Series expansion of a function about infinity - how to return coefficients of series as a Matlab array? - matlab

This question is connected to this one. Suppose again the following code:
syms x
f = 1/(x^2+4*x+9)
Now taylor allows the function f to be expanded about infinity:
ts = taylor(f,x,inf,'Order',100)
But the following code
c = coeffs(ts)
produces errors, because the series does not contain positive powers of x (it contains negative powers of x).
In such a case, what code should be used?

Since the Taylor Expansion around infinity was likely performed with the substitution y = 1/x and expanded around 0, I would explicitly make that substitution to make the power positive for use on coeffs:
syms x y
f = 1/(x^2+4x+9);
ts = taylor(f,x,inf,'Order',100);
[c,ty] = coeffs(subs(ts,x,1/y),y);
tx = subs(ty,y,1/x);

The output from taylor is not a multivariate polynomial, so coeffs won't work in this case. One thing you can try is using collect (you may get the same or similar result from using simplify):
syms x
f = 1/(x^2 + 4*x + 9);
ts = series(f,x,Inf,'Order',5) % 4-th order Puiseux series of f about 0
c = collect(ts)
which returns
ts =
1/x^2 - 4/x^3 + 7/x^4 + 8/x^5 - 95/x^6
c =
(x^4 - 4*x^3 + 7*x^2 + 8*x - 95)/x^6
Then you can use numden to extract the numerator and denominator from either c or ts:
[n,d] = numden(ts)
which returns the following polynomials:
n =
x^4 - 4*x^3 + 7*x^2 + 8*x - 95
d =
coeffs can then be used on the numerator. You may find other functions listed here helpful as well.


How to use matlab to quickly judge whether a function is convex?

For example, FX = x ^ 2 + sin (x)
Just for curiosity, I don't want to use the CVX toolbox to do this.
You can check this within some interval [a,b] by checking if the second derivative is nonnegative. For this you have to define a vector of x-values, find the numerical second derivative and check whether it is not too negative:
a = 0;
b = 1;
margin = 1e-5;
point_count = 100;
f=#(x) x.^2 + sin(x);
x = linspace(a, b, point_count)
is_convex = all(diff(x, 2) > -margin);
Since this is a numerical test, you need to adjust the parameter to the properties of the function, that is if the function does wild things on a small scale we might not be able to pick it up. E.g. with the parameters above the test will falsely report the function f=#(x)sin(99.5*2*pi*x-3) as convex.
syms x real
syms f(x) d(x) d1(x)
f = x^2 + sin(x)
d = diff(f,x,2)==0
d1 = diff(f,x,2)
expSolution = solve(d, x)
if size(expSolution,1) == 0
if eval(subs(d1,x,0))>0
disp("condition 1- the graph is concave upward");
disp("condition 2 - the graph is concave download");
disp("condition 3 -- not certain")

Problem with separating Real and Imaginary parts for fmincon (constrained MATLAB optimization). How to program it correctly?

I am trying to solve this optimization problem with fmincon function in MATLAB:
Where all H are complex matrices, g and Pdes are complex column vectors, D0 and E0 are numbers.
I expect to get complex column vector of g (and in general its should be complex), So I divided problem in two parts: real and imag, but it does not work, MATLAB returning me a message:
Not enough input arguments.
Error in temp>nonlincon (line 17)
c(1) = norm ( H_d*([g(1)+1i*g(4); g(2)+1i*g(5); g(3)+1i*g(6)]) )^2 - D_0;
Error in temp (line 12)
= fmincon(objective,x0,[],[],[],[],[],[],nonlincon);
Where I am wrong?
And in general am I right in writing given problem in the following way:?
% For example:
D_0 = 2*10^(-5)*10^(60/10);
E_0 = 50;
H_b = rand(15,3) + 1i*rand(15,3);
P_des = rand(15,1) + 1i*rand(15,1);
H_d = rand(10,3) + 1i*rand(10,3);
objective = #(g) (norm ( H_b*([g(1)+1i*g(4); g(2)+1i*g(5); g(3)+1i*g(6)]) - P_des ))^2;
x0 = ones(1,3*2)';
options = optimoptions('fmincon','MaxFunctionEvaluations',10e3);
= fmincon(objective,x0,[],[],[],[],[],[],nonlincon);
% So I expect to get a column vector g: 1st 3 elements - Real part, next 3 - Imag
function [c,ceq] = nonlincon(g, H_d, E_0, D_0)
c(1) = (norm ( H_d*([g(1)+1i*g(4); g(2)+1i*g(5); g(3)+1i*g(6)]) ))^2 - D_0;
c(2) = (norm ([g(1)+1i*g(4); g(2)+1i*g(5); g(3)+1i*g(6)]))^2 - E_0;
ceq = [];
You just need to specify that nonlincon is a function of variable g only when calling fmincon
The code is as follow
= fmincon(objective,x0,[],[],[],[],[],[],#(g)nonlincon(g, H_d, E_0, D_0));
Solution X
X = [0.2982; 0.1427; 0.3597; -0.0729; -0.1187; 0.2090]

Function and its gradient in Matlab

I am working on a Matlab project and I want to make the gradient of the following function in Matlab:
f(x) = c^T * x - sum (log(bi - (ai ^ T) * x)).
Where ai^T are the rows of a random A matrix nxm , where n=2, and m=20
c is random matrix nx1, and x is also random nx1.
b is random matrix mx1.
I've done the following but the results i get don't seem to be right..
function gc0 = gc(x, c, b, A)
for k = 1 : length(A(:,1))
f1(k) = sum(log(b - A(k,:)'*x(k)));
gc0 = c - gradient(f1)';
Any ideas? I'd appreciate your help, I'm newbie in Matlab..
It seems that your loop contains a mistake. Looking at the formula above,
I think that the function evaluation should be
f1 = c'*x;
for k = 1 : length(A(1,:))
f1 = f1 - log(b(k) - A(:,k)'*x)
A shorter and faster notation for this in Matlab is
f = c'*x - sum(log(b - A' * x)) ;
The function 'gradient' does not calculate the gradient that I think you
want: it returns the differences of matrix entries, and your function f
is a scalar.
Instead, I suggest calculating the derivatives symbolically:
Gradf = c' + sum( A'./(b - A' * x) );

Solve optimization using fmincon MATLAB when objective function is in constraints

I want to solve:
I use following MATLAB code, but it does not work.
Can someone please guide me?
function f=objfun
function [c1,c2,c3]=constraint(x)
a1=1.1; a2=1.1; a3=1.1;
You need to flip the problem around a bit. You are trying to find the point x (which is (l_1,l_2)) that makes the minimum of the 3 LHS functions the largest. So, you can rewrite your problem as, in pseudocode,
maximise, by varying x in [0,1] X [0,1]
min([log(a1)+log(x(1)/(x(1)+1)) ...
log(a2)+log(x(2)/(x(2)+1))+log(1-x(1)) ...
Since Matlab has fmincon, rewrite this as a minimisation problem,
minimise, by varying x in [0,1] X [0,1]
max(-[log(a1)+log(x(1)/(x(1)+1)) ...
log(a2)+log(x(2)/(x(2)+1))+log(1-x(1)) ...
So the actual code is
F=#(x) max(-[log(a1)+log(x(1)/(x(1)+1)) ...
log(a2)+log(x(2)/(x(2)+1))+log(1-x(1)) ...
[L,fval]=fmincon(F,[0.5 0.5])
which returns
L =
0.3383 0.6180
fval =
Can also solve this in the convex optimization package CVX with the following MATLAB code:
variables T(1);
variables x1(1);
variables x2(1);
subject to:
log(a1) + x1 - log_sum_exp([0, x1]) >= T;
log(a2) + x2 - log_sum_exp([0, x2]) + log(1 - exp(x1)) >= T;
log(a3) + log(1 - exp(x1)) + log(1 - exp(x2)) >= T;
x1 <= 0;
x2 <= 0;
l1 = exp(x1); l2 = exp(x2);
To use CVX, each constraint and the objective function has to be written in a way that is proveably convex using CVX's ruleset. Making the substitution x1 = log(l1) and x2 = log(l2) allows one to do that. Note that: log_sum_exp([0,x1]) = log(exp(0) + exp(x1)) = log(1 + l1)
This also returns the answers: l1 = .3383, l2 = .6180, T = -1.2800

Matlab: How to solve the system of nonlinear equations with additional parameters?

I would like to create a function that finds the parameters p and q of Bass diffusion model, given the data of two time periods.
The model (equation) is the following:
n(T) = p*m + (q-p)*n(T-1) + q/m*n(T-1)^2
n(T) = number of addoptions occuring in period T
n(T-1) = number of cumulative adoptions that occured before T
p = coefficient of innovation
q = coefficient of imitation
m = number of eventual adopters
for example if m = 3.000.000
and the data for the years below is the following:
2000: n(T) = 820, n(T-1) = 0
2005: n(T) = 25000, n(T-1) = 18000
then the following equation system has to be solved (in order to determine the values of p and q):
p*m + (q-p)*0 + q/3.000.000 * 0^2 == 820
p*m + (q-p)*18000 + q/3.000.000 * 18000^2 == 25000
By following Matlab documentation I tried to create a function Bass:
function F = Bass(m, p, q, cummulativeAdoptersBefore)
F = [p*m + (q-p)*cummulativeAdoptersBefore(1) + q/m*cummulativeAdoptersBefore(1).^2;
p*m + (q-p)*cummulativeAdoptersBefore(2) + q/m*cummulativeAdoptersBefore(2).^2];
Which should be used in fsolve(#Bass,x0,options) but in this case m, p, q, cummulativeAdoptersBefore(1), and cummulativeAdoptersBefore(2) should be given in x0 and all variables would be considered as unknown instead of just the latter two.
Does anyone know how to solve the system of equations such as above?
Thank you!
fsolve() seeks to minimize the function you supply as argument. Thus, you have to change your equations to
p*m + (q-p)*0 + q/3.000.000 * 0^2 - 820 == 0
p*m + (q-p)*18000 + q/3.000.000 * 18000^2 - 25000 == 0
and in Matlab syntax
function F = Bass(m, p, q, cumulativeAdoptersBefore, cumulativeAdoptersAfter)
F = [p*m + (q-p)*cumulativeAdoptersBefore(1) ...
+ q/m *cumulativeAdoptersBefore(1).^2
- cumulativeAdoptersAfter(1);
p*m + (q-p)*cumulativeAdoptersBefore(2) ...
+ q/m *cumulativeAdoptersBefore(2).^2
- cumulativeAdoptersAfter(2)];
Note: There is a typo in your Bass function (multiplication instead of sum).
Now you have a function, which takes more parameters than there are unkowns.
One option is to create an anonymous function, which only takes the unknowns as arguments and to fix the other parameters via a closure.
To fit the unkowns p and q, you could use something like
cumulativeAdoptersBefore = [0, 1800];
cumulativeAdoptersAfter = [820, 25000];
m = 3e6;
x = [0, 0]; %# Probably, this is no good starting guess.
xopt = fsolve(#(x) Bass(m, x(1), x(2), cumulativeAdoptersBefore, cumulativeAdoptersAfter), x0);
So fsolve() sees a function taking only a single argument (a vector with two elements) and it also returns a vector value.