I am using intel-XDK and I want to assign my own icons in the project.
How do I specify custom icons with the Intel XDK project?
On the "Projects" under "Launch icons and Splash Screens" you can supply images that will be used for those icons. Each OS has different requirements for size and shape, but there are probably tools online that help generate them, given a starting point, e.g. https://romannurik.github.io/AndroidAssetStudio/
It is possible to change the branding of an Eclipse RCP application with an Eclipse "product". For example, the application icons, splash screen and about box can be changed.
But is it possible to change the icons of other things with some sort of branding mechanism?
It would be of interest to change to icons of the following things:
Views (most important for me!)
Different kinds of resources (for example, in Project Explorer view)
Toolbar buttons
If it is not possible to change these with some build in branding mechanism, is there any work around? Can this be done programmatically with reasonable effort?
It is possible to locate all brand specific icons to a branding plugin. The icons can then be changed by switching only the branding plugin.
To do this all icons paths must be set to icons in the branding plugin.
This can be achieved using the platform URI scheme in the plugin.xml file. For example:
Setting icons with platform URI:s is described the answer to this question:
How can I reference an icon from a plugin?
I am talking about the tiny icons on the toolbar.
There doesn't seem to be any questions like this on the web, they all refer to android or a custom application as opposed to the icons bundled with eclipse.
I want to know if anyone has tried this or can tell me that its not worth my time because it is a lot of work.
I don't think this is possible. The standard icons are declared using the org.eclipse.ui.commandImages extension point in the org.eclipse.ui plugin and reference icons in that plugin.
Try Darkest Dark Theme. Also its dev style preview (for more themes). It can change icons as well as have an icon designer integrated in it.
I have my custom fonts working fine when they are running on the simulator, but is there any way to view custom fonts in the storyboard itself while I'm working? My text doesn't match the size of the default font so I have to keep compiling and running the code and eyeing the correct size by trial and error over and over.
I've seen a few questions hit on this, but it's just bringing up how to upload custom fonts.
You can't do it in Xcode 4, as it limits you to the preloaded fonts. Xcode 3 had the opposite problem (with .xib files anyway) of allowing you to use any font on your Mac, even if it would not be available to your app at runtime.
Hopefully a future version of Xcode will hit the useful middle ground of giving you exactly what it can determine will be available at runtime. This is actually difficult for Apple to do because the storyboards/nibs live in a project (which may have multiple targets) and the fonts exist in the targets. IMO they should let you use any font and add a build-time warning if a storyboard/nib is built into a target that does not have all the required fonts in it.
What may work is to edit the storyboard as text (available by right-clicking) and rewrite the font names in there to your custom font names. If it follows the pattern of other Apple products you will then see the custom fonts but it will "correct" them back to "legal" fonts if you access that element in the inspector. I haven't tried this.
My pragmatic technique is to find a system font which has roughly the same characteristics in terms of character dimensions and leading, and use that in the storyboard for layout purposes.
Could you tell me how to add an icon to the iPhone application with mono touch?
Inside MonoDevelop
right click on your project main assembly
select Options
in the "Project options" dialog select iPhone Application
Depending on your version of MonoDevelop (well the iPhone addin) you'll have a different UI. Either a tab named Icons are a more visual UI that let you select the different icons to use for your application.
EDIT: I could also look like this (from http://ios.xamarin.com/Documentation/Building_for_Distribution)
I have a UILabel that I've placed in IB. In the inspector I have changed the font to "Papyrus". When I launch the app in the simulator, the font is not Papyrus. How can I change the font?
You can add custom fonts but you need to add them into your .plist file under the key "Fonts provided by application" to a new row.
Fonts must be added to the Resources of the project and TTF and OpenType fonts are supported.
I believe this is only available in iOS 3.2 or later.
Not all fonts listed in IB are available on the iPhone as standard. Papyrus is one of those not available on the iPhone.
More here:
You can add custom fonts to the iPhone, but I'd think hard before doing that -- if you're putting a weird looking font onto normal UI items, ask yourself if it actually looks any good! I've seen some real eyesore apps where someone thought it would be cute to put some crime against typography on all the UI controls.