Creating Pre-Populated Email link from Pdf - email

I am posting this here because I cannot find ANY help online with this specific issue.
Here is what I'm trying to do:
In Adobe InDesign, I've created an ebook which I've exported as an interactive pdf. On the last page are share links. I cannot find out how to create a pre-populated email link that would open an email client with a blank "To" field, a subject line and simple body text which includes a link.
There's tons of explanations on how to do this with html, but I'm not creating html pages. I'm creating an interactive pdf.
Any suggestions?
BTW: I've posted on Adobe forums with no response.

Use a button with a gotoUrl behaviour and type in:


Google Apps Script - Submit PDF Form Data (Image)

Is there a Google Apps Script that can retrieve form data from a fillable pdf form and export it to my Google Drive when I click submit form? I don't need the complete document to be exported, it's only a selected field (image-field) that I particularly need to be exported. I am working from Adobe Acrobat Pro. I'm sorry I have no code to show what I have tried so far because I am a novice in this.
According to Adobe, submitForm () function is one of the most flexible ways of moving data in and out of a form as it uses GET to send or receive data from a web server. Where the submitForm () has a variety of input arguments for just about any data format from the entire pdf to images.
One forum (on Adobe Library), raised an exact question, and a brief response provided to look into Google Apps Script. I found a similar question on stack overflow - the user wanted a form submission from their Site to GDrive Spreadsheet using GAS. Whereas I have a standalone PDF form, and on form submission, I need the (image) data from the pdf form exported to my GDrive Folder.

Where can I find the template of the email that is sent with the Invoice to a customer?

The customer in Netsuite gets an email with the generated invoice attached as a pdf. The requirement is to change the body of the email. I am unable to locate the template that has this info to modify. Please advise.
The current body of the email is:
"Please open the attached file to view your Invoice.
To view the attachment, you first need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you don't have it yet, visit Adobe's Web site to download it."
`Customize-->Transaction Forms-->Whichever invoice form you're using`.
Under this form you should be able to choose which email template to send.
To find this email template,
Customize-->Transaction form PDF/HTML layouts
Under this menu you should be able to select and customize the email template however you want. Make sure the template you edit corresponds to the template that is showing on the form.
You may need to or have the desire to enable advanced/PDF/HTML templates, which allows you to edit and customize forms in a much more robust fasion using HTML/XML/CSS, Freemarker, and BFO. (See suiteanswers: 48703)
I know the original post is several years old, but I too found myself searching for answers recently in stackoverflow so I thought I would post the answer to this questioon.
Use the global search bar to type in Email Template. You can customize from there. I've attached a screenshot that replaces the generic message
"Please open the attached file to view your Invoice.
To view the attachment, you first need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you don't have it yet, visit Adobe's Web site to download it."
It has been awhile since I found and got this email template to work, so it is possible there may be another section where you have to set the preference to use this customized email template.

How to link to the attachments added from the description of a workitem?

In VSTS attachment can be uploaded for workitems. Those attachments are displayed in a seperate tab.
I found no way to reference those attachments from within the description of the workitems.
So how to do it?
drag and drop the attachment to your browsers URL text field
(optional:) remove the &download=true&api-version=5.0-preview.2 part at the end
use this URL to create a link in your comment
I did not find another way yet and maybe it is not so logical :). But as workaround you may download an attachment from work item. Then you may copy a download link from your browser download page and use it on description field.
A workaround that I found to this which shows a selected text within the comment as clickable and opens the attachment if you click on it is:
find and copy the attachment url from browser Developer Tools,
select the part of the text in Discussion box that you like to link to the attachment to,
paste the attachment url to Address box in Create Link popup. You can get to this by using three dots (...) in Discussion section toolbox (More Tools) and select Create Link which allows you to paste the address.
This is amazing that AzureDevops does not have this ability. It's disappointing and makes working with the product so much more difficult. I really cannot imagine how they use this product internally.
You could inspect the attachment url in chromedev tools, then copy the url, the element will look like
<div class="grid-cell-contents-container">
<span class="attachment-icon bowtie-icon bowtie-file-content"></span>
Then just remove the &api-version=5.0-preview.2 part at the end
Come on Microsoft! You're better than this.
It is now possible maybe. Goto attachments and click on list view
List view of attachments of a workitem
Then just left-click on the file of your choice and drag it
This would appear to be the least "hacky" way, as it relies entirely on the Azure DevOps UI:
Go to the attachments list of the work item.
While you hover over an attachment, three vertical dots with tooltip "More actions" will be shown:
from where you can open a submenu:
In there, click "Copy attachment link".
If you paste this link to a text-only context, you will get only the attachment filename, but if you paste it into a rich-text editor with support for links, such as the Description field or Discussion comments in the work item, the attachment filename will appear as a clickable link.

Show pop-up when clicking on links in email contents

I am facing a new requirement. My website has email sending facility, which contains links also. What I need is to show popup when I click on the link in the email contents, the contents may or may not be from the website. Which methods I can do for achieving this?
The only way is to have a link to an external page that will open in a browser and execute the popup.
If the content is not from a website I can't see a way of doing this. It will require javascript which cannot be used in an email.

Cognos - How to send report embedded in email?

I'm trying to embed a Cognos report in an email message body, with no luck.
I've tried IBM official solution and to unmark "Include a link to the report" and "Attach the report" in the email options and it didn't work. I've also tried to embed the report using html tag, but the mail client (Outlook) does not support iframe.
Google searches didn't show anything useful. Does anyone here have another idea without using external tool?
If you attach an HTML output of the report to an email in Event Studio, it's displayed in the email body.
the solution to this is very weird but believe me if you leave the email message body blank ,when you are specifying the to and cc, the subject of the mail etc and chose to attach the report ,the report is displayed in the body of the message when delivered..If you type even a single word in the message body of the schedule then the email is attached.Also only HTML formats are embedded rest all get attached.
i hope this helps .It has always worked for me.
You should clear the "link to report" but most important LEAVE THE BODY BLANK.
It is stated here: IBM LINK
if you are using ReportOutput() function, you are likely to get an individual email for each output type.