Strange behavior of Xcode - iphone

I am doing iOS project in Xcode . It was working properly but now it is giving me strange character in place of space.It is also reflecting in all Xcode projects.
why this is happening?

in xCode go to Menu->Editor->Hide invisible Characters
Why is this happening? because sometimes you need to know if your indentation or spacing is correct, or even you want to know if you are using spaces or tabs, then you will Show Invisibles, it maybe useful sometimes


Xcode 10.1 highlighting off by one (or more) lines in Version Editor for storyboard file

When I use Version Editor to compare changes, or when committing changes, the changed lines are showing incorrectly (each one is showing offset by one or more lines). Typically I only experience this when opening my storyboard file, rather than code files. Does anyone know the cause and/or how to fix? Thanks
EDIT: This issue persists for me in Xcode 10.2
OK I discovered what had been causing this for me. I had been putting carriage returns into strings in interface builder using CTRL-RETURN, when I should have been using OPTION-RETURN to do so. Changing those removed the issue for me. Still I think this is something that could be handled in a more forgiving and user-friendly way by Xcode.

Get rid of file icon shadow when file is not saved in Xcode

When a file was just edited and not saved in the Xcode editor the icon of the file in the right pane is darkened a little, and because I have OCD this drives me absolutely crazy and I end up having to click Ctrl+S every time I do anything as simple as commenting a line of code or moving a button 1 pixel in storyboard.
I am using Xcode 10.1 Beta 2, but this happens in all versions of Xcode.
How do you make it so the file is never darkened?
I have the same problem in Xcode and I always command s everything as well. I have looked for a way to disable this, but for now I don’t think there is a way... Maybe they’ll add a way to turn this off in another update soon :)

nslog stopped working in xcode

I have a strange issue and possibly a bug. My NSLog statements have stopped working completely, they do not print even in view did load, application didfinishlaunching etc. The have all turned a brown colour (the same colour as a pragma mark in xcode) and they all have a warning saying 'expression result unused'. Has anyone ever seen this before or know what to do? Am i running in some kind of weird mode? Im running xcode 4.0.2.
Many thanks
for completeness, I had the same problem and the answer was different, hope it helps someone else who bumps into this post:
I had a framework (an Amazon one) redefining NSLog, went there (Cmd+Click on the Brown NSLog) and commented out the redefinition...
The actual problem was the release_build set to 1. So it wasn't recognizing nslog, as you said it was set for a release build.
I had the same issue :
what worked for me is given below:
Remove the derived data folder
After removing derived data perform the clean action (You can see this option in the product menu)
Quit the Xcode and start it again.
And this did the trick all my NSLog were working fine.
Hoep this helps
Ensure that scheme chosen corresponds to Debug mode because sometimes the pch file might have some definitions such that logging is done only in the debug mode
(Scheme is on to the left of the place where you select iPhone Simulator / iOS Device)
In the view select Debug Area
(There are 3 view buttons, on the top right hand corner of Xcode, press the center button)
Select "Show variables view and the console"
(In the debug area (bottom) there are ther 3 buttons, press the center button)
I had the same issue and the problem was that I was building an Ad Hoc version (schema was for Ad Hoc build). The warnings disappeared when I built for debug.
Try changing the dropdown menu at the bottom of the console to 'All Output'.
if you are using libraries like 'KScan' or 'iKEA' or 'kdc-scan', so it can happens that, they will call methods like this one 'redirectNSLogToDocuments'.
in my case the object of 'iKEA' call the method 'CheckIfDeviceConnected' and this one redirect all nslog outputs to documents. after commenting out, all nslogs works again :)
hope this will be useful for some one.
some steps :-
1) "Clean all targets" or delete your build and rebuild again.
2) If step 1 doesnt work , reinstall xcode

Xcode 4 is no longer showing me where my warnings are?

Xcode 4 has stopped showing me the locations of build warnings that I have. How can i get it to start showing me them again?
Make sure you're looking in the right place. On the left-hand side of Xcode (4), look for the little error symbol. Click it and enjoy your errors in all their glory.
If you click on the errors and it doesn't take you to the location in code, I think something must be messed up with your Xcode install. I remember you had another question earlier about Xcode problems, so it wouldn't hurt to uninstall & reinstall.
In Xcode 4.3.1. I have one project that doesn't show any warnings, but others do.
So it's not an Xcode issue I guess.
In the Issue Navigator (⌘4) be sure to clear the filter at the bottom left of the screen:
Just click on the x at the right, at the filter will be removed -- worked for me!
Check the below SO post
(iphone) Is there a way to see compile output of xcode4?
press command + 4 for issue navigator. (there are two filter here "By File" and "By Type")

Problems with Xcode Syntax Highlighting

In Xcode 3.2.1 I have this problem where it stops highlighting Objects in purple, and such. For example:
In that example, NSAutoreleasePool, pool, img, size, width and height should be highlighted, however, they are not. Here is a screenshot of what that looks like.
Anyone know how to fix this?
Edit: Also, code sense isn't showing correct options.
Xcode is often glitchy for me in similar ways. Restarting xcode often clears up the issue. Also, sometimes a missing semi-colon or curly brace will keep codeSense and highlighting from working as you want it to. Try Opt-B (build) to see if you have any errors that could be causing this.
I noticed that opening projects from the XCode welcome screen causes this issue. If I dismis the welcome screen and then go file open (or file open recent) and open the project that way the syntax highlighting works