Does PayPal Sandbox send emails? - paypal

Just curious, working with PayPal Sandbox works fine but I never receive any emails, neither as a sandbox seller nor as a buyer. I can just see them as "Notification" under PayPal Developer website > Applications > Sandbox accounts > click Notifications.
Should or should not I be receiving real emails as well?

The sandbox environment doesn't send emails. You can just check the notifications inside your developer account only.

Sandbox doesnot send to any email form the user,If you wanna give the detail that how much money less so you can login seller account and check that how much money less in your account same as for buyer. and also sendbox send notification in buyer and seller account.


How can I get PayPal sandbox payments accepted automatically?

I integrate PayPal in my Symfony 4 App, but in sandbox payments still need to validated as we see in the picture behind.
How can I get payments accepted automatically ?
and I'm asking also if in Live mode, I'm going to have the same problem because I didn't have a business account to test it.
Is the issue that the payments are "PENDING"? Is the PayPal sandbox email not confirmed?
Log in with Sandbox account at to check and resend any confirmation email
Then log in with Live developer account at to read the message notifications and confirm the email
One of the reason of that happens when the currency of the payment is not the same with the Paypal JS loaded script in client size.
So What you don't know that in the script loaded, the default Currency is USD, So you have to specify the currency in this script :
<script src="{{ data['clientId'] }}">
So in this case if the client pays with EUR, the payment is auto-accepted, else, you have to configure the strategy in Settings when you have two different currencies, So you have to login with your Business Account, then go to the Account Settings > Payment preferences > Block Payments.

PayPal IPN message is always payment - pending

Working on a sandbox, Paypal will always send me back and IPN message with the pair payment_status:pending.
I know that this might happen due to different currencies and that I can change settings in my account to accept different currencies.
But, I am using the service when a seller and a buyer that I don't know make a transaction, so I can not do anything about it .
Is there a way to allow any currency in the POST request ?
What really the seller see when the payment status is pending ?
If the payment status will change to completed later, how will my IPN message look? there is nothing that says how the object from IPN will look when status is changing ? how can I handle such change ?
Solved by sending money to the sandbox account and not to my real live account.
So, you must send funds from a sandbox email to another sandbox email.
Create another merchant account on the developer website
Send money from a sandbox buyer to a sandbox seller

PayPal Sandbox Business Account - Confirm Email for API Access

I have created an HK business sandbox account and it said we need to confirm the email in order to use PayPal API. But I cannot find the confirmation email in Sandbox Test Accounts > Notifications. I waited for a few days but still no email received. Is there anyone know how to confirm the email?
Add the guide here for your reference on creating sandbox account. The email for this new created account will be confirmed by default. You don't need to do it in sandbox as the email is fake.

IPN Sandbox Testing

Been a while since I've dealt with PP IPN. Anyway - reworking an old client's checkout processing - one option is PP and we used IPN. I still have a sandbox acct and used the sandbox url instead of the live PP url.
I see the purchase and a correct debit to my sandbox acct - AND I received an email from the client's server (which is sent only when the IPN is received). But the email is a bit odd in that it says....
Is there some way for me to complete the transaction in my sandbox account? It's a purchaser account - not a merchant account. Or does my client need to go into his live merchant account to handle the test purchase?
Thanks (any pointers to relevant docs are also welcome)
Make sure that the email address you are using for testing in the sandbox, is linked to an actual sandbox account and is confirmed. This some times the case when the email address is not tied to an account and verified. You would need to log into the sellers test sandbox account, verify that the email address is linked to that account and confirmed/verified.

Missing email notification in Paypal Sandbox

Usually Payment Notification email would be sent to buyer and seller. For some reason, I do not see this in Paypal Sandbox Notification list of both buyer and seller. However when login buyer or seller Paypal Sandbox account, the transaction is there but no notification was received.
I checked the setting, the email notification is set by default.
Also when test issuing refund, for some reason, the notification email is sent out (i.e. listed in Notification menu).
Help. What do I miss and suggestion please?
Thank you.
On the sandbox PayPal doesn't send actual emails out. Instead, any email that a sandbox account would typically get sent goes to your developer account.
Log in to your account at, then click to Applications, and then Sandbox Accounts. Click the little arrow next to an account in there to display extra links, one of which is Notifications.
Click into Notifications to see email notifications that you would typically expect to get at your real email on a live account.
Sometimes it needs time to be those notifications visible in the developer console too. We have to wait 5 hours in some cases.