Safari on the iPhone cant display escaped unicode character - iphone

I created a pseudo-class (:before) for my class and set it's content parameter to \0027F6 which is the escaped unicode character for → (right arrow).
On Google Chrome on my Mac everything is rendering fine but I've tested it on Safari with my iPhone and it just shows the square sign and not an arrow.
Please help


� exists in my markdown files strangely

I have a markdown written in Chinese. my local file seems fine but there are some � characters in it when I upload it to GitHub. see the following pics
The "� " character is a placeholder in unicode for characters it does not recognize.
Your copy of visual studio is using a font that contains those characters, so it does not have the placeholder. Your browser is using a font that does not contain those characters, so the placeholder gets displayed.
To fix this, you should select a font for your browser that has those characters, such as the one your copy of Visual Studio is using.
all right,figure it out.
I Inserted some control characters by mistake and the vs-code hided control characters by default.
just press cmd+shift+p to toggle control characters.then delete the control characters.

Chinese characters showing up as boxes in dreamweaver

When trying to copy paste some Chinese characters in a HTML file open in Dreamweaver I see that its being represented as boxes. When I view the pave on a browser I can see the characters correctly so its just in Dreameaver that they don't show up.
I read some posts on S.O. about utf-8 and saving with BOM disabled.I have even included Chinese on my keyboard with no luck.
edit. I tried editing the Fonts in Edit>Preferences to Chinese but when I click OK and I go back to it it shows Unicode again.
I could just copy and paste everything and it will work but it would be easier if I can see the different characters so when I need to hyperlink some word or include it in a tag I dont have to count boxes and view on the browser to figure it out.
I found out what was the problem. It was an encoding issue on Dreamweaver.
Went to Modify>Page Properties>Title/Encoding and changed the encoding to Chinese.
The Unicode showed up boxes in Dreamweaver.
However if you have already text copied in then they might not turn to the actual characters correctly so you have to re-enter them or if you didn't enter anything text yet its ok.

Unicode characters for «email», «save», «print»

I want to make a fallback for my icon font. For example, for my beautiful icon font check mark I use Unicode check mark equivalent:
.icon-checkmark {
&:before {
content: "\2713"; /* Unicode Character 'CHECK MARK' (U+2713) */
My icon font has character with code "\2713" also. If my icon font fails to load, user will see Unicode check mark; if icon font loads successfully, user will see icon font's beautiful check mark.
I'm searching for Unicode character equivalents for «email», «save» and «print» entities. Are there any or similar in Unicode tables? I have searched on but with no luck.
(I have found only an «email» character —, but it does not work in Chrome 28 (it works in all other browsers however :).
Here's some ideas. I have not tested them on any browsers except Firefox on Linux.
Email: ✉, Unlikely: 
Print: ⎙
Save: ↓, ▼
Edit: 💾 \U0001f4be could be used for saving since Unicode 6.x
I was also looking for save (floppy disk) symbol.
💾 symbol (mentioned in #Dark Falcon answer) is colored and not adjustable with its adjacent text colors.
I finally got 🖫 from
We can adjust it in any color by CSS color property.
🖫 white hard shell floppy disk for save (U+1F5AB)
✉ print screen symbol (U+2399)
⎙ envelope for email (U+2709)
Your question is actually two-fold: which Unicode code-points are useful for your purpose, and which Unicode code-points are covered with common font installations.
And it raises a new question: why do some programs (Chrome on Windows?) not show correct glyphs where other programs can?
Regarding the first two questions: as you can see, these days some really useful symbols just don't work on many systems out of the box.
Regarding the last question: I have no idea, but some insights on Linux:
Many programs (including Chrome) end up using fontconfig via one way or another. That library is responsible to find the fonts useful to display certain "text". At a higher level, the rendering is done with a mix of fonts, because for more challenging (web page) text there will always be a situation where one font won't cover everything there to display. Might the reason be that another style is requested or a code point is not covered.
So if Chrome on Linux does not show one thing or another, install fonts which have those glyphs (in a way that integrates well with fontconfig-configuration).
I have no idea what drives font-mixing on Windows.

Why does Firefox squeeze Windows' heart, but not Ubuntu's?

I'm trying to display the heart ♥ Unicode character (U+2665 BLACK HEART SUIT) in this jsfiddle.
Even though I've specified the Droid Sans font, the different browsers are displaying the same character differently. So, I'm assuming that the Droid Sans font doesn't include the ♥ character and the browser must fallback to some other font to display this character. But how does the browser determine which font to use for Unicode characters; as it turns out (from screenshots) that it's not operating system specific as Firefox and Chromium both on Ubuntu display it differently; and also it is not browser specific as Firefox displays it differently on Ubuntu and Windows 7.
So my questions are - How does a browser determine which font to use to display Unicode characters; how can I find out which font is being used by the browser to display Unicode characters; and how can I ensure a consistent look cross-browser?
PS: (Firefox specific) Even though Droid Sans doesn't include the ♥ character, Firefox displays it as in screenshot only when the selected font is Droid Sans. For any other font, Firefox picks up the DejaVu Sans font to display the ♥ character (on Ubuntu, confirmed by hit and trial).
The Droid Sans font does not contain U+2665 BLACK HEART SUIT, so declaring the font is rather irrelevant here. I cannot reproduce the observation in your “PS”, so I’m not trying to explain it.
(A quick way to check character coverage in a font is to download and install the LastResort font. It contains a generic, easily recognizable rendering for all characters, so by using font-family: foo, LastResort on your test text you will quickly find out whether a particular character exists in font “foo”.)
The use of fallback fonts is browser-dependent. Browsers may have settings for this. But the point is that you, as an author, cannot know what happens on other people’s browsers, when your characters cannot be found in the list of fonts you specify (as installed, if installed, in the user’s computer).

How to test Unicode "non-chars" (lsep, rsep etc.)?

Is there an application or a utility for generating non-characters, such as U-2028 and U-2029 (line separators)?
My preferred method is to type into a browser address bar eg:
and then copy and paste them from the page.
If you really need to enter such characters a lot, you could potentially use MSKLC to create a keyboard layout that can type them directly. For example on my own keyboard layout I've got non-breaking-space, zero-width-space and half-space on shift and alt combinations with the space bar.
Note that browser support for displaying replacement glyphs for these particular characters may vary, so if you don't see them, try another browser. They are visible for me in Chrome (52.0.2743.116).
If you are with Windows, you don't need external tools: press alt, and + sign, and the hex code.
If you need \u2028, you press Alt and +, and 2028, the sign appears.
It depends on the code page you are using. Please refer to
In my case, with my code page, I have ý when typing alt code 2028.