How to use Deep Neural Networks for regression? - matlab

I wrote this script (Matlab) for classification using Softmax. Now I want to use same script for regression by replacing the Softmax output layer with a Sigmoid or ReLU activation function. But I wasn't able to do that.
X=houseInputs ;
%Train an autoencoder with a hidden layer of size 10 and a linear transfer function for the decoder. Set the L2 weight regularizer to 0.001, sparsity regularizer to 4 and sparsity proportion to 0.05.
hiddenSize = 10;
autoenc1 = trainAutoencoder(X,hiddenSize,...
%Extract the features in the hidden layer.
features1 = encode(autoenc1,X);
%Train a second autoencoder using the features from the first autoencoder. Do not scale the data.
hiddenSize = 10;
autoenc2 = trainAutoencoder(features1,hiddenSize,...
features2 = encode(autoenc2,features1);
softnet = trainSoftmaxLayer(features2,T,'LossFunction','crossentropy');
%Stack the encoders and the softmax layer to form a deep network.
deepnet = stack(autoenc1,autoenc2,softnet);
%Train the deep network on the wine data.
deepnet = train(deepnet,X,T);
%Estimate the deep network, deepnet.
y = deepnet(X);

Regression is a different problem from classification. You have to change your loss function to something that fits with a regression e.g. mean square error and of course change the number of neuron to one (you will only ouput 1 value on your last layer).

It is possible to use a Neural Network to perform a regression task but it might be an overkill for many tasks. True regression means to perform a mapping of one set of continuous inputs to another set of continuous outputs:
f: x -> ý
Changing the architecture of a neural network to make it perform a regression task is usually fairly simple. Instead of mapping the continuous input data to a specific class as it is done using the Softmax function as in your case, you have to make the network use only a single output node.
This node will just sum the outputs of the the previous layer (last hidden layer) and multiply the summed activations by 1. During the training process this output ý will be compared to the correct ground-truth value y that comes with your dataset. As a loss function you may use the Root-means-squared-error (RMSE).
Training such a network will result in a model that maps an arbitrary number of independent variables x to a dependent variable ý, which basically is a regression task.
To come back to your Matlab implementation, it would be incorrect to change the current Softmax output layer to be an activation function such as a Sigmoid or ReLU. Instead your would have to implement a custom RMSE output layer for your network, which is fed with the sum of activations coming from the last hidden layer of your network.


why linear function is useless in multiple layer neural network? How last layer become the linear function of the input of first layer?

I was studying about activation function in NN but could not understand this part properly -
"Each layer is activated by a linear function. That activation in turn goes into the next level as input and the second layer calculates weighted sum on that input and it in turn, fires based on another linear activation function.
No matter how many layers we have, if all are linear in nature, the final activation function of last layer is nothing but just a linear function of the input of first layer! "
This is one of the most interesting concepts that I came across while learning neural networks. Here is how I understood it:
The input Z to one layer can be written as a product of a weight matrix and a vector of the output of nodes in the previous layer. Thus Z_l = W_l * A_l-1 where Z_l is the input to the Lth layer. Now A_l = F(Z_l) where F is the activation function of the layer L. If the activation function is linear then A_l will be simply a factor K of Z_l. Hence, we can write Z_l somewhat as:
Z_l = W_l*W_l-1*W_l-2*...*X where X is the input. So you see the output Y will finally be the multiplication of a few matrices times the input vector for a particular data instance. We can always find a resultant multiplication of the weight matrices. Thus, output Y will be W_Transpose * X. This equation is nothing but a linear equation that we come across in linear regression.
Therefore, if all the input layers have linear activation, the output will only be a linear combination of the input and can be written using a simple linear equation.
It isn't really useless.
If there are multiple linearly activated layers, the results of the calculations in the previous layer would be sent to the next layer as input. Same thing happens in the next layer. It would calculate the input and send it based on another linear activation function to the next layer.
If all layers are linear it doesn't matter how much layers there actually are. The last activation function of final layer will also be a linear function of the input from the first layer.
If you want a good read about Activation Functions you can find one here and here.

Keras: How to add computation after a layer and then train model?

I have a question about using Keras (with Theano as my backend) to which I'm rather new. I'm using a many to one RNN (takes in a time series as the input, computes one number as the output) as my first set of layers. So far, this is trivial with Keras using the recurrent layer IO.
Here is where I'm having trouble:
Now I like to pass the output of this RNN (the one number) to a separate function (lets call this f) and then do some computation with it.
What I would like to do is take this computed output (after the function f) and train it against the expected output (via some loss such as mse).
I'd like some advice on how to feed the output post computation from the function f and still train it via feature in Keras.
My pseudo code is as follows:
X = input
Y = output
#RNN layer
model.add(Activation(...)) %%Returns W*X
#function f %%Returns f(W*X)
(Needs to take in output from final RNN layer to generate a new number),Y,....)
In above, I'm not sure how to write code to include the output from function f while it is training for weights in the RNN (i.e. train f(W*x) against Y).
Any help is appreciated, thanks!!
It is not clear from your question if the RNN's weights should update with the training of f.
1st option - They should
As Matias said - a simple Dense layer is probably what you are looking for:
X = input
Y = output
#RNN layer
model.add(Activation(...)) %%Returns W*X
option 2 - They should not
Your f function would still be a Dense layer but you will iteratively train f and the RNN separately.
Assuming you have an rnn_model that you defined as above, define a new model f:
X = input
Y = output
#RNN layer
rnn_model = Sequential()
rnn_model .add(LSTM(....))
rnn_model .add(Activation(...)) %%Returns W*X
f_model = Sequential()
Now you can train them separately by doing:
# Code to train rnn_model
rnn_model.trainable = False
# Code to train f_model
rnn_model.trainable = True
The simplest way is to add a layer to your model that does the exact computation you want. From your comments it seems you just want
f(W*X), and that is exactly what a Dense layer does, minus the bias term.
So I believe adding a dense layer with the appropriate activation function is everything you need to do. If you don't need an activation at the output then just use "linear" as activation.
Just note that function f needs to be specified as a symbolic function using methods from keras.backend and it should be a differentiable function.

Matlab predict function not working

I am trying to train a linear SVM on a data which has 100 dimensions. I have 80 instances for training. I train the SVM using fitcsvm function in MATLAB and check the function using predict on the training data. When I classify the training data with the SVM all the data points are being classified into only one class.
SVM = fitcsvm(votes,b,'ClassNames',unique(b)');
This gives outputs as all 0's which corresponds to 0th class. b contains 1's and 0's indicating the class to which each data point belongs.
The data used, i.e. matrix votes and vector b are given the following link
Make sure you use a non-linear kernel, such as a gaussian kernel and that the parameters of the kernel are tweaked. Just as a starting point:
SVM = fitcsvm(votes,b,'KernelFunction','RBF', 'KernelScale','auto');
bp = predict(SVM,votes);
that said you should split your set in a training set and a testing set, otherwise you risk overfitting

How does the linear transfer function in perceptrons (artificial neural network) work?

I know how the step transfer function works but how does the linear transfer function work? What equation do you use?
Relate answer to AND gate with two inputs and a bias
First of all, in general you want to apply linear transfer function only in the output layer of an MLP and "never" in the hidden layers, where non-linear transfer functions are typically used (logistic function, step. etc.).
Linear transfer function (in the form of f(x) = x for pure linear or purelin as it is mentioned in literature) is typically used for function approximation / regression tasks (this is intuitive because step and logistic functions give binary results where the linear function gives continuous results).
Non- linear transfer functions are used for classification tasks.
Non-linear transfer function(aka: activation function) is the most important factor which assigns the nonlinear approximation capability to the simple fully connected multilayer neural network.
Nevertheless, 'linear' activation function, of course, is one of the many alternatives you might want to adopt. But the problem is, pure linear transfer(f(x) = x) in hidden layers doesn't make sense for us, which means it may be 'in vain' if we try to train a network whose hidden units are activated by pure linear function.
We may understand this process with the following:
Assuming f(x)=x is our activation function, and we try to train a single hidden layer network having 2 input units(x1,x2), 3 hidden units(a1,a2,a3) and 1 output unit(y).
Hence, the network tries to approximate the function :
# hidden units
a1 = f(w11*x1+w12*x2+b1) = w11*x1+w12*x2+b1
a2 = f(w21*x1+w22*x2+b2) = w21*x1+w22*x2+b2
a3 = f(w31*x1+w32*x2+b3) = w31*x1+w32*x2+b3
# output unit
y = c1*a1+c2*a2+c3*a3+b4
if we combine all these equations, it turns out:
y = c1(w11*x1+w12*x2+b1) + c2(w21*x1+w22*x2+b2) + c3(w31*x1+w32*x2+b3) + b4
= (c1*w11+c2*w21+c3*w31)*x1 + (c1*w12+c2*w22+c3*w32)*x2 + (c1*b1+c2*b2+c3*b3+b4)
= A1*x1+A2*x2+C
As shown above, linear activation degenerate the network into a single input-output linear product, regardless of the structure of the network. What was done during the training process is factorizing A1, A2 and C into various factors.
Even one very popular quasi-linear activation function call Relu in deep neural network is also rectified. In other words, no pure linear activation in hidden layers is used unless you want to factorize coefficients.

Gradient checking in backpropagation

I'm trying to implement gradient checking for a simple feedforward neural network with 2 unit input layer, 2 unit hidden layer and 1 unit output layer. What I do is the following:
Take each weight w of the network weights between all layers and perform forward propagation using w + EPSILON and then w - EPSILON.
Compute the numerical gradient using the results of the two feedforward propagations.
What I don't understand is how exactly to perform the backpropagation. Normally, I compare the output of the network to the target data (in case of classification) and then backpropagate the error derivative across the network. However, I think in this case some other value have to be backpropagated, since in the results of the numerical gradient computation are not dependent of the target data (but only of the input), while the error backpropagation depends on the target data. So, what is the value that should be used in the backpropagation part of gradient check?
Backpropagation is performed after computing the gradients analytically and then using those formulas while training. A neural network is essentially a multivariate function, where the coefficients or the parameters of the functions needs to be found or trained.
The definition of a gradient with respect to a specific variable is the rate of change of the function value. Therefore, as you mentioned, and from the definition of the first derivative we can approximate the gradient of a function, including a neural network.
To check if your analytical gradient for your neural network is correct or not, it is good to check it using the numerical method.
For each weight layer w_l from all layers W = [w_0, w_1, ..., w_l, ..., w_k]
For i in 0 to number of rows in w_l
For j in 0 to number of columns in w_l
w_l_minus = w_l; # Copy all the weights
w_l_minus[i,j] = w_l_minus[i,j] - eps; # Change only this parameter
w_l_plus = w_l; # Copy all the weights
w_l_plus[i,j] = w_l_plus[i,j] + eps; # Change only this parameter
cost_minus = cost of neural net by replacing w_l by w_l_minus
cost_plus = cost of neural net by replacing w_l by w_l_plus
w_l_grad[i,j] = (cost_plus - cost_minus)/(2*eps)
This process changes only one parameter at a time and computes the numerical gradient. In this case I have used the (f(x+h) - f(x-h))/2h, which seems to work better for me.
Note that, you mentiond: "since in the results of the numerical gradient computation are not dependent of the target data", this is not true. As when you find the cost_minus and cost_plus above, the cost is being computed on the basis of
The weights
The target classes
Therefore, the process of backpropagation should be independent of the gradient checking. Compute the numerical gradients before backpropagation update. Compute the gradients using backpropagation in one epoch (using something similar to above). Then compare each gradient component of the vectors/matrices and check if they are close enough.
Whether you want to do some classification or have your network calculate a certain numerical function, you always have some target data. For example, let's say you wanted to train a network to calculate the function f(a, b) = a + b. In that case, this is the input and target data you want to train your network on:
a b Target
1 1 2
3 4 7
21 0 21
5 2 7
Just as with "normal" classification problems, the more input-target pairs, the better.