Eclipse doesn't show quick fix popup in some environments - eclipse

If a custom quick fix added using MarkerResolution it becomes available both in the "onhover" popup (left pic) and in the Ctrl+1 editor menu (right pic).
It works fine in most cases, but unexpectedly we found some environments (not related to OS) in which the same Eclipse version offers only the second way to show quick fixes.
Is it a known Eclipse bug or a feature depending on a setting?
Any thoughts?


Change/remove hover delay in Eclipse editor

I'm using Eclipse, and have set up my preferences so that editor hovers only appear when I press Ctrl by using the "Combined Hovers Keys Modifier" setting. However, when I Ctrl+Hover an item, I still have to wait for the hover delay.
Is there any way to remove this delay?
I'm using multiple Eclipse distributions, all at least Oxygen or newer. This is also for multiple OSes, including Fedora, Ubuntu, and Windows.
I'm looking for answers that don't tamper with operating system settings. Solutions like the accepted answer for this question about adding delay to tooltips aren't acceptable.
Hovers in Eclipse are implemented by registering an SWT MouseTrackListener on the control (GUI element) that wants to react to being hovered over, and showing the hover when MouseTrackListener.mouseHover() is invoked.
The documentation for MouseTrackListener.mouseHover() says:
Sent when the mouse pointer hovers (that is, stops moving for an
(operating system specified) period of time) over a control.
suggesting that there is no cross-platform way to change the delay.
You could consider filing an SWT issue to request adding an option for customizing the delay.

Eclipse Package Explorer no longer collapsible

Version: Neon.2 Release (4.6.2)
Very straight-forward question - to my surprise I could not find an answer on here, or elsewhere.
This is what I see in my Eclipse IDE:
This is what I have seen until recently (circled in green):
(Yes - this image is not showing package explorer, this is cut from a random internet search pic)
How do I make the Package Explorer collapsible again?
Needing to fully close it for space, and then open it again later is a big pain.
If someone get the same problem, what I know so far is the reset perspective solution...
Window → Perspective -> Reset perspective...
This will save you many hours, believe me!
You can also do the reset, by right click the icon of the perspective type.
Option 1. Using the Window menu.
Option 2. Right click the perspective icon
(You might need to customize your perspective if you configured own settings, the reset perspective does not damage your workspace! See customize perspective to get an idea of what the settings are.)

eclipse autocomplete

I have noticed that qtCreator handles the auto-completion much better than eclipse.
For example, if I have a line that says object.firstItem() and put my cursor between . and f, and then delete the first word (thus becoming object.|item()) and then press ctrl+space and choose secondItem(), qtCreator guesses object.secondItem();, whereas eclipse chooses object.firstItem()Item().
There could well be other features that are present in qtCreator, too, but not in eclipse, though it's the only one I really noticed. But why not share all good ideas since they all are open source ? I would be interested in all good features of qtCreator and eclipse combined.
Is there a way to have such a behaviour in eclipse too, through configuration or through a plugin ?
This feature is supported by Eclipse, too. (Or more specifically, the Eclipse Java Development Tools.)
Just hold down the ctrl key when selecting the item from the list of proposed completions to toggle between inserting and overwriting completion mode.
To change the default behaviour, go to Preferences -> Java -> Editor -> Content Assist and change the top-most radio button from "Completion inserts" to "Completion overwrites".

Console disappear in Eclipse Juno

I am using Eclipse Juno. I was working in Java perspective and suddenly I minimized the console. I don't know where it went but I am unable to get it back. I even tried to get it from Windows>Show View>Console but I didn't get my console back.
It happened the same thing to me. Just click Window->Reset Perspective and everything will be back as it was when you installed eclipse.
Sure you'll have to customize it back to how you like it, but at least you'll have the console back.
If console is not visible, just search for "Console" in QuickAccess box on the right hand top of menu bar. you can get it back!
Stupid Eclipse. Are there no interface designers volunteering on this project? Why minimize something and make it hard to see where to bring it back? Probably all you have to do is hit Shift-Control-Tab-F9 with one hand while right-double-clicking the lower left hand corner. Hmm, how about a popup when you click a minimized Console that says "We see you've minimized your Console and you are clearly trying to switch to it. Would you like us to restore that so you can actually see it?" followed by "Are you really sure? Cuz ya know, you may be using this click path by accident."
The reset perspective works. Also, you can "Save Perspective" so it's not so hard to go back to your preferred Perspective.
Thanks for the tip.
Bring console to the front from Window -> Show View -> Console. Apparently the console remains invisible (that was the issue indeed), but it is virtually active in the foreground.
Close the current view (i.e. the invisible console) by going to the "Quick Access" box at the toolbar, typing "Close Part", and selecting the respective option on the drop-down.
Reopen console form Window -> Show View -> Console and voilà, it will appear. Drag it to your preferred location on the workbench.
This works for me under the following situation:
I had been previously playing with detaching several views (console included) and editors to a separate window on a different monitor; I have updated my workspace from Neon to Oxygen and I have had a hard reset at my computer. (So, not sure which among those was the reason that made it go wrong).
I wanted to avoid resetting my perspective, as it is highly customised, so I discarded that solution.
Other solutions herein proposed had not worked.
The console was working and the view became visible if I chose a different perspective (e.g. Debug) or a duplicate Eclipse window (which effectively provides a duplicate of a factory-reset perspective).
you could click the small icon on the bottom left and choose console. it will appear.

How to disable Eclipse's behavior of maximizing editor when double clicking a tab?

I recently updated my Eclipse (now running 20100218-1602), and I've found whenever I click around quickly between tabs on the tab bar, it will sometimes maximize the editor and hide the PHP Explorer to the left. After researching a little, this appears to be a feature of double clicking a tab. So I guess it's my fault, I'm sure I'm clicking around too fast and mistakenly double clicking a tab, but it happens often enough on what I'd consider a normal editing session that I've come to absolutely loathe it, and even after the usual googling due diligence cannot figure out how to turn it off.
From this post someone mentions the Window.AutoHideAll shortcut, however that seems to only be for assigning keyboard shortcuts--this is a mouse click thing. But maybe it's a clue.
I can't find anything relevant under Eclipse -> Preferences -> PHP. I don't think it's specific to PHP because if I switch to the Java perspective, double clicking a tab hides the Package Explorer.
Any suggestions are appreciated, thanks!
You could settle for a simpler solution than some arcane settings or shortcut:
resize your Eclipse main windows a bit smaller
drag the views you do not want to be covered after a "tab double-click" outside the main Eclipse window
there is no 3.
When you double-click, the Editor will cover only the main Eclipse window, while the other views will still be visible just beside that window.