Matlab predict function not working - matlab

I am trying to train a linear SVM on a data which has 100 dimensions. I have 80 instances for training. I train the SVM using fitcsvm function in MATLAB and check the function using predict on the training data. When I classify the training data with the SVM all the data points are being classified into only one class.
SVM = fitcsvm(votes,b,'ClassNames',unique(b)');
This gives outputs as all 0's which corresponds to 0th class. b contains 1's and 0's indicating the class to which each data point belongs.
The data used, i.e. matrix votes and vector b are given the following link

Make sure you use a non-linear kernel, such as a gaussian kernel and that the parameters of the kernel are tweaked. Just as a starting point:
SVM = fitcsvm(votes,b,'KernelFunction','RBF', 'KernelScale','auto');
bp = predict(SVM,votes);
that said you should split your set in a training set and a testing set, otherwise you risk overfitting


SVM Classifications on set of images of digits in Matlab

I have to use SVM classifier on digits dataset. The dataset consists of images of digits 28x28 and a toal of 2000 images.
I tried to use svmtrain but the matlab gave an error that svmtrain has been removed. so now i am using fitcsvm.
My code is as below:
labelData = zeros(2000,1);
for i=1:1000
for j=1001:2000
SVMStruct =fitcsvm(trainingData,labelData)
%where training data is the set of images of digits.
I need to know how i can predict the outputs of test data using svm? Further is my code correct?
The function that you are looking for is predict. It takes the SVM-object as input followed by a data-matrix and returns the predicted labels.
Make sure that you do not train your model on all data but on a reasonable subset (usually 70%). You can use the cross-validation preparation:
% create cross-validation object
cvp = cvpartition(Lbl,'HoldOut',0.3);
% extract logical vectors for training and testing data
lgTrn =;
lgTst = cvp.test;
% train SVM
mdl = fitcsvm(Dat(lgTrn,:),Lbl(lgTrn));
% test / predict SVM
Lbl_prd = predict(mdl,Dat(lgTst,:));
Note that your labeling produces a single vector of ones.
The reason why The Mathworks changed svmtrain to fitcsvm is conciseness. It is now clear whether it is "classification" (fitcsvm) or "regression" (fitrsvm).

In Matlab, what does it mean to use GMM as a posterior distribution to make a supervised classifier inspired by GMM? Suggested by podludek and lejlot

I understand that GMM is not a classifier itself, but I am trying to follow the instructions of some users in this stack exchange post below to create a GMM-inspired classifier.
lejlot: Multiclass classification using Gaussian Mixture Models with scikit learn
"construct your own classifier where you fit one GMM per label and then use assigned probability to do actual classification. Then it is a proper classifier"
What is meant by "assigned probability" for GMM Matlab objects in the above quote and how can we input a new point to get our desired assigned probability? For a new point that we are trying to classify, my understanding is that we need to get the posterior probabilities that the new point belongs to either Gaussian and then compare these two probabilities.
It looks from the documentation
like we only have access to cluster center mu's and covariance matrices (sigma) but not an actual probability distribution that would take in a point and spit out a probability
podludek: Multiclass classification using Gaussian Mixture Models with scikit learn
"GMM is not a classifier, but generative model. You can use it to a classification problem by applying Bayes theorem.....You should use GMM as a posterior distribution, one GMM per each class." -
In the documentation in Matlab for posterior(gm,X), the tutorial shows us inputting X, which is already the the data we used to create ("train") our GMM. But how can we get the posterior probability of being in a cluster for a new point?
"P = posterior(gm,X) returns the posterior probability of each Gaussian mixture component in gm given each observation in X"
--> But the X used in the link above is the 'training' data used to create the GMM itself, not a new point. Also we have two gm objects, not one. How can we grab the probability a point belongs to a Gaussian?
The pseudocode below is how I envisioned a GMM inspired classifier would go for a two class example: I would fit GMM's to individual clusters as described by podludek. Then, I would use the posterior probailities of a point being in each cluster and then pick the bigger probability.
I'm aware there are issues with this conceptually (such as the two GMM objects having conflicting covariance matrices) but I've been assured by my mentor that there is a way to make a supervised version of GMM, and he wants me to make one, so here we go:
X % The training data matrix
% each new row is a new data point
% each column is new feature
% Ex: if you had 10,000 data points and 100 features for each, your matrix
% would be 10000 by 100
% Let's say we had 200 points of each class in our training data
% Grab subsets of X that corresponds to classes 1 and 2
X_only_class_2 = X(1:200,:)
X_only_class_1 = X(201:end,:)
gmfit_class_1 = fitgmdist(X_only_class_1,1,'RegularizationValue',0.1);
gmfit_class_2 = fitgmdist(X_only_class_2,1,'RegularizationValue',0.1);
% Now do some tests on data we already know the classification of to check if this is working as we would expect:
a = posterior(gmfit_class_1,X_only_class_1)
b = posterior(gmfit_class_1,X_only_class_2)
c = posterior(gmfit_class_2,X_only_class_1)
d = posterior(gmfit_class_2,X_only_class_2)
But unfortunately, computing these posteriors a, b, c, and d just result in column vectors of 1's. I'm aware these are degenerate cases (and pointless for actual classification since we already know the classifications of our training data) but I still wanted to test them to make sure the posterior method is working as I would expect.
a = posterior(gmfit_class_1,X_only_class_1)
% ^ This produces a column vector of 1's, which I thought was fine. After all, the gmfit object was trained on those points
b = posterior(gmfit_class_1,X_only_class_2)
% ^ This one also produces a vector of 1's, which I thought was wrong. It should be a vector of low, but nonzero numbers
c = posterior(gmfit_class_2,X_only_class_1)
% ^ This one also produces a vector of 1's, which I thought was wrong. It should be a vector of low, but nonzero numbers
d = posterior(gmfit_class_2,X_only_class_2)
% ^ This produces a column vector of 1's, which I thought was fine. After all, the gmfit object was trained on those points
I have to think that somehow Matlab is being confused by how in both gmm fit models, there is only one cluster in each. Either that or I am not interpreting the posterior method correctly.

How to use Deep Neural Networks for regression?

I wrote this script (Matlab) for classification using Softmax. Now I want to use same script for regression by replacing the Softmax output layer with a Sigmoid or ReLU activation function. But I wasn't able to do that.
X=houseInputs ;
%Train an autoencoder with a hidden layer of size 10 and a linear transfer function for the decoder. Set the L2 weight regularizer to 0.001, sparsity regularizer to 4 and sparsity proportion to 0.05.
hiddenSize = 10;
autoenc1 = trainAutoencoder(X,hiddenSize,...
%Extract the features in the hidden layer.
features1 = encode(autoenc1,X);
%Train a second autoencoder using the features from the first autoencoder. Do not scale the data.
hiddenSize = 10;
autoenc2 = trainAutoencoder(features1,hiddenSize,...
features2 = encode(autoenc2,features1);
softnet = trainSoftmaxLayer(features2,T,'LossFunction','crossentropy');
%Stack the encoders and the softmax layer to form a deep network.
deepnet = stack(autoenc1,autoenc2,softnet);
%Train the deep network on the wine data.
deepnet = train(deepnet,X,T);
%Estimate the deep network, deepnet.
y = deepnet(X);
Regression is a different problem from classification. You have to change your loss function to something that fits with a regression e.g. mean square error and of course change the number of neuron to one (you will only ouput 1 value on your last layer).
It is possible to use a Neural Network to perform a regression task but it might be an overkill for many tasks. True regression means to perform a mapping of one set of continuous inputs to another set of continuous outputs:
f: x -> ý
Changing the architecture of a neural network to make it perform a regression task is usually fairly simple. Instead of mapping the continuous input data to a specific class as it is done using the Softmax function as in your case, you have to make the network use only a single output node.
This node will just sum the outputs of the the previous layer (last hidden layer) and multiply the summed activations by 1. During the training process this output ý will be compared to the correct ground-truth value y that comes with your dataset. As a loss function you may use the Root-means-squared-error (RMSE).
Training such a network will result in a model that maps an arbitrary number of independent variables x to a dependent variable ý, which basically is a regression task.
To come back to your Matlab implementation, it would be incorrect to change the current Softmax output layer to be an activation function such as a Sigmoid or ReLU. Instead your would have to implement a custom RMSE output layer for your network, which is fed with the sum of activations coming from the last hidden layer of your network.

How to extract success ratio for knn classifier

I am trying to implement a knn classifier for eigen-faces as a home assignment (matlab).
I have a weights matrix weights extracted from a test matrix and eigen vectors eVectors and a vector of labels train_face_id.
First of is this a correct way to construct the classifier?
%project the test set to the eigenfaces space
%construct the classifier
Secondly (and this is the main question) I am requested to say "What are the success ratios (for face_id)?". Is that what I get from rloss=resubLoss(mdl);? If not how do I extract the success ratios?

Compute the training error and test error in libsvm + MATLAB

I would like to draw learning curves for a given SVM classifier. Thus, in order to do this, I would like to compute the training, cross-validation and test error, and then plot them while varying some parameter (e.g., number of instances m).
How to compute training, cross-validation and test error on libsvm when used with MATLAB?
I have seen other answers (see example) that suggest solutions for other languages.
Isn't there a compact way of doing it?
Given a set of instances described by:
a set of features featureVector;
their corresponding labels (e.g., either 0 or 1),
if a model was previously inferred via libsvm, the MSE error can be computed as follows:
[predictedLabels, accuracy, ~] = svmpredict(labels, featureVectors, model,'-q');
MSE = accuracy(2);
Notice that predictedLabels contains the labels that were predicted by the classifier for the given instances.