How can i connect with mongodb in SlamData for my EC2 server - mongodb

I can successfully connected with mongodb on SlamData but for my localhost. Now I have a mongodb database on my EC2 server that database i want to connect in Ec2 then How can I ?
I know username and password. What should be a host and port?

If you are running Slamdata on your host and want to connect to MongoDB running on a remote EC2 host.
Then apart from the username and password, the host is the Public IP or host FQDN [ec2-xxxxxxx], port is 27017. For this check if your mongos is running and binding on If it is binding to, you cannot connect remotely
Also check you AWS security group for EC2 and see that the port 27017 is open for your IP or in general to all [] (this is NOT recommended!!!)

You can also review the FAQ on located here.
Provides step-by-step troubleshooting for connecting to cloud-hosted MongoDB servers.
Additionally, the Path value refers to path inside of SlamData rather than the operating system path. For instance entering a value of aws1 results in a query path similar to the following, assuming you have a databased named demo and a collection named coll1:
SELECT * FROM `/aws1/demo/coll1`


How to connect VPS to MongoDB Compass

I bought a VPS and I want to put MongoDB server there. I connect to VPS with ssh tunnel, install MongoDB and start it.
The question is, that how can I add VPS server to MongoDB Compass? Is it even possible?
I was trying to connect via hostname but I receive this error - connect ECONNREFUSED
Also was trying to connect via ssh tunnel in MongoDB Compass - doesn't work for me.
Maybe there is a problem with port?
I can connect to my VPS from terminal with ssh.
I was using this documentation to install MongoDB on ubuntu and I'm using MongoDB 4.2.8
EDIT2: When I install mongodb on VPS, MongoDB ip is how can I change it? I want it to set it for VPS ip address. If it's possible, otherwise I don't understand how I can connect to my DB on VPS.
Sorry if it's lame questions, just first time using VPS and it's pretty complex to me.
Before you can connect to vps with mongodb compass, you need to allow remote connections to mongodb from your vps.
It is recommended to secure your mongodb connection with a username and password
Edit the mongod.conf file located at
sudo nano /etc/mongod.conf
Enter a comma and append the IP address of the vps to the end of the bindIp field. This will allow remote connections to the mongodb instance
Save the file and restart the mongodb connection
sudo systemctl restart mongod
Setup the firewall to allow connections to port 27017 (the default mongodb port) from anywhere. (Please note that will expose your mongo database to the internet. Therefore it is recommended to close this port when shipping to production)
sudo ufw allow 27017
That's it for the vps.
You can now open up mongodb compass
Choose "fill in connection fields individually"
Fill in the hostname with the IP address of your vps, port is the port which you opened previously 27017 in this case and select authentication by username and password.
Enter the username and password of the mongodb admin which you should have created already.
Choose the authentication database (usually admin)
That's it. You should be connected. You can now view the collections and fields of your mongodb instance on your remote machine

Cannot access local MongoDB from sam local

I have Windows 10 machine where MongoDB is installed. I can connect it from a command line. I run NodeJS app with sam local. When I use a production environment, the app can access Mongo Atlas cloud instance. But when I switch to a dev environment with localhost MongoDB it fails to connect.
The sam command starts Docker so it is clear why it cannot connect Mongo running on windows localhost. I found relevant question: From inside of a Docker container, how do I connect to the localhost of the machine?. The problem is that I still cannot connect my local MongoDB, even if I try:
"MONGODB_URI": "mongodb://"
"MONGODB_URI": "mongodb://host.docker.internal:27018/bud?retryWrites=true&w=majority"
Request failed { MongoNetworkError: failed to connect to server [] on first connect [MongoNetworkError: connect ECONNREFUSED]
Has anybody faced this issue as well and overcome it? Mongo is installed directly to windows, not in Docker.
If MongoDB is installed and running directly from windows, it should be accessible via localhost:27017. Default port for mongod is 27017, as described in mongoDB documentation page.
Try using:
"MONGODB_URI": "mongodb://localhost:27017/bud?retryWrites=true&w=majority"
If you are using NETWORKS_DRIVER other than bridge for your NodeJS docker container, which is set by default. Refer to Docker Network drivers
Other cases:
The default port for mongod is 27018 when running with --shardsvr command-line option or the shardsvr value for the clusterRole setting in a configuration file.
The default port for mongod is 27019 when running with --configsvr command-line option or the configsvr value for the clusterRole setting in a configuration file.
Remember, that localhost (or any name) is just for your convinience. Tcp stack works on ip addresses. If you configure dns service (e.g. via hosts file) to resolve name to for container it doesn't mean your host, but points to the container, always.
You could make mongo service to listen on your main ip and use it for docker app, but you can also leverage hyper-v virtual network cards and setup mongo to listen not only on host's loopback interface, but also on the virtual one and give docker app ip of that interface. It remains on your virtual lan, therefore it's not exposed to public. However, windows firewall might block it, so make sure you set it up as private network (it will be marked as unidentified and by default is public, which usually has stuff blocked).

How to remote access gcp ports of mongodb on gcp VM?

I have installed and running mongodb on port 27017 of my VM on gcp. But I am not able to access database from my pc or any external client.
I have set firewall rules to allow ingress traffic with tcp protocol on port 27017(tcp:27017) from all ip ranges( and have set priority 1000.
firewall rules snapshot
Now when i am trying to access the database from external client I am not able to access it. I even tried mongodb compass and used ip address of VM and port 27017 to access the database. But unable to connect and showing(mongodb not running on provided host and port) however I am able to access to database when accessed from that VM itself in which I have installed the mongodb.
Please suggest if I am missing out anything.
By default, MongoDB doesn’t allow remote connections. So I would suggest you follow this tutorial to resolve your issue.
Let me know if this was helpful.
Add --bind_ip_all to mongodb server start command.

PGAdmin III cannot connect AWS RDS

I am trying to connect AWS RDS PostgreSql from PgAdmin 3. I followed the below link
In Security Group, I also added PostgreSQL and All traffic as below
The "publicly accessible" flag was enabled (updated after Mark B's comment)
I got the error from PGAdmin3
Very appreciate for any suggestion
I can connect pgAdminIII to AWS RDS successfully using home wifi, but cannot connect using office wifi.
My concern is:
Was the port 5432 blocked by office wifi?
How can I configure/update the port without impacting to current API?
Note: My current API is working well (CRUD)
Can you can test your connection to a DB instance using common Linux or Windows tools first?
From a Linux or Unix terminal, you can test the connection by typing the following (replace with the endpoint and with the port of your DB instance):
$nc -zv DB-instance-endpoint port
For example, the following shows a sample command and the return value:
$nc -zv 8299
Connection to
8299 port [tcp/vvr-data] succeeded!
Windows users can use Telnet to test the connection to a DB instance. Note that Telnet actions are not supported other than for testing the connection. If a connection is successful, the action returns no message. If a connection is not successful, you receive an error message such as the following:
Connecting To not
open connection to the host, on port 819: Connect failed
If Telnet actions return success, then you are good to go.
If you are trying to access it from a network which is not listed for that port. you need to add inbound rules for those network IPs from AMAZON RDS system
You will also need to set Public accessibility true under Connect & security tab in RDS console.
Read this post.In your security group go to unbound rules and add my ip.
and make sure your database is public.

Google Cloud Mongo DB: External IP not connecting

I have created a ready to go MongoDB server on Google Cloud using the default parameters. Everything is working fine between them (there is communication and I can add DBs and collections). However, I can't connect to MongoDB on any external machine.
I created the firewall rules in GCP allowing all the connections ("") on the port 27017.
I am running the command:
giuseppe#ubuntu:~$ mongo --host rs0/,,
giuseppe#ubuntu:~$ mongo --host rs0/,,
I'm getting the same error on both of them. I don't know how to resolve this issue.
connecting to: rs0/,,
2015-03-18T19:47:33.770-0500 starting new replica set monitor for replica set rs0 with seeds,,
2015-03-18T19:47:33.770-0500 [ReplicaSetMonitorWatcher] starting
2015-03-18T19:47:34.119-0500 changing hosts to rs0/mongo-db-jff3:27017,mongo-db-vnc4:27017 from rs0/,,173.255.1xx.xx:27017
2015-03-18T19:47:34.493-0500 getaddrinfo("mongo-db-vnc4") failed: Name or service not known
2015-03-18T19:47:34.511-0500 getaddrinfo("mongo-db-jff3") failed: Name or service not known
2015-03-18T19:47:34.512-0500 Error: connect failed to replica set rs0/,, at src/mongo/shell/mongo.js:148
Here are my firewall settings.
Did you
configure the firewall rule in Google cloud console
provide a tag in your firewall rule
tag your instance with the same tag as the firewall rule
I explained how to open a port to the outside world in detail over here. Replace with your own port number.
I belive the issue here is that the ReplicaSetMonitorWatcher is changing hosts to rs0/mongo-db-jff3:27017, where mongo-db-jff3 is not reachable from your network. You need to configure the hosts in the replica set to something that you can reach (static IP or URL).
Quick example, mongo into your PRIMARY (SECONDARY if you want to do it no downtime):
cfg = rs.conf()
cfg.members[0].host = ""
cfg.members[1].host = ""