Eclipse Luna - is is possible to make "Find/replace" dialog transparent? - eclipse

I am using Eclipse Luna with EPIC plugin under CentOS 6.3.
Is is possible to make "Find/replace" dialog (shown when clicking CTRL + F) transparent, so I can see matches below it when clicking on "Find" button?

Assuming you are you using GNOME, I do not believe you can do it for a specific dialog. It is either the entire application or nothing. :(
Strangely enough I have done something similar in Windows OS. There is a desktop tool called Dexpot, which has "Desktop Rules" feature that can apply transparency rule to dialog with a specific title.


Eclipse doesn't show quick fix popup in some environments

If a custom quick fix added using MarkerResolution it becomes available both in the "onhover" popup (left pic) and in the Ctrl+1 editor menu (right pic).
It works fine in most cases, but unexpectedly we found some environments (not related to OS) in which the same Eclipse version offers only the second way to show quick fixes.
Is it a known Eclipse bug or a feature depending on a setting?
Any thoughts?

Eclipse presentation mode

Is there a plugin which supports for presentations in Eclipse ?
That means, assume the code is required to present for a couple of people and if the code is showed as it is, all tools, menu bars and all other icons are shown. Instead, I want to show only the tab which code is open (it can be a class,html or css file) in a full screen so that the PC can be connected to a projector and whole audience sees the opened tab only.
I have seen this in IntelijIdea, but not in eclipse. Any Suggestion please? I use Luna.
Maximize the tab and Ctrl+ (on Eclipse Neon)
The most recent version of the saneclipse plugin has a full screen mode.
You can use Ctrl+M which will maximize an active view or editor.
Also, use Alt+F11 for toggle full screen.

Some text lowered in Eclipse RCP app on Mac OS X 10.10+

On Mac OS X 10.10+, the text in some but not all controls appears to be lowered.
For example, on the left-hand-side of the standard Preferences dialog in my Eclipse RCP application, the preference page titles appear lowered significantly.
They're lowered so far that the descenders of the font are cut off. For example, observe the tail of the "p" in "Help."
As another example, observed by #greg-449, the text is also lowered in the buttons in the same dialog.
The problem does not occur on prior versions of Mac OS X.
The problem does not occur on Windows.
The bounding box appears correct, as indicated by the highlighted selection area.
I'm building atop Eclipse RCP 4.5.
The problem does not occur in the Eclipse IDE's Preferences dialog, in Eclipse 4.5.1 and 4.4.2.
I've tried using CSS Spy in the Eclipse IDE's Preferences dialog. Although it works in the main window, it does not work for me in the Preferences dialog, at least when using the same keyboard shortcut.
The text is larger and positioned well in buttons in dialogs provided by the operating system, like "File>Open."
In a custom dialog not pictured here, the text in custom buttons is centered well, but the text in the OK/Cancel buttons provided by Eclipse is lowered.
Since the titles appear correctly in the IDE, it seems like there must be something we can do to make them appear correctly in my application.
Question: What do I need to do differently to avoid the lowered title text? Even clues of where to start would be appreciated.
Here's a snapshot of the problem in my application:

Hiding floating windows in Eclipse Juno

In Eclipse Juno if I edit a Java file in a maximized Java Editor and run a unit test the JUnit View shows up in a floating window.
The Java Editor remains active and the JUnit View hides half of my screen. How can I hide the JUnit window with keyboard shortcuts?
I've used Juno Service Release 1, Build id: 20121004-1855 and it's the same with Juno Service Release 2, Build id: 20130225-0426.
I went the other way round - using keyboard shortcut to activate editor.
The default is F12, which I found too far to move my lazy finger to.
Instead, I rebound it to Ctrl + ;. Its very easy to reach out, and there is no other eclipse shortcut bound to this key combo (at least in my setup).
Please make sure you are on Juno SR1. There were some fixes in SR1 related to floating windows. For me the JUnit window simply vanishes by hitting Esc or by focusing the editor again.
To ease your pain, maybe you also want to check "Activate on error/failure only" in the view menu of the JUnit view.
Bug 391808 was reported about the Fast View not collapsing when clicking in the Java Editor. I just commented with this particular reproduction of the problem. I see the same issue as you working with Juno SR1. I have to actually click in the JUnit view before pressing Esc will work.

Choose-Command popup in Eclipse

I would like to ask if there exists some functionality in eclipse where it's possible to choose all available commands, instead of having to remember all the shortcuts.
Something like the command palette in sublime text 2. Where you by pressing ctrl+shift+p (windows/linux) get an input popup box where all availble commands can be choosen.
Does such a feature exists for eclipse, or should I develop it by myself?
Thanks in advance.
I just bumped into this feature by accident but looking up to see if I figure how to get to it. it looked like it popped up when I started typing after having launched eclipse without focusing on any particular view... more to come as soon as I find out for sure.
EDIT: Apparently when you first launch Eclipse the focus is on the "Quick Action" search box on the top right of the tool bar and that's where you can start typing command names for it to list and let you pick in good Sublime Text style. Not sure how to shortcut into the box other than clicking it, but apparently there's the feature.
EDIT#2: describes Ctrl+3 as being the shortcut to get there, on the Mac it translates to Cmd+3.
I haven't been able to find anything, so I have started on developing my own plugin.