How do i preserve form input - after submiting form with dynamic menu list ?? Zend framework - forms

Im trying to preserve the user inputs from dynamic menu dropdown lists - I have an number of drowpdowns and a user input text field , when the user submits the form after selecting the options from the dropdowns.
I would like to be able to preserve the last choices made so the user does not have to reselect the options again when re posting the form with another value in the text field, i would also like this to work on errors as well ?
Im using ZF to validate the form.
i have tried the follwing code in the value attr of the option:
<option value="<?php if ($_POST && errors) {
echo htmlentities($_POST['CategoryID'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
}?>">Main Category</option>
But does not seem to work ?
I have a static options "Main Category" ect. which is what the form defaults to after submiting
can anyone help me on this one ??
Thanks in advance

I would highly recommend using Zend_Form. If that is not possible, I would next use Zend_View Helpers to build your HTML manually. Then you can use the formSelect in your view like this:
echo $this->formSelect('CategoryId', $selected, $attribs, array(
'main' => 'Main Category'
// ... other options
Where $selected variable equals to one of the following: posted value(s), default value(s), or is null and $attribs variable is simply attributes for the select element.


how to create a form elements with value in moodle

I am trying to create a form element text with value in moodle.
I trying the below :
$mform->addElement('text','test', get_string('test'));
This is used to create a text box . i want to add value also like
<input type='text' value='<?php .... ?>' />
How to do that in moodle
When you instantiate the form, you can pass the relevant data into it, e.g.
$form = new my_form();
$formdata = (object)array('test' => 'The value to display in the textbox');
(Usually the data passed into the form is some existing data retrieved from the database).
I'm not sure what kind of data did you mean here.
If you want to set user data (for example, you are developing a form that edits existing record), then use $form->set_data() after creating a form instance as Davo suggested.
If you want to pre-fill the form with default value, then use this inside the form definition:
$mform->addElement('text','test', get_string('test'));
$mform->setDefault('test', 'your default value');
You can use both methods, in which case the data from set_data() will have priority.

How to make three dropdown in same line,Using zend form

I have a page , where i need to show 3 drop down in same line.
Iam generating these drop downs using zend form.
Now the drop down is coming one line after one line.
How can we make it in same line
Zend form comes with decorators. If decorators are set (which is used for template theming purpose) with '' or any other Html tag then there is a possibility that the element will be displayed in new line. Try with removing decorators.
Or you can generate select element dyanamicly on .phtml (view file) by using code
$this->formSelect("ID", "default value", array('style' => 'width:60px', 'class' => 'progDiv'), $options);
Where $options is an array of select box options like `$options = array(''=>'', 1=>'option1', 2=>'option2');`
If this does not solve your query please try to post your code

CodeIgniter repopulate form from both session data & form validation?

I have a form with a couple search options, like a checkbox array and radio button. By using the form validation library I have the form repopulating after a submit, like so:
echo form_checkbox('check_track[]', '1', set_checkbox('check_track[]', '1', TRUE));
echo form_dropdown('select_year', $options, set_value('select_year', '2013'), $attribs);
I also save all the form options (by storing the post) into session userdata. Is it possible to repopulate all the fields from the session data if $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] !== 'POST' but keep repopulating based on form validation otherwise?
The easier would probably be to separate the form generation from the value generation. In the snippet you provide, the value is read directly from the submitted form.
I would advise you, in you controller or your model to generate a data structure, each field corresponding to one of the form field.
For each, the value would either be the default, either the one stored in the session if it matches you condition ie: valid data and not after a POST if I understood you well.
I ended up just faking that a POST had happened before the form validation stuff ran to get repopulation to work:
if(!isset($_POST['something']) && $this->session->userdata('something'))
$_POST = $this->session->all_userdata();
$this->form_validation->set_rules('something', 'stuff', 'required');

CakePHP DIV option for Dropdowns

It's easy to configure a Div using the form helper for standard input boxes. An example int he manual is...
echo $this->Form->input('', array('div' => 'class_name'));
However, I can't achieve the same thing with dropdown menus?
Can anyone help out as to how to wrap a dropdown with a DIV using the form helper method?
I imagine you've been building your dropdowns with FormHelper::select, which doesn't include all the sugar of FormHelper::input, like automatic <div /> wrapping, magic error-messages, etc. You can get FormHelper::input to output a dropdown using the following.
The options parameter indicates to FormHelper::input that you want a dropdown. You could achieve the same effect with the type parameter (ie. 'type'=>'select'), but the options parameter gives the same effect while also taking care of preparing the dropdown's options.

Drupal 6 - How to customise form layout using theme

I have create a new content type and added new form items using CCK. I need to customise the layout of the form which I've partially managed using css and moving items around and adding custom markup in the form_alter hook. However, this still isn't enough as the weightings don't appear to be doing exactly what I want them to do.
Is there a way I can do this using a theme.tpl.php file?
once in a time I was in the same situation and found a quite easy solution.
I needed a highly customized registration form and form_alter was a mess. So I used a template for the form and printed each field into the html output.
First register a new template for the form in template.php of you theme.
function your-theme-name_theme() {
return array(
'user_register' => array(
'arguments' => array('form' => NULL),
'template' => 'user-register',
Now add a new template to your theme. In my case "user_register.tpl.php". Add the following lines to it, so that the form still works.
print drupal_render($form['form_build_id']);
print drupal_render($form['form_id']);
print drupal_render($form['form_token']);
From there on you can add as much html as you want and put the form fields where ever you need them. Here are examples for the gender and birthday field. As you can see you have to use the internal CCK names.
<?php print drupal_render($form['field_profile_gender']); ?>
<?php print drupal_render($form['field_profile_birthday']); ?>
I have not tested this for any other form than user_register, but I guess it should work as long as the template name equals the name of the form.
I hope this will help you.