Increase Filter Limit in Apache Superset - visualization

I am trying to create a filter for a field that contains over 5000 unique values. However, the filter's query is automatically setting a limit of 1000 rows, meaning that the majority of the values do not get displayed in the filter dropdown.
I updated the file inside the 'anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages' directory by increasing the DEFAULT_SQLLAB_LIMIT and QUERY_SEARCH_LIMIT to 6000, however this did not work.
Is there any other config that I need to update?
P.S - The code snippet below shows the json representation of the filter where the issue seems to be coming from.
"query": "SELECT casenumber AS casenumber\nFROM pa_permits_2019\nGROUP BY casenumber\nORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC\nLIMIT 1000\nOFFSET 0"

After using the grep command to find all files containing the text '1000', I found out the the filter limit can be configured through the filter_row_limit in


Is it possible to Group By a field extracted from JSON input in a Siddhi Query?

I currently have an stream, with 1 string attribute that contains a Json event.
This stream receives different events, which I want to apply Json path expressions so I can use those attributes on filters and functions.
JsonPath extractors work like a charm on filters and selectors, unfortunately, I am not being able to use them for the 'Group By' part.
I am actually doing it in an embedded Siddhi App with siddhi-execution-json extension added manually, but for the discussion, so everybody can
easily check and test it, I will paste an example app that works on WSO2 Stream Processor.
The objective looks like the following App:
define stream JsonStream(json string);
define stream LogStream(myField string, count long);
from JsonStream#window.time(10 sec)
select json:getString(json, '$.myField') as myField, count() as count
group by myField having count > 1
insert into LogStream;
and it can accept the following events:
{"myField": "my_value"}
However, this query will raise the error:
Cannot find attribute type as 'myField' does not exist in 'JsonStream'; define stream JsonStream(json string)
I have also tried to use directly the Json extractor at 'Group by':
group by json:getString(json, '$.myField') as myField having count > 1
However the error now is:
mismatched input ':' expecting {',', ORDER, LIMIT, OFFSET, HAVING, INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, RETURN, OUTPUT}
which seems to not be expecting to use an extension here
I am just wondering, if it is possible to group by attributes not directly defined in the input stream. In this case is a field extracted from a JSON object, but it could be any other function that generates another attribute.
I am also using versions from maven central repository
Siddhi: io.siddhi:siddhi-core:5.0.1
siddhi-execution-json: io.siddhi.extension.execution.json:siddhi-execution-json:2.0.1
(Edit) Clarification
The objective is, to use attributes not directly defined in the Stream, to be used on the Group By.
The reason why is, I currently have an embedded app which defines the whole set of input streams coming from external sources formatted as JSON, and there are also a set of output streams to inform external components when a query matches.
This app allows users to create custom queries on this set of predefined Streams, but they are not able to create Streams by their own.
Many thanks!
It seems we are expecting the group by fields from the query input stream, in this case, JsonStream. Use another query before this for extraction and the aggregation and filtering in the following query,
define stream JsonStream(json string);
define stream LogStream(myField string, count long);
from JsonStream
select json:getString(json, '$.myField') as myField
insert into ExtractedStream;
from ExtractedStream#window.time(10 sec)
select myField, count() as count
group by myField
having count > 1
insert into LogStream;

What could be causing this 'invalid host' error on kdb query?

I get an odd error when trying to query too many dates from a date-partitioned historical database:
q)eod: h"select from eod where date within 2018.01.01 2018.04.22"
'/tablepath/2018.04.04/eod/somecolumn: invalid host
q)eod: h"select from eod where date within 2018.01.17 2018.04.20"
'/tablepath/2018.04.20/eod/othercolumn: invalid host
q)eod: h"select from eod where date within 2018.01.18 2018.04.20"
Note that both dates mentioned in the error messages are within the date range that we manage to extract in the end, and that it fails on a different column each time. This seems to indicate it's something to do with the size of the table being pulled, but when we check the size of the largest table we managed to get:
q)(-22!eod) % 1024 * 1024
q)count eod
we find that it's not particularly large by either memory size nor by number of rows.
Googling for "invalid host" errors doesn't seem to turn up anything relevant, and I'm not seeing anything in the kdb docs about size limits that would be relevant. Anyone got any ideas?
When loading the table in a session and making the queries directly, we get what appears to be the same error, but with a different message. For instance:
q)jj: select from eod where date within 2018.01.01 2018.04.22
Too many compressed files open
'./2018.04.04/eod/settlecab: No such file or directory
Note that the file ./2018.04.04/eod/settlecab does in fact exist, and contains data:
I have no problem loading the data for just the date mentioned in the error, and the column mentioned has meaningful values:
q)jj: select from eod where date=2018.04.04
q)select count i by settlecab from jj
settlecab| x
---------| -----
0 | 41573
1 | 2269
The key point seems to be the Too many compressed files open message, but what can I do about this?
Edit for Summary/Solutions:
The table in question had many columns, all stored in a compressed format. When issuing a query against too many dates at once, kdb would try to mmap all of those columns at once, running into a limit on how many compressed files could be open at once.
Once I understood the problem, several solutions were available:
I could pull only certain columns from the database, reducing the number of files that kdb needed to keep open,
I could force kdb to pull all the data into memory by adding a dummy where clause to the query, such as (null column) | not null column (hacky, but it works),
I could have upgraded the kdb version and lifted OS limits (not practical in my case).
I still have no idea why this resulted in an invalid host error when querying the database remotely.
First off, can we just clarify the database structure you're working with. It seems from the filepaths returned in your errors that you've got a date-partitioned database. Did you mean non-segmented database when you said non-partitioned in your original query?
In terms of a fix for your issue, have you tried loading your database into a session, and making those queries directly? If so do you get the same issues?
If that seems to be working alright, the problem might lie with how you're defining your database handle. How is h defined in your original example?
It might also be worth trying to select individual dates from your database, to try and isolate the problem, and to determine if it lies with your on-disk data. Try specifically querying the dates that are mentioned in your errors.
You could also try performing your original queries with a subset a columns, again to try and pinpoint where your issue is coming from.
Let us know if you get any further with this.

Querying on multiple LINKMAP items with OrientDB SQL

I have a class that contains a LINKMAP field called links. This class is used recursively to create arbitrary hierarchical groupings (something like the time-series example, but not with the fixed year/month/day structure).
A query like this:
select expand(links['2017'].links['07'].links['15'].links['10'].links) from data where key='AAA'
Returns the actual records contained in the last layer of "links". This works exactly as expected.
But a query like this (note the 10,11 in the second to last layer of "links"):
select expand(links['2017'].links['07'].links['15'].links['10','11'].links) from data where key='AAA'
Returns two rows of the last layer of "links" instead:
Using unionAll or intersect (with or without UNWIND) results in this single record:
But nothing I've tried (including various attempts at "compound" SELECTs) will get the expand to work as it does with the original example (i.e. return the actual records represented in the last LINKMAP).
Is there a SQL syntax that will achieve this?
Note: Even this (slightly modified) example from the ODB docs does not result in a list of linked records:
select expand(records) from
(select unionAll(years['2017'].links['07'].links['15'].links['10'].links, years['2017'].links['07'].links['15'].links['11'].links) as records from data where key='AAA')
I'm not sure of what you want to achieve, but I think it's worth trying with values():
select expand(links['2017'].links['07'].links['15'].links['10','11'].links.values()) from data where key='AAA'

Executing the query using bq command line in Google Big Query

I execute a query using the below Python script and the table gets populated with 2,564,691 rows. When I run the same query using Google Big Query console, it returns 17,379,353 rows (query is as-is). I was wondering whether there is some issue with the below script. Not sure whether --replace in bq query replaces the past result set instead of appending to it.
Any help would be appreciated.
dateToday = (time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d"))
dateToday1 = dateToday.replace('/','')
commandStr = "type C:\Users\query.txt | bq query --allow_large_results --replace --destination_table table:dataset1_%s -n 1" %(dateToday1)
In the Web UI you can use Query History option to navigate to respective queries.
After you locate them - you can expand respective entries and see what exactly query was executed
I am more than sure that just comparing query texts you will see source of "discrepancy" right away!
In Query History - not only you can see Query Text, but also all configuration properties that were used for respective query - like Write Preference for example and others. So even if query text the same you can see potential difference in configuration that will give you a clue


I have some content in a file on which I must generate statistics such as how many of records are of type - 1, type - 2 etc. Number of types can change and is unknown to the code until file arrives. In a SQL system, I can do this using COUNT and GROUP BY clause. But I am not sure if I can do this using SYNCSORT or COBOL program. Would anyone here have an idea on how I can implement 'GROUP BY' type query on a file using SYNCSORT.
Sample Data:
I want to get the information such as TYPE001 ==> 3 Records, TYPE002 ==> 3 Records. What the code doesn't know until runtime is the TYPENNN value
You show data already in sequence, so there is no need to sort the data itself, which makes SUM FIELDS= with SORT a poor solution if anyone suggests it (plus code for the formatting).
MERGE with a single input file and SUM FIELDS= would be better, but still require the code for formatting.
The simplest way to produce output which may suit you is to use OUTFIL reporting functions:
' ==> ',
' Records'))
The NODETAIL says "remove all the data lines". The REMOVECC says "although it is a report, don't use printer-control characters on position one of the output records". The SECTIONS says "we're going to use control-breaks, and here they (it in this case) are". In this case, your control-field is 1,7. The TRAILER3 defines the output which will be produced at each control-break: COUNT here is the number of records in that particular break. M10 is an editing mask which will change leading zeros to blanks. The LENGTH gives a length to the output of COUNT, three is chosen from your sample data with sub-types being unique and having three digits as the unique part of the data. Change to whatever suits your actual data.
You've not been clear, and perhaps you want the output "floating" (3bb instead of bb3, where b represents a blank)? That would require more code...