Viewing Custom Text in Xcode Storyboard - iphone

I have my custom fonts working fine when they are running on the simulator, but is there any way to view custom fonts in the storyboard itself while I'm working? My text doesn't match the size of the default font so I have to keep compiling and running the code and eyeing the correct size by trial and error over and over.
I've seen a few questions hit on this, but it's just bringing up how to upload custom fonts.

You can't do it in Xcode 4, as it limits you to the preloaded fonts. Xcode 3 had the opposite problem (with .xib files anyway) of allowing you to use any font on your Mac, even if it would not be available to your app at runtime.
Hopefully a future version of Xcode will hit the useful middle ground of giving you exactly what it can determine will be available at runtime. This is actually difficult for Apple to do because the storyboards/nibs live in a project (which may have multiple targets) and the fonts exist in the targets. IMO they should let you use any font and add a build-time warning if a storyboard/nib is built into a target that does not have all the required fonts in it.
What may work is to edit the storyboard as text (available by right-clicking) and rewrite the font names in there to your custom font names. If it follows the pattern of other Apple products you will then see the custom fonts but it will "correct" them back to "legal" fonts if you access that element in the inspector. I haven't tried this.
My pragmatic technique is to find a system font which has roughly the same characteristics in terms of character dimensions and leading, and use that in the storyboard for layout purposes.


Adding custom fonts to the keyboard extension ios 8

How can I add custom fonts to ios 8 Keyboard extenstion like this.Can anyone have a tutorial or example from which I can refer.Like this example
1.In the above link they have the special characters as letters, Please refer below URL
2.In Your Extension,You have to maintain the two arrays one is with regular letter (A,B,C,D….)to show on your Keyboard
3.Second one is the Special character that you want to display in your target E.g..,(Ⓐ,Ⓑ,Ⓒ,Ⓓ..) (⒜,⒝,⒞,⒟….)
4.Use can directly copy the special characters from the above reference URL,and then you return the value of selected letter
5.If you want to give an options like the referred app,you need to maintain the array of those letters and return the value that you wanted to display for that selected letter.
Here is the keyboard button action,the insertText method used to insert your text to the target.
Please find my blog on how to creating third-party keyboards :Here's a link
Please find my sample project on github : Simple Custom Keyboard Sample
This is an old question but incase new people need the answer I will add mine. Gagan's answer (above) is quite elaborate and +1 for the github code; however, to my understanding the question is how to add font to custom keyboard, which could mean more than adding special characters to the keyboard keys (Gagan's answer), for example adding letters of languages not supported by apple.
In any case, to add a custom font to iOS keyboard extension, do the following steps:
Step 1. Drag/Add your ttf font to the Keyboard extension folder
(NOT to the host app) of your project in xcode.
Step 2. While importing make sure to check "Copy items if needed" and finish.
Step 3. Select Info.plist under Supporting Files section of the Keyboard extension folder
Step 4. At the end of the list add a string array
called "Fonts provided by the Application" xcode will autocomplete it
for you.
Step 5. Extend the newly added array and add the name of your
font/fonts eg. "Example.ttf"
Step 6. Now to make sure the font is copied to the final binary app, go to project properties and in the Targets section select the keyboard extension, then in the "Build Phases" tab and the "Copy Bundle Resources" subsection add/link the custom font.
That should get you a custom font in your keyboard extension!
Notice that in the steps the Keyboard extension is mentioned repeatedly on purpose, because thats the catching point when adding custom font to the extension compared to adding font to normal applications and it should not be confused with host app of the extension. iOS Custom Keyboard project in xcode usually comprises a host app which is pretty much a normal iOS app and the actual keyboard extension, both are displayed as folders in the Project Navigator.
If the custom font is needed to be used in the host app, then the steps are similar, only then make sure the destination is the host app folder and once again select the host app Target in the project properties when adding to the Bundle resources.

Switching to Base Internationaliztion

My app is currently localized for English and Japanese, with seperate storyboards for each. I want to switch to base localization so that I only have to maintain a single storyboard. I've checked the "Use Base Internationalization" box in the project's info tab and chosen the English iPhone and iPad storyboards for the base.
I assume I should delete the Japanese iPhone and iPad storyboards I had previously used, but I don't see an option to delete them when right-clicking on their files in the file inspector. Should I delete these old storyboards, and, if so, how?
** Edit **
Changing the 'Main Interface' shown in the screenshot doesn't allow me to delete the Japanese storyboard. It's hard to tell which storyboard to select in the dropdown because its width is more narrow than the storyboard names, but that's a separate issue.
This tutorial drives you through the process step-by-step. This is how it worked for me:
Remove all localizations and leave only the base.
Ensure that the localized files were moved from the project directory (in Finder)
Add the localizations one-by-one
The localized strings are extracted from the storyboard only when the localization is created. The Tutorial above provides a script that can help you keeping the localized files up to date if the storyboard is changed.
In your case, you will have to merge the existing translations into the new files but I suppose it is not a huge deal compared to the gain with using a single file.
For reference, the process is described in this official tutorial too:
After cleaning and reloading, I was able to remove the Japanese storyboards by clicking on the - in the project settings:

font suitcase to ttf issue

I used Mac OS Font Book to export fonts from it. I got 2 fonts files: Font Suitcase and PostScriptType.
Then I want to use these fonts in my iOS application, but to do that I need to convert them to, for example, ttf. But how?
May be someone faced this problem?
I don't need advices how to use custom fonts (such as ttf), I need advice how to use Font Suitcase and PostScriptType of fonts (may be how to convert it to ttf)
This solution doesn't require Fondu or Rosetta, but it does involve a little cut-and-paste into macOS's Terminal app.
Pretty simple, and free. And it works on macOS Mojave.
Try to use these steps.
1) Add your custom font files into your project using Xcode as a resource
2) Add a key to your Info.plist file called "Fonts provided by application".
3) Make this key an array
4) For each font you have, enter the full name of your font file (including the extension) as items to the UIAppFonts array
5) Save Info.plist
6) Now in your application you can simply call [UIFont fontWithName:#"CustomFontName" size:12] to get the custom font to use with your UILabels etc…
Also: Make sure the fonts are in your Copy Bundle Resources.

Font not appearing in UILabel

I have a UILabel that I've placed in IB. In the inspector I have changed the font to "Papyrus". When I launch the app in the simulator, the font is not Papyrus. How can I change the font?
You can add custom fonts but you need to add them into your .plist file under the key "Fonts provided by application" to a new row.
Fonts must be added to the Resources of the project and TTF and OpenType fonts are supported.
I believe this is only available in iOS 3.2 or later.
Not all fonts listed in IB are available on the iPhone as standard. Papyrus is one of those not available on the iPhone.
More here:
You can add custom fonts to the iPhone, but I'd think hard before doing that -- if you're putting a weird looking font onto normal UI items, ask yourself if it actually looks any good! I've seen some real eyesore apps where someone thought it would be cute to put some crime against typography on all the UI controls.

Why is app icon white?

Some recent version of iOS caused my app icon to turn white. I've gone through everything in regards to images and can't find the issue. I'm running Xcode 3.2.5 with sdk 4.2. I do have an entry for "Icon files" in Info.plist with 5 keys:
Item 0 myapp.png
Item 1 myapp#2x.png
Item 2 myapp-72.png
Item 3 myapp-Small-50.png
Item 4 myapp-Small.png
Item 5 myapp-Small#2x.png
All the above have proper dimensions.
I see the image in 'Copy Bundle Resources' and also in the .app file for the simulator version. It is properly reference by name in 'Icon files', Item 0. It is not named Default.png since it is referenced by name in Item 0.
Any suggestions?
You just need those 3 Files:
Put the names into the Info.plist under Icon Files.
EDIT: Clean your target if it still won't work!
That is what helped me (project summary - app icons are ok, iOS simulator - app icons are ok, iPhone device - blank icon).
Just reconnect your icons to project by dragging them from project navigator to App icon section in project summary.
When does it turn white? If you upgrade an app when it's running, sometimes it appears with a white icon in the "task" bar. This applies to apps you're developing and those download from iTunes. The fix is usually just to kill the app and restart.
That's the simplest answer, but I suspect might not be the solution.
Does the case of the file names in your Info.plist match the actual file names? The Simulator is not case sensitive but the iOS is.
You might also like to make a completely clean build. Don't just do a "Clean" in Xcode, instead manually clear out your build folder.
Finally, when the iPhone 4 first came out I had some issues with the order of the icons referenced in the Info.plist. I never saw white icons (usually just the non-Retina version) but this may be something worth playing with if nothing else works.
The icon file name may be too long if it is a custom file name. This is just a guess, and I hate guessing, but this appears to have been the problem I just had.
I have four targets using the same code but with different icons. I named the icons differently based on the app name, so I could store them in the same directory.
For example:
Icon_second_alternate.png (or Icon_secondalternate.png in case underscores were an issue)
This nomenclature was used for all of the icon names (there's 8 icon files to support iPhone, iPad, retina, etc).
The last one was giving me a problem. Despite a hundred clean/rebuilds, deleting the schema entirely and creating a new one, fruitless efforts, it suddenly occurred to me to try renaming it.
You should be able to name the icons differently, as I still use the first three versions. They are listed in the plist file and render in the project summary, and on the simulator, just fine. The last one rendered in the summary as well. However, I think the length of the file name was too long for the simulator. There must be a length limit. I renamed the fourth one to use the standard Icon.png naming but added it to the fourth target only (images are stored in a separate folder).
CONCLUSION: If you have more than one target for your app, use the standard naming system for all of your icons but add them to separate folders, and then when adding to Xcode just set the build target appropriately.
If you still have the default icon entry (even blank), this can happen, remove that entry in info.plist.
Also, Default.png would be your splash screen.
Load the icons into the Preview application, and make sure they are really png format (and not just named such) by doing a "Save As..." specifying PNG format in the save dialog. Do a Get Info to check the sizes. Make sure the case of all letters in the name match your plist entries.
I had the same problem recently - the Icons I was using were created in GIMP. When I opened them in Photoshop on the development Mac it complained about an ICC color profile. After re-saving the PNGs in Photoshop the Icons worked like a treat.
P.s. I just repeated my steps in creating the images in GIMP, but when saving unticked every extra option that GIMP - by default - was trying to add into the image when saving it. The icons worked perfectly this time around.
If you believe your icon configuration is correct, then you may simply be seeing a bug in Xcode.
As a workaround…
"Clean" your project. Choose Xcode > Product > Clean.
Delete the app from your simulator, or even reset the Simulator by choosing iOS Simulator > Reset Content and Settings.
Quit both the iOS Simulator and XCode apps, then restart them.