New to jquery. Starts with selector breaks the code. what's is wrong? - jquery-selectors

Thanks for the help. I'm trying to use a jQuery selector to watch for a click on a group of elements, that start with particular characters. I have come up with the following code, but I must be missing something. If I hard code the ID (ie. $("#test_1")...), the code works:
<div id="content">
<div id="parentcontainer">
<div id="test_1"></div>
$("#parentcontainer").click(function(){alert("parent clicked");});
$("#btnaddelement").click(function(){alert("Add Button Clicked");});
alert("Child Clicked");});

You are selecting on $("[name^='test_']") which will give you elements who have a name attribute that start with test_. You need to select on $("[id^='test_']") for elements with an id that start with test_. That is one example of what you are getting with your hard-coded success of $('#test_1') -- an element whose id attribute is test_1.
Also, be aware if you are not already that xpath is the language used for selectors, so you can do all kinds of incredible selection if you become familiar with it.

Yes, you missed something. Change the div's attribute id to name will work
<div name="test_1"></div>
Actually, class was used more frequently.
And there are an opinion I want to improve the code.
Try to use the jquery's $(document).ready instead of DOM's load. Because load will wait for all the sources to be loaded compeletely before the js code can be executed, for example, all the photos are downloading ok.
I hope this help!


Conditional processing within a Sightly/HTL component dependent upon position within a page

I've recently begun as an Ops dev on an AEM project, and we have a component (a table, that has a title, some copy and a field where the author can author some HTML to represent the contents of a table, with and elements. This, for whatever reason, has to sit within a component, called ArticleContainer. The title should have an H1 tag if the table is at the top of the page, and an H2 tag if it's anywhere lower down. I've tried using data-sly-test thus:
<sly data-sly-test.topOfPage="${table.firstPosition==true}">
<h1 data-sly-test="${table.headerCopy}" class="heading fontH2 headingLinear headingThick">
<span class="tableHeadingWrapper">${table.headerCopy # context='html'}</span>
<sly data-sly-test="${!topOfPage}">
<h2 data-sly-test="${table.headerCopy}" class="heading fontH2 headingLinear headingThick">
<span class="tableHeadingWrapper">${table.headerCopy # context='html'}</span>
Now, this kind of processing has worked elsewhere where the component doesn't sit within a container, but it seems that if it's in a container it always picks up the non-topOfPage condition. I assume there might be a way to maybe do the test within the container component & pass it down into the table component? How would one go about this, or if it's not possible, is there another method by which one might achieve this?
There are two things here:
What does table.firstPosition return? You should be able to debug this in your Sling Model or POJO and probably need to adjust the logic to account for intermediary containers.
HTL/Sightly has a data-sly-element that allows you to change the HTML element based on an expression, you could make your code shorter (and easier to maintain):
<h1 data-sly-test="${table.headerCopy}" data-sly-element="${table.firstPosition ? 'h1' : 'h2'}" class="heading fontH2 headingLinear headingThick">
<span class="tableHeadingWrapper">${table.headerCopy # context='html'}</span>

Polymer data bind without dom-bind

I have a polymer element <my-element> with a computed property myProperty. I need to bind myProperty to another place in the HTML page, so I can't put it inside a dom-bind template
Here's what I mean
<my-element my-property="{{myProperty}}"></my-element>
<!--somewhere deep inside another part of the document-->
<h4>myProperty = </h4><span>[[myProperty]]</span>
I cannot wrap my-element and the usage of [[myProperty]] in a dom-bind template as this would result in nearly the entire document being enclosed in this. Attempting to use the bind as it is results in myProperty = [[myProperty]] being displayed, not the value of [[myProperty]].
Is there some way to have behaviour similar to data binding but usable across the whole HTML document? (In the future there might also be a case where [[myProperty]] is used inside an attribute such as <my-second-element my-property="[[myProperty]]">). Or if both occurences are wrapped individually in dom-bind templates is there some way to make the bind global?
Thanks in advance
Not sure why you wouldn't be able to do like this:
<script src="bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.js"></script>
<template is="dom-bind" id="app">
<my-element my-property="{{myProperty}}"></my-element>
<!--somewhere deep inside another part of the document-->
<h4>myProperty = </h4><span>[[myProperty]]</span>
This is totally doable. If myProperty changes inside my-element it would also change in "this" html-document. There also wouldn't be a problem adding your second element:
<my-second-element my-property="[[myProperty]]">
Unless you're missing to tell us some specific behavior that you want, this should be what you want. :)

jquery .html() returning null in ie7

On click li element i am getting the current element value and appending it into another div dynamically.Its working fine in all browsers.But returning null in IE7.I don`t the reason that why its happening?Please can any one give me a solution for this..Part of the code only i pasted here.
Sample code:
////////////.//This line returning null in IE7./////////////////
$('#pagelink_a #pagelinkli_'+tab_lastid_val).html()
(tab_lastid_val value can be a 1 or 2 or 3.Clixked li element value comes here)
<div class="pagelink">
<div id="pagelink_a">
/******** all li element are clickable***********/
<li id="pagelinkli_1"><a>Google</a></li>
<li id="pagelinkli_2"><a>Chrome</a></li>
<li id="pagelinkli_3"><a>Firefox</a></li>
try this:
code is not tested but i think it should work.
Given your html layout, your parent div is .pagelink not #pagelink_a , so replace your following line:
$('#pagelink_a #pagelinkli_'+tab_lastid_val).html()
for this one:
$('.pagelink #pagelinkli_'+tab_lastid_val).html()
Just use
The # tag identifies an ID which only a single element may have. There is no need to have anything preceding it. You also labeled the previous class as id, which is wrong. I don't know how your other browsers managed to get anything.
Although bit off topic, it may be better to actually drop IE7 support entirely. Due to small user base and decreasing popularity, it may be costing you more money by support it than to not support it.
Try instead of html() , and try append().
For example
$('#ID').append('Your content');

Using KnockoutJS template within jQuery template

I have a jQuery template, and I would like to use a KnockOutJS template within this.
I cannot make this work as this example illustrates:
However, it DOES work when the KnockOutJS template itself is placed outside the scope of the jQuery template as in this example:
It seems that the problem is related to the scope of the template data variables (for instance, I can access the ${test} variable within the subTemplate).
Does anyone know how to make this work?
Br. Morten
The first example you have is just not valid. Although you want to create a sub-template it has to be in a separate script tag. You just can't embed templates within each other, you have to create them one after the other.
<script id="superTemplate" type="text/html">
<script id="subTemplate" type="text/html">
<script id="superTemplate" type="text/html">
<script id="subTemplate" type="text/html">
When you applied the subtemplate on the ul, you defined what data it should be using with the foreach, so you won't be able to read the test as it is not a property on an item.
If you want you can pass it as a templateOption so it will be available on the subtemplate too.
<ul data-bind="template: { name: 'subTemplate', foreach: items, templateOptions: { testValue: 'Value' } }"></ul>
This way it will be available on the subtemplate.
<span data-bind="text: $item.testValue"></span>
Also, I wouldn't use the default jQuery template tags, it is much nicer with data-binding.
<div id="body" data-bind="template:{name: 'superTemplate'}"></div>
It will do the same, more or less, in the end. You can take a look here :

jQuery inconsistent .remove by class on element with multiple classes

I've got a page where messages and associated elements (responses, forwards, etc) all share a class based on the database id of the parent.
For example
<div id="recentMessages">
<div id="a3" class="message a3">this is a message</div>
<div id="a5" class="message a5">this is another message</div>
<div id="recentComments">
<div id="a3" class="comment a3">this is a comment</div>
<div id="a5" class="comment a5">this is another comment</div>
<div id="recentActions">
<div id="a3" class="action a3">tim posted a new message</div>
<div id="a4" class="action a4">sara forwarded a message to john</div>
at times I need to remove all elements with the same id, so I originally had
but that would sometimes not remove all the ids because ids are supposed to be unique.
So I added the id as a class. now I use
but this seems to be about 80% effective, and sometimes the divs aren't being removed.
I'm not sure if the issue is because the div has more than one class, but I need the classes because that is how I refer to the elements when somebody clicks.
For instance,
get the id, send it to the server and get the message
is there something wrong I'm doing here? or is there a better way to do this?
Looks like this was an issue where a function was being called using a variable which had already been defined. I didn't realize this would cause a problem.
For instance:
var removeId=jQuery(this).attr('id').replace('','a');
function removeDiv(removeId){
I can't say for sure this was the issue, but changing the function to:
function removeDiv(cancelId){
seems to be working.