Input cuts off at 1 char in Safari - safari9

I have an issue with input fields in Safari 9 which is usually ships with OS x El Capitan.
Only the first character stays when you type and no more characters appear after.
Tested on other Safari versions and other browsers on El Capitan -- everything is fine.
Anyone observed this issue before?


VSCode Minimap isn't working, is my machine too old?

Minimap is present, but doesn't render any content.
This is on my 2006 Mac Pro, running El Capitan (my hardware won't support any further upgrades).
I have VSCode running with the exact same settings on my MacBook Pro, which is running the latest OSX, and the minimap is working fine there.
The minimap on my Mac Pro displays on the right side, with the correct width and semi-transparent background, it even scrolls properly as I scroll through my code. It just doesn't display any content whatsoever.
I've tried Toggle Minimap - that works properly, shows and hides as you'd expect, except still no content when it's turned on.
I've tried different fonts, changing minimap column width, Render Characters Off (to use color blocks instead), and changed sides (right and left), I've tried running VSCode with all extensions disabled. Obviously tried restarting VSCode, and even rebooting.
Nothing I've done has made the minimap render any content, which makes me wonder if either my hardware is too old & not supported for this, or I have a broken/missing library.
It's fine if I can't get it working, but it would be nice. Any thoughts or advice are appreciated.

Eclipse for Mac will not start in full screen mode

Because programmers SE says:
coding tools, such as compilers, debuggers, and IDEs (ask on Stack Overflow instead)
So this may be a bit mundane, but this is part of my work flow. I like to keep Eclipse in full screen, so I can switch back and forth to browser / remote desktop with ctrl+arrow. The problem is Eclipse (this is ADT, but I don't think it matters?) always starts in non-full screen mode, even if I left it on full screen before I close it
Is there a way to get Eclipse to always start in full screen mode? Or at least remember what state it was in before whenever it starts?
Google search keywords I've tried:
"Eclipse for Mac fullscreen mode" only yields articles about full screen support on Mac OS X Lion (and not about starting it in full screen)
"ADT Mac full screen mode" yields articles about switching Android Emulator to landscape
Additionally I tried to look for "eclipse mac full screen" here on SO and I don't find anything relevant
I'm using ADT 22.6 on Mac OS X Mavericks
Looking through the Eclipse source there does not seem to be any support for this currently.
The SWT Shell.setFullScreen(true) call does switch the app in to Mac full screen mode but Eclipse only uses it when the full screen menu item is used.

Safari on the iPhone cant display escaped unicode character

I created a pseudo-class (:before) for my class and set it's content parameter to \0027F6 which is the escaped unicode character for → (right arrow).
On Google Chrome on my Mac everything is rendering fine but I've tested it on Safari with my iPhone and it just shows the square sign and not an arrow.
Please help

Input text moving when pasting text - Webkit

I'm having an odd problem in webkit browsers (Actually it was reported happening in Chrome by client, but I can only see it in Safari for Mac at the moment). When typing in the input, the text is fine, but as soon as text is pasted into the input, the text jumps to the top. I really don't know what could be causing it. Is this a known issue? Is it something I've done wrong? I can't seem to figure it out and would really appreciate any help. Here is what it looks like:
Thank you in advance,
"line-height:" fixed the problem, visually. However, it does seem to be a bug in webkit browsers. Reported on Feb. 12 2012 on

Strange behavior of Xcode

I am doing iOS project in Xcode . It was working properly but now it is giving me strange character in place of space.It is also reflecting in all Xcode projects.
why this is happening?
in xCode go to Menu->Editor->Hide invisible Characters
Why is this happening? because sometimes you need to know if your indentation or spacing is correct, or even you want to know if you are using spaces or tabs, then you will Show Invisibles, it maybe useful sometimes