In Matlab, what does it mean to use GMM as a posterior distribution to make a supervised classifier inspired by GMM? Suggested by podludek and lejlot - matlab

I understand that GMM is not a classifier itself, but I am trying to follow the instructions of some users in this stack exchange post below to create a GMM-inspired classifier.
lejlot: Multiclass classification using Gaussian Mixture Models with scikit learn
"construct your own classifier where you fit one GMM per label and then use assigned probability to do actual classification. Then it is a proper classifier"
What is meant by "assigned probability" for GMM Matlab objects in the above quote and how can we input a new point to get our desired assigned probability? For a new point that we are trying to classify, my understanding is that we need to get the posterior probabilities that the new point belongs to either Gaussian and then compare these two probabilities.
It looks from the documentation
like we only have access to cluster center mu's and covariance matrices (sigma) but not an actual probability distribution that would take in a point and spit out a probability
podludek: Multiclass classification using Gaussian Mixture Models with scikit learn
"GMM is not a classifier, but generative model. You can use it to a classification problem by applying Bayes theorem.....You should use GMM as a posterior distribution, one GMM per each class." -
In the documentation in Matlab for posterior(gm,X), the tutorial shows us inputting X, which is already the the data we used to create ("train") our GMM. But how can we get the posterior probability of being in a cluster for a new point?
"P = posterior(gm,X) returns the posterior probability of each Gaussian mixture component in gm given each observation in X"
--> But the X used in the link above is the 'training' data used to create the GMM itself, not a new point. Also we have two gm objects, not one. How can we grab the probability a point belongs to a Gaussian?
The pseudocode below is how I envisioned a GMM inspired classifier would go for a two class example: I would fit GMM's to individual clusters as described by podludek. Then, I would use the posterior probailities of a point being in each cluster and then pick the bigger probability.
I'm aware there are issues with this conceptually (such as the two GMM objects having conflicting covariance matrices) but I've been assured by my mentor that there is a way to make a supervised version of GMM, and he wants me to make one, so here we go:
X % The training data matrix
% each new row is a new data point
% each column is new feature
% Ex: if you had 10,000 data points and 100 features for each, your matrix
% would be 10000 by 100
% Let's say we had 200 points of each class in our training data
% Grab subsets of X that corresponds to classes 1 and 2
X_only_class_2 = X(1:200,:)
X_only_class_1 = X(201:end,:)
gmfit_class_1 = fitgmdist(X_only_class_1,1,'RegularizationValue',0.1);
gmfit_class_2 = fitgmdist(X_only_class_2,1,'RegularizationValue',0.1);
% Now do some tests on data we already know the classification of to check if this is working as we would expect:
a = posterior(gmfit_class_1,X_only_class_1)
b = posterior(gmfit_class_1,X_only_class_2)
c = posterior(gmfit_class_2,X_only_class_1)
d = posterior(gmfit_class_2,X_only_class_2)
But unfortunately, computing these posteriors a, b, c, and d just result in column vectors of 1's. I'm aware these are degenerate cases (and pointless for actual classification since we already know the classifications of our training data) but I still wanted to test them to make sure the posterior method is working as I would expect.
a = posterior(gmfit_class_1,X_only_class_1)
% ^ This produces a column vector of 1's, which I thought was fine. After all, the gmfit object was trained on those points
b = posterior(gmfit_class_1,X_only_class_2)
% ^ This one also produces a vector of 1's, which I thought was wrong. It should be a vector of low, but nonzero numbers
c = posterior(gmfit_class_2,X_only_class_1)
% ^ This one also produces a vector of 1's, which I thought was wrong. It should be a vector of low, but nonzero numbers
d = posterior(gmfit_class_2,X_only_class_2)
% ^ This produces a column vector of 1's, which I thought was fine. After all, the gmfit object was trained on those points
I have to think that somehow Matlab is being confused by how in both gmm fit models, there is only one cluster in each. Either that or I am not interpreting the posterior method correctly.


Distance Calculations for Nearest Mean Classifer

How can I calculate how many distance calculations would need to be performed to classify the IRIS dataset using Nearest Mean Classifier.
I know that IRIS dataset has 4 features and every record is classified according to 3 different labels.
According to some textbooks, the calculation can be carried out as follow:
However, I am lost on these different notations and what does this equation mean. For example, what is s^2 is in the equation?
The notation is standard with most machine learning textbooks. s in this case is the sample standard deviation for the training set. It is quite common to assume that each class has the same standard deviation, which is why every class is assigned the same value.
However you shouldn't be paying attention to that. The most important point is when the priors are equal. This is a fair assumption which means that you expect that the distribution of each class in your dataset are roughly equal. By doing this, the classifier simply boils down to finding the smallest distance from a training sample x to each of the other classes represented by their mean vectors.
How you'd compute this is quite simple. In your training set, you have a set of training examples with each example belonging to a particular class. For the case of the iris dataset, you have three classes. You find the mean feature vector for each class, which would be stored as m1, m2 and m3 respectively. After, to classify a new feature vector, simply find the smallest distance from this vector to each of the mean vectors. Whichever one has the smallest distance is the class you'd assign.
Since you chose MATLAB as the language, allow me to demonstrate with the actual iris dataset.
load fisheriris; % Load iris dataset
[~,~,id] = unique(species); % Assign for each example a unique ID
means = zeros(3, 4); % Store the mean vectors for each class
for i = 1 : 3 % Find the mean vectors per class
means(i,:) = mean(meas(id == i, :), 1); % Find the mean vector for class 1
x = meas(10, :); % Choose a random row from the dataset
% Determine which class has the smallest distance and thus figure out the class
[~,c] = min(sum(bsxfun(#minus, x, means).^2, 2));
The code is fairly straight forward. Load in the dataset and since the labels are in a cell array, it's handy to create a new set of labels that are enumerated as 1, 2 and 3 so that it's easy to isolate out the training examples per class and compute their mean vectors. That's what's happening in the for loop. Once that's done, I choose a random data point from the training set then compute the distance from this point to each of the mean vectors. We choose the class that gives us the smallest distance.
If you wanted to do this for the entire dataset, you can but that will require some permutation of the dimensions to do so.
data = permute(meas, [1 3 2]);
means_p = permute(means, [3 1 2]);
P = sum(bsxfun(#minus, data, means_p).^2, 3);
[~,c] = min(P, [], 2);
data and means_p are the transformed features and mean vectors in a way that is a 3D matrix with a singleton dimension. The third line of code computes the distances vectorized so that it finally generates a 2D matrix with each row i calculating the distance from the training example i to each of the mean vectors. We finally find the class with the smallest distance for each example.
To get a sense of the accuracy, we can simply compute the fraction of the total number of times we classified correctly:
>> sum(c == id) / numel(id)
ans =
With this simple nearest mean classifier, we have an accuracy of 92.67%... not bad, but you can do better. Finally, to answer your question, you would need K * d distance calculations, with K being the number of examples and d being the number of classes. You can clearly see that this is required by examining the logic and code above.

sequence prediction using HMM Matlab

I'm currently learning the murphyk's toolbox for Hidden Markov's Model, However I'v a problem of determining my model's coefficients and also the algorithm for the sequence prediction by log likelihood.
My Scenario:
I have the flying bird's trajectory in 3D-space i.e its X,Y and Z which lies in Continuous HMM's category. I'v the 200 observations of flying bird i.e 500 rows data of trajectory, and I want to predict the sequence. I want to sample that in 20 datapoints . i.e after 10 points, so my first question is, Is following parameters are valid for my case?
O = 3; %Number of coefficients in a vector
T = 20; %Number of vectors in a sequence
nex = 50; %Number of sequences
M = 2; %Number of mixtures
Q = 20; %Number of states
And the second question is, What algorithm is appropriate for sequence prediction and is training is compulsory for that?
From what I understand, I'm assuming you're training 200 different classes (HMMs) and each class has 500 training examples (observation sequences).
O is the dimensionality of vectors, seems to be correct.
There is no need to have a fixed T, it depends on the observation sequences you have.
M is the number of multivariate Gaussians (or mixtures) in the GMM of a state. More will fit to your data better and give you better accuracy, but at the cost of performance. Choose a suitable value.
N does not need to be equal to T. For the best number of states N, you'll have to benchmark and see yourself:
Determinig the number of hidden states in a Hidden Markov Model
Yes, you have to train your classes using the Baum-Welch algorithm, optionally preceded by something like the segmental k-means procedure. After that you can easily perform isolated unit recognition using Forward/Backward probability or Viterbi probability by simply selecting the class with the highest probability.

Simple binary logistic regression using MATLAB

I'm working on doing a logistic regression using MATLAB for a simple classification problem. My covariate is one continuous variable ranging between 0 and 1, while my categorical response is a binary variable of 0 (incorrect) or 1 (correct).
I'm looking to run a logistic regression to establish a predictor that would output the probability of some input observation (e.g. the continuous variable as described above) being correct or incorrect. Although this is a fairly simple scenario, I'm having some trouble running this in MATLAB.
My approach is as follows: I have one column vector X that contains the values of the continuous variable, and another equally-sized column vector Y that contains the known classification of each value of X (e.g. 0 or 1). I'm using the following code:
[b,dev,stats] = glmfit(X,Y,'binomial','link','logit');
However, this gives me nonsensical results with a p = 1.000, coefficients (b) that are extremely high (-650.5, 1320.1), and associated standard error values on the order of 1e6.
I then tried using an additional parameter to specify the size of my binomial sample:
glm =,Y,'distr','binomial','BinomialSize',size(Y,1));
This gave me results that were more in line with what I expected. I extracted the coefficients, used glmval to create estimates (Y_fit = glmval(b,[0:0.01:1],'logit');), and created an array for the fitting (X_fit = linspace(0,1)). When I overlaid the plots of the original data and the model using figure, plot(X,Y,'o',X_fit,Y_fit'-'), the resulting plot of the model essentially looked like the lower 1/4th of the 'S' shaped plot that is typical with logistic regression plots.
My questions are as follows:
1) Why did my use of glmfit give strange results?
2) How should I go about addressing my initial question: given some input value, what's the probability that its classification is correct?
3) How do I get confidence intervals for my model parameters? glmval should be able to input the stats output from glmfit, but my use of glmfit is not giving correct results.
Any comments and input would be very useful, thanks!
UPDATE (3/18/14)
I found that mnrval seems to give reasonable results. I can use [b_fit,dev,stats] = mnrfit(X,Y+1); where Y+1 simply makes my binary classifier into a nominal one.
I can loop through [pihat,lower,upper] = mnrval(b_fit,loopVal(ii),stats); to get various pihat probability values, where loopVal = linspace(0,1) or some appropriate input range and `ii = 1:length(loopVal)'.
The stats parameter has a great correlation coefficient (0.9973), but the p values for b_fit are 0.0847 and 0.0845, which I'm not quite sure how to interpret. Any thoughts? Also, why would mrnfit work over glmfit in my example? I should note that the p-values for the coefficients when using were both p<<0.001, and the coefficient estimates were quite different as well.
Finally, how does one interpret the dev output from the mnrfit function? The MATLAB document states that it is "the deviance of the fit at the solution vector. The deviance is a generalization of the residual sum of squares." Is this useful as a stand-alone value, or is this only compared to dev values from other models?
It sounds like your data may be linearly separable. In short, that means since your input data is one dimensional, that there is some value of x such that all values of x < xDiv belong to one class (say y = 0) and all values of x > xDiv belong to the other class (y = 1).
If your data were two-dimensional this means you could draw a line through your two-dimensional space X such that all instances of a particular class are on one side of the line.
This is bad news for logistic regression (LR) as LR isn't really meant to deal with problems where the data are linearly separable.
Logistic regression is trying to fit a function of the following form:
This will only return values of y = 0 or y = 1 when the expression within the exponential in the denominator is at negative infinity or infinity.
Now, because your data is linearly separable, and Matlab's LR function attempts to find a maximum likelihood fit for the data, you will get extreme weight values.
This isn't necessarily a solution, but try flipping the labels on just one of your data points (so for some index t where y(t) == 0 set y(t) = 1). This will cause your data to no longer be linearly separable and the learned weight values will be dragged dramatically closer to zero.

Naive Bayes: the within-class variance in each feature of TRAINING must be positive

When trying to fit Naive Bayes:
training_data = sample; %
target_class = K8;
# train model
nb =, target_class);
# prediction
y = nb.predict(cluster3);
I get an error:
??? Error using ==>>gaussianFit at 535
The within-class variance in each feature of TRAINING
must be positive. The within-class variance in feature
2 5 6 in class normal. are not positive.
Error in ==> at 498
obj = gaussianFit(obj, training, gindex);
Can anyone shed light on this and how to solve it? Note that I have read a similar post here but I am not sure what to do? It seems as if its trying to fit based on columns rather than rows, the class variance should be based on the probability of each row belonging to a specific class. If I delete those columns then it works but obviously this isnt what I want to do.
Assuming that there is no bug anywhere in your code (or NaiveBayes code from mathworks), and again assuming that your training_data is in the form of NxD where there are N observations and D features, then columns 2, 5, and 6 are completely zero for at least a single class. This can happen if you have relatively small training data and high number of classes, in which a single class may be represented by a few observations. Since NaiveBayes by default treats all features as part of a normal distribution, it cannot work with a column that has zero variance for all features related to a single class. In other words, there is no way for NaiveBayes to find the parameters of the probability distribution by fitting a normal distribution to the features of that specific class (note: the default for distribution is normal).
Take a look at the nature of your features. If they seem to not follow a normal distribution within each class, then normal is not the option you want to use. Maybe your data is closer to a multinomial model mn:
nb =, target_class, 'Distribution', 'mn');

how to calculate roc curves?

I write a classifier (Gaussian Mixture Model) to classify five human actions. For every observation the classifier compute the posterior probability to belong to a cluster.
I want to valutate the performance of my system parameterized with a threshold, with values from 0 to 100. For every threshold values, for every observation, if the probability of belonging to one of cluster is greater than threshold I accept the result of the classifier otherwise I discard it.
For every threshold values I compute the number of true-positive, true-negative, false-positive, false-negative.
Than I compute the two function: sensitivity and specificity as
sensitivity = TP/(TP+FN);
In matlab:
to have the ROC curve. But the result isn't what I expect.
This is the plot of the functions of discards, errors, corrects, sensitivity and specificity varying the threshold of one action.
This is the plot of ROC curve of one action
This is the stem of ROC curve for the same action
I am wrong, but i don't know where. Perhaps I do wrong the calculating of FP, FN, TP, TN especially when the result of the classifier is minor of the threshold, so I have a discard. What I have to incremente when there is a discard?
I am answering this because I need to work through the content, and a question like this is a great excuse. Thank you for the good opportunity.
I use data from the built-in fisher iris data:
I also use code snippets from the Mathworks tutorial on the classification, and for plotroc
Problem Description
There is clearer boundary within the domain to classify "setosa" but there is overlap for "versicoloir" vs. "virginica". This is a two dimensional plot, and some of the other information has been discarded to produce it. The ambiguity in the classification boundaries is a useful thing in this case.
%load data
load fisheriris
%show raw data
figure(1); clf
gscatter(meas(:,1), meas(:,2), species,'rgb','osd');
xlabel('Sepal length');
ylabel('Sepal width');
axis equal
axis tight
title('Raw Data')
Lets say that we want to determine the bounds for a linear classifier that defines "virginica" versus "non-virginica". We could look at "self vs. not-self" for other classes, but they would have their own
So now we make some linear discriminants and plot the ROC for them:
%load data
load fisheriris
load iris_dataset
ldaClass1 = classify(meas(:,1:2),meas(:,1:2),irisTargets,'linear')';
ldaClass2 = classify(meas(:,1:2),meas(:,1:2),irisTargets,'diaglinear')';
ldaClass3 = classify(meas(:,1:2),meas(:,1:2),irisTargets,'quadratic')';
ldaClass4 = classify(meas(:,1:2),meas(:,1:2),irisTargets,'diagquadratic')';
ldaClass5 = classify(meas(:,1:2),meas(:,1:2),irisTargets,'mahalanobis')';
The result is shown in the following, though it took deleting repeat copies of the diagonal:
You can note in the code that I stack "myinput" and "myoutput" and feed them as inputs into the "plotroc" function. You should take the results of your classifier as targets and actuals and you can get similar results. This compares the actual output of your classifier versus the ideal output of your target values. Those are the input to plotroc.
So this will give you "built-in" ROC, which is useful for quick work, but does not make you learn every step in detail.
Questions you can ask at this point include:
which classifier is best? How do I determine what best is in this case?
What is the convex hull of the classifiers? Is there some mixture of classifiers that is more informative than any pure method? Bagging perhaps?
You are trying to draw the curves of precision vs recall, depending on the classifier threshold parameter. The definition of precision and recall are:
Precision = TP/(TP+FP)
Recall = TP/(TP+FN)
You can check the definition of these parameters in:
There are some curves here:
Are you dividing your dataset in training set, cross validation set and test set? (if you do not divide the data, it is normal that your precision-recall curve seems weird)
EDITED: I think that there are two possible sources for your problem:
When you train a classifier for 5 classes, usually you have to train 5 distinctive classifiers. One classifier for (class A = class 1, class B = class 2, 3, 4 or 5), then a second classfier for (class A = class 2, class B = class 1, 3, 4 or 5), ... and the fifth for class A = class 5, class B = class 1, 2, 3 or 4).
As you said to select the output for your "compound" classifier, you have to pass your new (test) datapoint through the five classifiers, and you choose the one with the biggest probability.
Then, you should have 5 thresholds to define weighting values that my prioritize selecting one classifier over the others. You should check how the matlab implementations uses the thresholds, but their effect is that you don't choose the class with more probability, but the class with better weighted probability.
As you say, maybe you are not calculating well TP, TN, FP, FN. Your test data should have datapoints belonging to all the classes. Then you have testdata(i,:) and classtestdata(i) are the feature vector and "ground truth" class of datapoint i. When you evaluate the classifier you obtain classifierOutput(i) = 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5. Then you should calculate the "confusion matrix", which is the way to calculate TP, TN, FP, FN when you have multiple classes (> 2):
(note the relation between TP, TN, FP, FN that you are calculating for the multiclass problem)
I think that you can obtain the TP, TN, FP, FN data of each subclassifier (remember that you are calculating 5 separate classifiers, even if you do not realize it) from the confusion matrix. I am not sure but you can draw the precision recall curve for each subclassifier.
Also check these slides:
I don't know what the ROC curve is, I will check it because machine learning is a really interesting subject for me.
Hope this helps,