How to get all users who comment and set like using facebook api - facebook

Tell me how you can get all the users who left a comment or like on my photo using
If I understand the documentation correctly, it is already impossible to do this at the moment.
Is it so?

Open your facebook home page. Right click on it and select inspect. Press ctrl+f to find tra. After you alick tra it will redirect you the list of people who have commented on your profile and photos.


Facebook Like Button configurator not working for certain pages

I'm trying to use the Facebook Like Button Configurator to generate the Like button for a facebook page URL but it's not showing up:
Here are the steps I performed:
Type in '' in the 'URL to Like' textfield and hit tab to move to the next field.
The Like button does not appear below.
It does, however, work for all other facebook pages. Our client wants to know if this is a facebook issue and if so, what's the solution?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Facebook is making a few changes when it comes to promoting alcohol. Many groups and campaigns are being affected by this change.
Unfortunately we can't say for now what Facebook will end up doing. And there is no way around it at the moment(at least they did not communicate one yet).

Link posting on Facebook wall without permission

So if I click this link you see the "google captha" its basically fake and set so that if you press 3 it will share the link automatically to FB. How the can they share it without asking me first if I want to share it. Normally it would open a Status Update box.
I am just curios if you know how the trick works.
Thanks in advance!

Facebook Like button - only 1 line whhen no comment

Im using Facebook's like button plugin on my own website product pages, also using opengraph tags
Everything seems to work fine, the problem is when people 'like' a product, the comment box shows up but if they leave it empty only single line is posted on their feed like:
Jon Doe has liked "title here".
But when they write that comment when they click Like or even post the the link manually all the image,text,description information is correctly displayed.
Anyone knows how to fix this?
Well, that’s the basic difference between a like and a share. Since Facebook has merged these to functionalities into one social plugin, it’s up to the user which action he takes.
The old share button has been deprecated, so not much use in implementing it now, because even if it’s still possible(?) it will stop working eventually.
If you want shares instead of likes, your one alternative IMHO is implementing the Feed Dialog on your site, triggered by a click on a button of you own making.

How to return after Facebook share on a our site and close the pop up?

I have a one site , there I want to place a Facebook share button after the sharing the url or link return back on the site and show the coupon instead of share button.
We are waiting for the answers.
If any one give the right answer or make the script , I will give the some bouns.
From the Facebook official documentation:
The Share button has been deprecated in favor of the Like button, and
will no longer be supported. Please use the Like button whenever
possible to drive maximum traffic to your apps.
I don't know specifically how to redirect to your site, however I suggest you to switch to like button in any case
I'm no lawyer, but it appears that forcing a person to share something is not correct
You must not
condition registration or entry upon the user taking any action using
any Facebook features or functionality other than liking a Page,
checking in to a Place, or connecting to your app. For example, you
must not condition registration or entry upon the user liking a Wall
post, or commenting or uploading a photo on a Wall.
You should have your corporate attorney take a look at this before proceeding further with forcing a share.
Like is easy to do and is explicitly permissible. See:
Facebook's sharer.php is no longer deprecated but I suggest you switch to using dialog/feed to steer folks back to your coupon.
<a id='fb-share' style='text-decoration:none;' type='icon_link' onClick="'', 'mywindow', 'toolbar=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=580,height=325');
return false;" href="javascript: void(0)">Share on Facebook</a>";
I can not find a TOS violation for offering coupons to those that like or share.

A box that allows a friend search on a page - is there a facebook app for this?

I've seen some similar q and a items on here, but not quite what I'm looking for.
I have a facebook page, and what I would like is to present the user with a search box that allows them to search the friends for that page. Much like the search box in facebook, if I typed in 'Ale' it would auto-complete with the 'Alexs' etc that are friends with the page.
Note I just want to use a list of friends for the page, and I am admin for that page. What I would like to do is be able to save the name selected when the user hits submit.
All thoughts gratefully received!
For pages there is a link under the Like count which will show the list of people who have liked the page in a lightbox window. I don't believe this is searchable though.
You could make one and put it in your landing page though. Only trouble with this is that for users who already Like the page, they won't get the landing page by default.
Edit: what's it actually for?