Not getting a confirmation email in Paypal sandbox - email

I have set up several buyer account in the sandbox and made purchases through my website. The purchases are "pending" because the test account email aren't confirmed through Paypal.
I've gone to my test account Notifications but there doesn't seem to be a way to confirm these accounts. All I get are emails like this:
We're sending you a new PayPal payment card
Hello Paula Hatchling,
We're sending you a new PayPal payment card. We'll mail it to: 1 Main StSan Jose, CA 95131US
When it arrives, you'll need to activate it:
- Log in to PayPal and go to your Settings.
- Click Payment preferences, then click Update under "In-store checkout."
- Click Activate under "Payment card."
After that, you can use your PayPal payment card in participating retail stores to pay with your balance - or any bank account or credit card linked to your PayPal account.
Security Center:
Please don't reply to this email. It'll just confuse the computer that sent it and you won't get a response.
Copyright © 2015 PayPal, Inc. All rights reserved. PayPal is located at 2211 N. First St., San Jose, CA 95131.
PayPal Email ID PP1711 - f9455a693c000
How can I confirm these accounts?

Emails in the sandbox don't actually send to any real email address. They all get sent to the Notifications section of the account within your developer account.
Login to, go to your list of sandbox accounts, and find the little notifications link under each individual sandbox account. That is basically your inbox for that sandbox account.

For other developers who may face this issue. You need to login to then click on Profile settings (top right) and under Login and security, click Update Email.
In the next page, you'll see a list of email(s) which you can confirm by clicking on Edit and then Confirm this email. Once you've done that, go back to your developer account and check out the Notifications section at
You'll see a notification with subject Activate Your PayPal Account.


PayPal Sandbox Business Account - Confirm Email for API Access

I have created an HK business sandbox account and it said we need to confirm the email in order to use PayPal API. But I cannot find the confirmation email in Sandbox Test Accounts > Notifications. I waited for a few days but still no email received. Is there anyone know how to confirm the email?
Add the guide here for your reference on creating sandbox account. The email for this new created account will be confirmed by default. You don't need to do it in sandbox as the email is fake.

nopcommerce paypal sandbox account not working

I am testing paypal sandbox on nopcommerce. I have created buyer(personal) and seller(business) accounts in paypal sandbox accounts. below is the business profile api credentials tab
Classic TEST API credentials
I have configured paypal payment method I used business email Notice it is different from username shown above
for pdt I copied and pasted the signature show above
I left ipn handler blank. Then I tested a transaction as guest and entered shipping and billing address ( my actual texas address!) here i don't know if this matters. in payment method I see two options credit card and yes credit card!! I proceed to enter the buyertest email as in sandbox account and entered my real credit card information.. and confrim.. it says success. but when I check sandbox account there is no mention of this transaction..also no notifications....can some one please guide me step by step how to make this work. I have paypal account and sandbox account had worked for me on sharepoint public website before.
If you're using this gateway ensure that your primary store currency is supported by Paypal.
To use PDT, you must activate PDT and Auto Return in your PayPal account profile. You must also acquire a PDT identity token, which is used in all PDT communication you send to PayPal. Follow these steps to configure your account for PDT:
Log in to your PayPal account.
Click the Profile subtab.
Click Website Payment Preferences in the Seller Preferences column.
Under Auto Return for Website Payments, click the On radio button.
For the Return URL, enter the URL on your site that will receive the transaction ID posted by PayPal after a customer payment (
Under Payment Data Transfer, click the On radio button.
Click Save.
Click Website Payment Preferences in the Seller Preferences column.
Scroll down to the Payment Data Transfer section of the page to view your PDT identity token.
Two ways to be able to receive IPN messages (optional):
The first way is to check 'Enable IPN' below. It will include in the request the url of you IPN handler
The second way is to confugure your paypal account to activate this service; follow these steps:
1. Log in to your Premier or Business account.
2. Click the Profile subtab.
3. Click Instant Payment Notification in the Selling Preferences column.
4. Click the 'Edit IPN Settings' button to update your settings.
5. Select 'Receive IPN messages' (Enabled) and enter the URL of your IPN handler (
6. Click Save, and you should get a message that you have successfully activated IPN.
Your PDT Token is not the same as your paypal signature.
To use paypal standard you need to use your PDT Identity Token.
The PDT Token is 59 characters long.
The PDT page can be found under profile/my account settings/Website Payment Preferences:
When doing a test transaction. Log into paypal with your buyers sandbox account.
Paypal e-mail notification can be found under profile/my account settings/Instant Payment Notification (IPN):
Nopcommerce email account must first be setup from configuration/email accounts and ensure a test email send successfully.
Nopcommerce e-mail notification can be setup from content management/message templates.

Missing email notification in Paypal Sandbox

Usually Payment Notification email would be sent to buyer and seller. For some reason, I do not see this in Paypal Sandbox Notification list of both buyer and seller. However when login buyer or seller Paypal Sandbox account, the transaction is there but no notification was received.
I checked the setting, the email notification is set by default.
Also when test issuing refund, for some reason, the notification email is sent out (i.e. listed in Notification menu).
Help. What do I miss and suggestion please?
Thank you.
On the sandbox PayPal doesn't send actual emails out. Instead, any email that a sandbox account would typically get sent goes to your developer account.
Log in to your account at, then click to Applications, and then Sandbox Accounts. Click the little arrow next to an account in there to display extra links, one of which is Notifications.
Click into Notifications to see email notifications that you would typically expect to get at your real email on a live account.
Sometimes it needs time to be those notifications visible in the developer console too. We have to wait 5 hours in some cases.

Does PayPal Sandbox send emails?

Just curious, working with PayPal Sandbox works fine but I never receive any emails, neither as a sandbox seller nor as a buyer. I can just see them as "Notification" under PayPal Developer website > Applications > Sandbox accounts > click Notifications.
Should or should not I be receiving real emails as well?
The sandbox environment doesn't send emails. You can just check the notifications inside your developer account only.
Sandbox doesnot send to any email form the user,If you wanna give the detail that how much money less so you can login seller account and check that how much money less in your account same as for buyer. and also sendbox send notification in buyer and seller account.

Paypal where to set accept digital goods payment in sandbox

I've been trying this for few days. I've created some seller accounts, one of them I created early this year and it was working fine. Then when I return for this project this March, Paypal changed the API from to The old seller accounts were still working fine and can still accept the digital goods payments from the payer accounts that I created recently, however the new seller accounts, with BUSINESS type, suppose to be able to pay and accept payments got some issues. These newly created seller accounts receive the following warning:
You are not signed up to accept payment for digitally delivered goods.
Doing some research with google, I released I have to set the paypal business account for digital goods. But I can't find where to set it from the new paypal developer control panel. Even when I tried to log in to the sandbox version of, using the seller accounts I created in the sandbox, I still can't find where I can set it. In my business setup, there are only two options for me, one is Paypal payments pro and other other is "Virtual Terminal". Any idea? Please help....
I've found the way to add express checkout for digital goods in sandbox, but I think Paypal should pay attention to this because the way I used was very clumsy.
First sign in to sandbox and choose a business account to log in to the sandbox by using the url provided in the Application/Sanbox Accounts. Then use the account that you want to set to accept digital goods checkout to log into the sandbox url, it should be
After logged in, go to my business setup and pay attention to the setup my payment solution. Click the view all products and you will be redirected to a new page. Please note the url now, the "sandbox" is missing. Now click on the express checkout button, or whatever you want to add to the payment solution, you will be redirected again. Now pay attention to the url, insert "sandbox" to the url, e.g you have to replace it with, the rest of the url remain the same. Then press enter you will be redirected back to the business setup page. Now you can see your payment solution has become express checkout. It is stupid and I hope paypal can let us choose this directly from the control panel in the near future.
An alternative hides in Profile > My selling tools > API access > Update > At the bottom - Enable Express Checkout.
When I later go to My Account > My Business Setup I see: "Your payment solution: PayPal Digital Goods (Express Checkout)"