PostgREST filter returns incorrect results when value contains a space - postgresql-9.4

Using current version of PostgREST (v., attempting a very simple GET call:
Db contains two records with the following accountNames: "Account 1" and "Account #2".
This works:
GET localhost:3000/accounts?accountName=eq.Account 1
==> proper data is retrieved.
This does NOT work:
GET localhost:3000/accounts?accountName=eq.Account #2
==> NO data is retrieved. Obviously the # character prevents the filter from working properly.
Is there a way around this problem?

/accounts?accountName=eq.Account%20%232. Use Urlencoding.


PutDatabaseRecord failed with Index header CSVRecord

We are trying to insert data to postgresql based database.
We use PutDatabaseRecord processor with following configurations :
But we get an warning and data is not inserted to database and records are not inserted.
Is this apache commoncsv related issue?
How can I solve this issue?
Edit :
After #matt's initial answer : I found intersting thing with data, in address field it has :
"No 60, Marine Drive,"
CSVReader in PutDatabaseRecord uses , value separator. So address must be read as 3 different column values.
The error seems to indicate you have more columns in the header than in (some lines of) data. If that's not the case, I suspect there's either a bug when handling empty columns, or Infer Schema doesn't work as expected with an empty column in the first row (how would it be able to guess the type of "nothing"?).

Using VSTS.Feed() in Power BI to access odata

I am trying to use the VSTS.Feed() function in Power BI to read WorkItemSnapshot data. There are multiple problems. If I build the entire URL into a single string and call VSTS.Feed () with that, I get the correct information in Power BI desktop, but it will not refresh in Power BI online. I have been told to use the (undocumented) Query parameter, as shown below, but it is clear that this parameter is ignored. I can see that the select parameter is ignored on smaller projects, because all columns are returned. I can see that the filter parameter is ignored because the query fails on larger projects.
Does anyone have a working example of using the Query parameter with VSTS.Feed()?
BaseURL = "",
Select = "DateSK,WorkItemId,State,WorkItemType",
Filter = "WorkItemType eq Bug and State ne Closed and State ne Removed and DateSK ge 20180517 and DateSK le 20180615",
Source = VSTS.Feed(BaseURL, [Query=[select=#"Select",filter=#"Filter"]])
With the query above, the message I get is shown below. As I said earlier, it is clearly not using the Filter parameter, and I'm assuming it is not using the Select parameter, either. I can't query everything because there is too much data, and I can't use a filter because I can't figure out a way to get the Options parameter to work. With VSTS.AccountContents, the options parameter works well, but those API endpoints don't use $ in parameter names.
Error: Query result contains 36,788,023 rows and it exceeds maximum allowed size of 300,000. Please reduce the number of records by applying additional filters
DataSourceKind=Visual Studio Team Services
The query that started this whole line of questioning is simply one with a variable for a start date.
startDate = DateTimeZone.ToText (Date.AddDays(DateTimeZone.UtcNow(), -45), "yyyyMMdd"),
URL = "$select=DateSK,WorkItemId,State,WorkItemType&$filter=WorkItemType eq 'Bug' and State ne 'Closed' and State ne 'Removed' and DateSK gt " & startDate,
Source = VSTS.Feed(URL)
While this query mostly works in Power BI desktop (the select clause is ignored), the message I get when the data source is refreshed online is:
You can't schedule refresh for this dataset because one or more sources currently don't support refresh.
Discover Data Sources
Query contains unknown or unsupported data sources.
The documentation for VSTS.Feed() contradicts itself, saying both
The VSTS.Feed function has the same arguments, options and return value format as OData.Feed.
'VSTS.Feed' provides a subset of the Arguments and Options available through 'OData.Feed'.
To to summarize, I know that I can't combine data sources in Power BI. Does VSTS.Feed() support the options parameter? If so, how do I pass a Filter and Select clause to it?
To get WorkItemSnapshot by vsts.feed, please refer below query:
Source = OData.Feed("", null, [Implementation="2.0"]),
WorkItemSnapshot_table = Source{[Name="WorkItemSnapshot",Signature="table"]}[Data]
Note: the URL format should be, or
And you can refer below documents:
Connect to VSTS using the Power BI OData feed
Connect using Power Query and Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) functions

Informatica SQ returns different result

I am trying to pull data from DB2 via informatica, I have a SQ query that pulls few fields based on joins for 4 different tables.
When I run the query directly in the database, it returns the expected result, however when I run it in informatica and run a debugger, I see something else.
Please note all the columns data perfectly match, except one single column.
Weird thing is, this is a calculated field from the table based on a case statement:
CASE WHEN Column1='3' THEN 'N' ELSE 'Y' END.
Since this is a calculated field with a length of one string, I have connected from the source to SQ from one of the sources having 1 character length.
This returns 'Y' when executed in the database, the same query when I copy paste in SQ of information and run it, I get a data 'E', and this data can never be possible as I expect only a N or a Y. I have verified the column order, that its in the right place. This is very strange, is something going wrong because of the CASE Statement?
Save yourself the hassle, put an expression transformation after tge source qualifier and calculate, port value there then forget about it
I think i got the issue. We use Informatica PowerExchange to connect to a as400 system(DB2), and it seems that when we are trying to set a flag information in AS400, and pass it to informatica via PowerExchange, it converts it to binary, and to solve this, there needs to be an entry in the PowerExchange configuration file.
Unfortunately, i myself was not aware that it could be related to PowerExchange instead of powercenter itself.!!
Thanks for your assistance! Below is the KB about it.

In orientdb what is difference between in('edge_type') and in(edge_type)

Trying this query in Grateful dead database provided in orientdb gives 146 records:
select expand(in('sung_by')) from V where name = 'Garcia'
But when we try the similar version of below query: select expand(in(sung_by)) from V where name = 'Garcia', 150 records are returned
Is it a bug?? Just trying orientdb from past week, followed tutorial from this website and this was second issue found.
By using select expand(in(sung_by)), the value of the field sung_by is resolved at query execution, but there is no field called sung_by, so it's null.
For this reason, it's like executing select expand(in()) in that case. By using 'sung_by', instead, only the edges with label sung_by will be traversed.
So, put always " or ' around edge's class/label to traverse.

Cannot map an error code returned from unixodbc using PostgreSQL database

I am using PostgreSQL using unixodbc driver, and while trying to get connection, I get error. I am only printing the value of pfNativeError of SQLError, and I get a value of '26'.
I have gone through the error codes returned by postgresql, as listed here:
I wanted to know if unixodbc returns in pfNativeError just the last three characters of the error codes mentioned in link above? If that is true, I assume the only possibility is for the following error code:
22026 STRING DATA LENGTH MISMATCH string_data_length_mismatch
Do let me know if I am thinking in right direction. Also, this issue I've noticed only when the PostgreSQL has millions of rows, and the query which results in connection failure is trying to fetch a lot of data (10Ks). Can someone give any idea to why the problem might be happening?
If its of any help, I'm getting following values for szErrorMsg:
Error while executing the query
Could not send Query(connection dead)
'26' returned is in INTEGER, and the codes mentioned in link above are in HEX. 26 in decimal corresponds to 1A in hex. Unfortunately, it does not correspond to any thing in the above mentioned documentation. Clearly I am out of ideas! Can someone tell me what different pfNativeError codes correspond to?