Eclipse presentation mode - eclipse

Is there a plugin which supports for presentations in Eclipse ?
That means, assume the code is required to present for a couple of people and if the code is showed as it is, all tools, menu bars and all other icons are shown. Instead, I want to show only the tab which code is open (it can be a class,html or css file) in a full screen so that the PC can be connected to a projector and whole audience sees the opened tab only.
I have seen this in IntelijIdea, but not in eclipse. Any Suggestion please? I use Luna.

Maximize the tab and Ctrl+ (on Eclipse Neon)

The most recent version of the saneclipse plugin has a full screen mode.

You can use Ctrl+M which will maximize an active view or editor.
Also, use Alt+F11 for toggle full screen.


Is there a way to programmatically change the color of an editor tab in my Eclipse Plugin?

I have a SharedHeaderFormEditor in my Eclipse RCP plugin.
One of my requirements is to draw attention to the editor's tab when something happens outside of the editor and it needs a refresh.
Some of the ideas discussed included
changing the color of the tab
adding an icon to the editor's text (instead of the standard * for a dirty editor)
Are either of those possible? I've been looking around and have not found anything that could address this issue.
ViewPart and EditorPart both allow changing the title label and icon (setPartName(…) and setTitleImage(…) respectively). The Eclipse Workbench also offers an IWorkbenchPartProgressService to each part, which allows a part to indicate that it's busy (via incrementBusy()/decrementBusy()) and that its content has changed (via warnOfContentChange()). You can see this used in the Search and Console views (org.eclipse.search2.internal.ui.SearchView and org.eclipse.ui.internal.console.ConsoleView).

How to wrap line in PyDev's interactive console?

Each time I want to view a long output line, I have to drag the horizontal scroll bar. Is it possible to set word wrapping in PyDev's interactive console (not editor)?
Unfortunately no, it's not currently possible to enable word wrapping in the PyDev interactive console.
You may report this as a feature request in (but even better would be providing a pull request for that -- see:
It is now possible as of PyDev 6.2. By default it is not enabled. To see the icon that you have to click to enable visit this. For the possibility that the link disappears, go to the console tab and you will want to look for an icon which has a yellow "left-turn" arrow and click that.

Eclipse Dialogs Have No Title Bar and Can't Be Moved in Gnome 3

I just installed Eclipse from the Android website and the dialogs have no title bar and seem to be docked at the top of the Eclipse main window. I can't find a way to move them or get the titlebar back. I'm using Gnome 3 as desktop/window manager.
For example, if I choose Search | File... from the main menu, it comes up, but without titlebar. If I press Alt+F7, I can move the entire window, but the dialog will not move relative to the window.
How do I fix this?
You are missing an important information, your operating system and desktop environment. Let me guess? Linux/Gnome? Or Cinnamon?
Gnome has the, erm, great feature to attach modal dialogs at the main window.
You can install dconf-editor and set the key org/gnome/shell/overrides/attach-modal-dialogs to false.
In Cinnamon you can easily disable this feature in the System Settings > Windows > Attach dialog windows (may not be the actual text as I translated it from my locale). You need to switch the settings to Expert mode to see the Windows entry.

In Eclipse, can I view the files I currently have open in a vertical stack instead of a horizontal one?

I would find it much easier if the tabs show which files are in the Editor were stacked vertically rather than horizontally. Stacked horizontally means that you run out of room to display file names very fast and makes switching between files time consuming.
Is there an option or a plugin to display the files vertically? (Similar to navigator, but for open files instead of project files) I can't seem to find one.
tabs can not be stacked vertically. However, CTRL+E (⌘+E on mac) might give you some relief.
Eclipse 3.8
CTRL+G brings up an Editors dialog as shown in this screen capture:
Eclipse 4.3
CTRL+E brings up the pop-up shown in this screen capture:
With ctrl+shift+e you can open an extra window that show you the open tabs vertically.
EditorViewer is very good
The project is dead, but it works fine with Eclipse 3.7. Just drop the .jar file in the dropins folder
Another command is CTRL+F6 not entirely like the other ones but great to switch between your two most recent tabs. And you also get a list of open tabs like the other examples.
you can always drag windows over each other to tile them vertically but if you see a ">>" at the end of the tabs clicking on it gives a file list which are open.
None that I know of, but there are some other tipps to make life a little easier:
1) Use Mylyn, which filters the Explorer-Views so only relevant files are shown there.
2) Have a look at "Extended VS Presentation" . This little plugin adds some useful features to reduce waste of screenspace. With it you can hide the file extension in editor tabs or limit the size of each tab and reduce the padding. Then you can remove the X and close tabs with a middle click. Each just a small saving, but they add up.
For newer versions of Eclipse, there is a plugin Open Editors which adds a view listing all open editors.
Finally a true relief!
Install dragging the "install" button from
to show it
"window / show view / browsing / editors list"
On its internal menu I selected too: Sort by ext+name
Now I just need a way to hide the top tabs list and it will become perfect!

Overview bar in Eclipse Classic

I am having a strange problem with Eclipse Classic Indigo where I cannot see the overview bar. I did some searching and could not find any option to enable or disable it, but it appears to be disabled in my Eclipse. I was wondering if anyone had a fix for this?
DOH! New Mac User having a windows moment -- I have the answer to this question. I was looking for the top menu bar INSIDE the eclipse dialog (i.e. just above the icons) but like everything else mac it locates the top menu bar outside the actual dialog at the top of your monitor view.
Hope this helps someone else :)