local/lib which is in LD_LIBRARY_PATH
When I execute the compilation command for conftest_o.cpp file, from the config.log it compiles with no issues.
~/.bashrc and ~/.bash_profile seems fine.
OS: RedHat 6.6 64bit
GCC: 4.9.2
mongodb CPP legacy driver version: 1.0.5
Boost : 1.57
Python: 2.6.6
scons: 2.3.6
Thanks for your help.

Update : solved the problem using
--propagate-shell-environment flag when running scons.
Apparently scons does not pass shell environment variables to child processes.
Thanks for your help


swift does not find zlib on linux ubuntu 20.04

When running swift 5.5.3 or swift-5.7 under ubuntu 20.04, there are many warnings saying
"zlib is not available."
A simple c++ test program which links to zlib had no problem compiling and executing.
The dpkg command found the library at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libz.so.1.2.11 with
pointers at /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libz.so.1 and /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libz.so

paraview: error while loading shared libraries: libQt5Core.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I installed OpenFOAM on Ubuntu (which is itself on WSL Windows Subsystem for Linux).
I have a problem when trying to launch paraFoam and I have this error :
Invalid $PV_PLUGIN_PATH and -plugin-path= not defined
No supplementary ParaView/OpenFOAM reader modules
Using builtin reader: paraFoam -vtk
paraview: error while loading shared libraries: libQt5Core.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
It seems that it comes from paraview or Qt but I don't know what to do.
The file libQt5Core.so.5 does exist in the computer
When I type qmake --version I have
QMake version 3.1
Using Qt version 5.12.8 in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
Since you are using WSL1, this issue is common. you can solve it by running the following command:
sudo strip --remove-section=.note.ABI-tag /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libQt5Core.so.5
To solve the issue related to the GLIBCXX, try:
sudo cp /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6 /opt/OpenFOAM/ThirdParty-v2006/platforms/linux64/gcc-6.3.0/lib64/libstdc++.so.6

How to compile emacs 26.2 with gnutls on Centos 7?

I try to compile Emacs 26.2 on Centos 7. So I run
But the script complains:
configure: error: The following required libraries were not found:
Maybe some development libraries/packages are missing?
However yum tells me that gnutls is already installed:
Package gnutls-3.3.29-9.el7_6.x86_64 already installed and latest version
What else do I miss to compile Emacs with gnutls support?
Try installing the package gnutls-devel. While the gnutls package contains the files needed to run a program that uses GnuTLS, gnutls-devel is needed to compile a program using GnuTLS.

cygwin gcc 4.7+ in Eclipse CDT updating from 3.4

I've followed the steps on the Cygwin wiki for updating my version of gcc. Now I have two installations of gcc in Cygwin: 3.4 in /bin and 4.7 in /usr/local/bin. Now, in Eclipse the only way to use it seems to be changing the invocation command from g++ to C:/cygwin/usr/local/bin/g++, and this has to be done for all projects. Is there any way to make Eclipse CDT use this by default? I have changed the Path environment variable, and typing g++ --version in a command line gives 4.7, but building a project in Eclipse with --version still gives 3.4

Compiling MongoDB r2.0.2 on ubuntu 10.04 resulted in error

I am compiling MongoDB from source with instructions from http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Building+for+Linux
I ran into this error after ran "scons all":
third_party/js-1.7/jsscan.c:112:22: error: jsautokw.h: No such file or directory
third_party/js-1.7/jsscan.c: In function 'FindKeyword':
third_party/js-1.7/jsscan.c:122: warning: label 'test_guess' defined but not used
third_party/js-1.7/jsscan.c:119: warning: label 'got_match' defined but not used
scons: *** [third_party/js-1.7/jsscan.o] Error 1
scons: building terminated because of errors
I am on a 64 bit ubuntu 10.04. gcc version 4.4.3 (Ubuntu 4.4.3-4ubuntu5), scons version is:
script: v1.2.0.d20100117.r4629, 2010/01/17 22:23:21, by scons on scons-dev
engine: v1.2.0.d20100117.r4629, 2010/01/17 22:23:21, by scons on scons-dev
Does anyone have the same problem? There are similar errors reported for this jsscan file in earlier versions, but has been fixed since.
Dude it worked! Do this:
sudo apt-get remove xulrunner-1.9.2-dev xulrunner-1.9.2
curl -O ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/js/js-1.7.0.tar.gz
tar zxvf js-1.7.0.tar.gz
cd js/src
make -f Makefile.ref
sudo JS_DIST=/usr make -f Makefile.ref export
Then run scons all again
There is no need to uninstall "xulrunner-1.9.2-dev" and "xulrunner-1.9.2" as it's also uninstalls other packages you may need later.
Just install the newer version of scons package (I used for it scons-2.1.0).
Download scons-2.1.0.tar.gz
Install it and use the installed one instead of the scons v1.2.0 repository package for Ubuntu 10.04.
It worked for me without any additional tricks.