How to combine Graph API field expansions? - facebook

When using this syntax to query multiple metrics,page_fan_adds,page_fan_adds_by_paid_non_paid_unique)&access_token=XYZ&period=day&since=2015-08-12&until=2015-08-13
I always get data for the last three days regardness of the values of the since and until parameters
If I ask for a single metric, then the date parameters have effect.
Is there a different syntax for requesting multiple insights metrics which will accept the date parameters?

I think this should work:
curl -G \
-d "access_token=PAGE_TOKEN" \
-d "fields=insights.metric(page_fan_adds_unique,page_fan_adds,page_fan_adds_by_paid_non_paid_unique).since(2015-08-12).until(2015-08-13).period(day)" \
-d "pretty=1" \
You are requesting the page's insights as a field. This field contains a list of results in a data array (, and you want to filter this array.
The way to do that is by chaining parameterizations to the requested insights field like so:
Each .filterX(params) will be applied to the particular field that precedes it.
I've added newlines and indentation for clarity, but in your actual request you'd chain them all in a single line, without spaces.


Export Google BigQuery datasets in a single project as list in bq command-line?

I've looked at this resource, but it's not quite what I need. This question is what I want to accomplish, but I want to run it in the BQ terminal.
For instance, in the past I've exported table information as a .json in bq command-line as so:
bq show --schema --format=prettyjson Dataset.TableView > /home/directory/Dataset.TableView.json
This gives a prettyjson of Table information of a specified dataset in a set project. I would like to just have a .csv (or any type of list) of all dataset names in the project. But I can't figure out how to change that command-line appropriately to output what I want.
In order to further contribute to the community, as an alternative to #DanielZagales answer, using the bq command line. According to the documentation, you can use the bq ls to list all the datasets in a project. Such as follows,
bq ls -a --format=pretty --project_id your-project-id
The flag -a is short for --all, which guarantees that all the datasets will be included in the list. The flag --format=pretty will output the list as a table format, you can use other formatting such as described here. Furthermore, you can also filter the datasets which match an expression with --filter labels.key:value or set the maximum number of results with --max_results or -n.
Note: you can also list all the tables within a dataset, such as described here.
You should be able to query the information schema to get the results you want.
select * from `project_id.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA`;
You can then add that to the bq command like:
bq query --format=csv 'select * from `project_id.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA`;'

Increase Filter Limit in Apache Superset

I am trying to create a filter for a field that contains over 5000 unique values. However, the filter's query is automatically setting a limit of 1000 rows, meaning that the majority of the values do not get displayed in the filter dropdown.
I updated the file inside the 'anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages' directory by increasing the DEFAULT_SQLLAB_LIMIT and QUERY_SEARCH_LIMIT to 6000, however this did not work.
Is there any other config that I need to update?
P.S - The code snippet below shows the json representation of the filter where the issue seems to be coming from.
"query": "SELECT casenumber AS casenumber\nFROM pa_permits_2019\nGROUP BY casenumber\nORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC\nLIMIT 1000\nOFFSET 0"
After using the grep command to find all files containing the text '1000', I found out the the filter limit can be configured through the filter_row_limit in

PostgREST filter returns incorrect results when value contains a space

Using current version of PostgREST (v., attempting a very simple GET call:
Db contains two records with the following accountNames: "Account 1" and "Account #2".
This works:
GET localhost:3000/accounts?accountName=eq.Account 1
==> proper data is retrieved.
This does NOT work:
GET localhost:3000/accounts?accountName=eq.Account #2
==> NO data is retrieved. Obviously the # character prevents the filter from working properly.
Is there a way around this problem?
/accounts?accountName=eq.Account%20%232. Use Urlencoding.

How to limit the -findall curl call result to certain number in FileMaker's curl call

I know the -findall curl call parameter for FileMaker server will return all the rows in that specific database, however, for testing purpose, I just want to show for maybe, three.
I am aware sql has command of LIMIT, but how a curl command for FM is handling this same scenario?
In this case, -find is not an option for me.
I am assuming you are using curl to query a FileMaker server. If so, you are looking for the -max url parameter
From the Help PDF for FileMaker Server 13
–max (Maximum records) query parameter
Specifies the maximum number of records you want returned
Value is: A number, or use the value all to return all records. If –max is not specified, all records
are returned.

Is there any way how I can get JSON raw data from Splunk for a given query?

Is there any way how I can get JSON raw data from Splunk for a given query in a RESTful way?
Consider the following timechart query:
index=* earliest=<from_time> latest=<to_time> | timechart span=1s count
Key things in the query are: 1. Start/End Time, 2. Time Span (say sec) and 3. Value (say count)
The expected JSON response would be:
"rows":[ ["2014-12-25T00:00:00.000-06:00","1460981","1"],
This is the XHR (ajax calls) for the output_mode=json_rows calls. This requires session and authentication setups.
I’m looking for a RESTful implementation of the same with authentication.
You can do something like this using the curl command
curl -k -u admin:changeme --data-urlencode search="search index=* earliest=<from_time> latest=<to_time> | timechart span=1s count" -d "output_mode=json" https://localhost:8089/servicesNS/admin/search/search/jobs/export